Using Both Main Boards: The Talisman Underworld Variant

By Vyvyan Basterd, in Talisman Home Brews

I'll post the sections of the variant rules that have changed from the base game and expansion rules. If anyone is interested in the full consolidated rules document I'm more than happy to share via Google Docs.


Talisman Underworld is a play variant allowing for the use of both the original main board and the Cataclysm Expansion board in the same game. In this variant, the Cataclysm board is re-flavored as the Underworld, the Shadow Realm of the Dead, ruled over by the Lord of Darkness. All standard Talisman rules apply except as noted.

Mandatory Components: Talisman Core Rules, Talisman: The Cataclysm Expansion. Suggested Component: Talisman: The Dungeon Expansion. Non-Recommended Component: The Deep Realms Expansion.


Game Setup

  1. The core set board and cataclysm expansion board are unfolded and placed in the centre of the playing area.

  2. The Adventure Cards are shuffled and placed facedown beside the boards. These form the Adventure deck.

  3. The Spell Cards are shuffled and placed facedown beside the boards. These form the Spell deck.

  4. Shuffle the Remnant deck. Then, on each space with a Remnant symbolon the cataclysm expansion board, place one Remnant card facedown for each Remnant symbol there. Then return the Remnant deck to the box.

  5. Shuffle the Denizen deck and place it facedown next to the board.

  6. Shuffle the Talisman cards together to form a Talisman deck and place it facedown next to the board.

  7. Shuffle the Warlock Quest cards together to form a Warlock Quest deck and place it facedown next to the board.

  8. The Purchase Cards are placed face-up beside the board.

  9. Place “The Eternal Crown” Alternative Ending card on the Crown of Command. Optionally, if players wish to use other Alternative Ending cards, one player shuffles those cards, draws one at random, and places it on the Crown of Command.

  10. One player takes the character cards, shuffles them, and deals one, facedown, to each player. (Alternative rule: If all players agree, players who want more selection may be dealt three character cards each, and then choose which one of those three characters they wish play. The other characters not chosen are returned to the box and may be available if a character is killed.)

  11. Each player places his character card faceup in front of him. This card is the character the player will play during the game. A player’s character card, Objects, Followers, counters, and other game components form his play area.

  12. Each player takes the plastic character figure corresponding to his character card and places it on the core set board according to the start space given on his character card.

  13. Each player receives a number of life counters equal to the life value listed on his character card and a number of fate tokens equal the fate value listed on his character card. Players also each receive one gold. Life, fate, and gold should all be placed in the appropriate spots next to each character card. The remaining counters, tokens, and gold are placed to one side as stockpiles for use during the game.

  14. Any player whose character starts the game with any Spells, as detailed in the character’s special abilities, draws the designated number of Spell Cards from the Spell deck. These should not be revealed to other players.

  15. Any player whose character starts the game with any Objects, as detailed in the character’s special abilities, now takes the designated Object Cards from the Purchase deck.

  16. The Toad and Alignment Cards should be kept handy, to be used when required.

  17. The owner of the game takes the first turn. Play then proceeds round the board clockwise from that player.


The game boards depicting the magical land of Talisman are divided into two Realms (the Overworld and the the Underworld). The core board and all expansion boards attached to it are the Overworld Realm and the cataclysm expansion board and the dungeon, if in play, are the Underworld Realm. Both main boards are divided into three Regions (the Outer Region, the Middle Region, and the Inner Region). Each Region is subdivided into spaces, and each space has its title and encounter instructions printed along its edge. Characters move around the spaces in the Region they are in and can cross between Regions, and sometimes even Realms, as a result of encounters or card abilities.

