The narrowest of victories

By Zyge, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Recently played a tournament game, a massive load of bombers/fighters vs my capital ship only fleet. We played "Intel Sweep". My intention was to outflank my opponent and thin out his squadrons. I collected 3 of the objectives (75 victory points) and destroyed 2 A-Wings (11 points each) totalling 97 points. A win for me and I won the tournament also.

I did what I needed to do, but felt a bit bad that I wasn't pursuing my opponents ships for aggressively. If I did, however, I would have been absolutely mashed by his ships/squadrons ( I was fielding MC-80 Liberty, 2 Neb-Bs, 2 CR-90s and a GR-75).

Has anyone destroyed less than this, or even zero ships/squadrons and do they feel acquiring objective tokens is a viable way to win?

Of course it's viable. Objectives are a critical part of the game.

yeah, if you couldn't win by playing into an objective well, why have them? You did good.