Losing All Lives in the Overworld Realm

Any character who loses all of his lives in the Overworld Realm is immediately killed. All the character’s Objects, Magic Objects, Followers, and gold are placed on the space where the character was killed. The character figure is placed on the corresponding space of the cataclysm expansion board if it was on the main board or the entry space (city, crags, or forest; ignoring any terrain cards) if it was on an expansion board, but does not encounter that space. The dead character’s player receives a number of life counters equal to the life value listed on his character card. Characters are moved to the cataclysm expansion board after death if, and only if, no character has yet reached the Crown of Command during the game. If any character has reached the Crown of Command, a player whose character is killed is out of the game.

Losing All Lives in the Underworld Realm

Any character who loses all of his lives in the Underworld Realm is permanently killed. All the character’s Objects, Magic Objects, Followers, and gold are placed on the space where the character was killed. All the character’s Strength and Craft counters and fate tokens are returned to their stockpiles. The character’s Spell Cards are placed on the Spell Card discard pile. Other cards (including the character’s trophies) and counters are placed in the appropriate stock or discard piles. The character card and character figure are removed from the game. The dead character’s player may start again, on his next turn, with a new character drawn at random from the unused character cards, following steps 5–10 from the “Game Setup” section. Players may start new characters if, and only if, no character has yet reached the Crown of Command during the game. If any character has reached the Crown of Command, a player whose character is killed is out of the game.

Start Space

A character’s start space is the space in the Overworld Realm which he begins the game on. A character’s start space is listed on the bottom of his character card next to his alignment.

The Crown of Command

The last space on the board is the Crown of Command. It can only be reached from the Valley of Fire space, which can only be entered by characters that have a Talisman. If a character does not have a Talisman, then he must turn back. A character entering the Crown of Command space on the cataclysm expansion board moves immediately to the Crown of Command space on the core board.

Terrain Cards

Certain game effects instruct players to place a Terrain card on a space of the game board. While a Terrain card is on a space, the text and name of that space is ignored and the text and name of the Terrain card is used instead. If an effect refers to a space that is not on the board in the Realm where the effect occurred, it affects the same named place in the other Realm. If the named place is not in either Realm, that effect is ignored. For example, if the Portal of Power space in the Overworld Realm contains a “Monastery” Terrain card and a “3” is rolled at the Crypt, the character moves to the Portal of Power in the Underworld Realm. If the Portal of Power space in the Underworld Realm has also been changed by a terrain card, the effect of moving to the Portal of Power is ignored.

Interaction Between Realms

Global Effects

Effects that affect all characters affect each character despite the Realm the effect occurred in and the Realm the character is currently in. Likewise, effects that can target any character, regardless of region, may target a character in the other Realm (e.g. a character in the Underworld Realm may cast Random on a character in the Overworld Realm).


The Outer, Middle, and Inner Regions are made up of the corresponding Regions in both the Overworld and Underworld Realms. Effects that affect all characters in a specified Region affect all characters in that Region despite the Realm the effect occurred in and the Realm the character is currently in. Likewise, effects that can target a character in a specified Region may target a character in the other Realm (e.g. a character in the Overworld Realm may cast Vortex on a character in the Underworld Realm).


Any effect involving an unnamed space may only be used in conjunction with spaces in your current Realm. If an effect involves a named space, the player must choose that space in their character’s current Realm. If the named space does not exist in the character’s current Realm, they must instead choose the named space in the other Realm. Effects that refer to “that character’s space” are considered a named space and occur in relation to that Character. Effects that refer to face up Adventure cards are treated as named spaces. If the named space does not exist in either Realm the effect is ignored. Examples:

  1. When casting Teleport in the Outer Region in the Underworld Realm, you may only choose another space in the Outer Region in the Underworld, even though the Outer Region of the Overworld Realm is in the same Region.

  2. When casting Transference in the Outer Region in the Overworld Realm, you may only choose to swap spaces with another character in the Outer Region in the Overworld Realm. Even though the spell targets your character, the effect involves unnamed spaces and is thus limited.

  3. A character in the Outer Region in the Overworld Realm casts Vortex on a character in the Outer Region in the Underworld Realm. The character rolls a “2” and is instructed to move to the Tavern. The Tavern space in the Underworld Realm has been replaced by a Hell Pits terrain card, and thus no longer exists in the Underworld. Instead, the character moves to the Tavern space in the Overworld Realm.

Moving Between Realms

If an effect allows your character to move between realms, other than being killed, you do not lose gold, objects, or followers.
Edited by Vyvyan Basterd



When playing with The Dungeon expansion, add the following steps to the base game’s setup:

  1. Shuffle the new Character, Adventure, and Spell Cards into their respective decks.

  2. Take the new Dungeon board and place it next to the cataclysm expansion board so the Dungeon Entrance aligns with the Ruins. Shuffle the Dungeon deck and place it next to the Dungeon board.

  3. Leave the new Treasure Cards in the game box until they are needed.

Entering the Dungeon

The Dungeon is connected to the cataclysm expansion board at the Ruins space. A character may enter the Dungeon Region simply by moving directly from the Ruins space on the cataclysm expansion board to the Dungeon Entrance space, if his movement die roll provides him with sufficient movement. Entering the Dungeon through the Ruins space is optional. Characters may choose not to enter the Dungeon, and travel around the Outer Region instead. While characters travel, they may also discover Adventure Cards that allow them to enter the Dungeon Region. Rules for entering the Dungeon by means other than through the Ruins space are detailed on the specific Adventure Cards providing these means. A face up Dungeon Doorway card can always be used to move to the Dungeon Entrance, no matter which Realm the character is in, but a character can only move from one Dungeon Doorway to another if the cards are in the same Realm.

Leaving the Dungeon

Some Dungeon encounters grant characters the opportunity to exit the Dungeon. If the opportunity arises to move to an unnamed space, the Character must move to a legal space in the Underworld Realm. If the opportunity arises to move to a named space, one of three scenarios occur:

  1. If the named space exists in the Underworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  2. If the named space only exists in the Overworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  3. If the named space does not exist in either Realm, the character does not move.

Other than these encounters, the only ways to leave the Dungeon are to reach the Treasure Chamber or to exit to the Underworld Realm Ruins via the Dungeon Entrance space. When exiting via the Dungeon Entrance, a character with sufficient movement to continue past the Ruins must choose between continuing his movement clockwise or counterclockwise in the Underworld Realm Outer Region.

Emerge From the Treasure Chamber

After a character defeats the Lord of Darkness, has a stand-off, or is defeated, he must leave the Treasure Chamber and determine where he emerges. To determine where the character emerges, subtract the Lord of Darkness’s attack score from the character’s attack score and consult the chart on the Treasure Chamber space. The greater a character’s attack score, the closer he emerges to the Inner Region. If a character’s attack score beats the Lord of Darkness’s score by eight or more, he emerges directly on the Crown of Command! If the Lord of Darkness’s attack score is greater than the character’s attack score, the character must use the “0” result on the Treasure Chamber’s chart. Characters that emerge on the Crown of Command do not need to have a Talisman to enter the space. If a character defeats the Lord of Darkness without resolving an attack (such as by casting the Finger of Death Spell), the character must use the “0” result on the Treasure Chamber’s chart. A character who has defeated the Lord of Darkness may choose to emerge from the dungeon in the named space in either the Overworld or Underworld Realm (player’s choice). A character that has a standoff or is defeated emerges in the Underworld Realm, unless the named space doesn’t exist there, then they must instead move to the named space in the Overworld Realm.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd



When playing with The Reaper expansion, include the following changes to the game setup:

  1. Shuffle the new character, Adventure, and Spell Cards into their respective decks.

  2. If Using the Grim Reaper Optional Rule: Place the Grim Reaper Card next to the game board and place the Grim Reaper figure on the Portal of Power space in the Overworld Realm.

Grim Reaper

Having Death himself prowling the realm of Talisman adds an extra element of tension and fun to the game, but it can cost characters dear! The Grim Reaper works in mysterious ways and has no favourites, so his terrifying presence may prove beneficial or deadly to those who meet him along their way. The Grim Reaper is not a character. Rather, he plays his own game and all players may get a chance to interact with him, as described below. Death does not move until a player rolls a “1” for his move. When this happens, the player must complete his turn as normal, but then must roll the die again and move the Grim Reaper according to the normal rules for moving a character, with the following exceptions:

  • Because it is difficult for both the Boatman and the Sentinel to refuse anything to the Reaper, he may freely cross the Storm River at the Sentinel, or from the Temple to the Tavern (or vice versa), at the cost of a single movement point for either.

  • The Grim Reaper will not cross the Portal of Power, as he is already present in the Inner Region.

  • The Grim Reaper cannot enter the Underworld Realm when moving, unless the movement is caused by an Alternate Ending effect.
Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


No changes.



When playing with The Highland expansion, add the following steps to the base game’s setup:

  1. Shuffle the new Character, Adventure, and Spell Cards into their respective decks.

  2. Take the new Highland board and place it next to the Core Talisman board aligning the Crags with the Highland Entrance. Shuffle the Highland deck and place it next to the Highland board.

  3. Leave the new Relic Cards in the game box until they are needed.

Entering the Highland The Highland is connected to the core Talisman board at the Crags space. A character may enter the Highland Region simply by moving directly from the Crags space on the main board to the Highland Entrance space, if his movement die roll provides him with sufficient movement. Entering the Highland through the Crags space is optional. Characters may choose not to enter the Highland, and may travel around the Outer Region instead. While characters travel, they may also discover Adventure Cards that allow them to enter the Highland Region. Rules for entering the Highland by means other than through the Crags space are detailed on the specific Adventure Cards providing these means.

Leaving the Highland Some Highland encounters grant characters the opportunity to exit the Highland. If the opportunity arises to move to an unnamed space, the Character must move to a legal space in the Overworld Realm. If the opportunity arises to move to a named space, one of three scenarios occur:

  1. If the named space exists in the Overworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  2. If the named space only exists in the Underworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  3. If the named space does not exist in either Realm, the character does not move.

Emerge From the Eyrie

If a character defeats the Eagle King, he must choose any space in the Outer or Middle Region in the Overworld Realm and immediately move there. The character then encounters the space or a character in the space as normal. If a character has a stand-off, or is defeated, he must immediately move to the Crags in the Overworld Realm and end his turn. If the Crags do not exist in the Overworld, the character emerges in the Crags in the Underworld instead. If the Crags exist in niether Realm the character does not move and ends his turn.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


No changes.



When playing with The Dragon expansion, add the following steps after the base game’s setup is completed:

  1. Place Board Overlay: Using the board overlay is optional. Players must agree which side of the board overlay to use. If players are using The Dragon expansion for the first time, we recommend using the Dragon Realm side until they are more experienced with the game. The board overlay must be placed over the core board Inner Region so the doorways of the Portal of Power on both boards line up correctly.

  2. Set Up Draconic Lord Cards: Setting up the draconic lord cards is only used when the board overlay is in play. Shuffle the three Draconic Lord Cards facedown and place them next to the game board. Reveal one Draconic Lord at random by flipping the card faceup and place the Crown token on the card. Flip the other two Draconic Lord Cards faceup. Then place five life counters on each of the Draconic Lord Cards.

  3. Set Up Dragon Decks: Separate the Dragon Cards by colour into three decks (the Varthrax deck is red, the Cadorus deck is gold, and the Grilipus deck is green). Shuffle each deck individually and place it facedown beside its matching Draconic Lord Card.

  4. Set Up Dragon Tokens: Place all of the dragon tokens facedown next to the game board and randomize them. Players may prefer to place them in the box lid or a bowl instead. This forms a pool of dragon tokens.

  5. Place Sleep Tokens: Place all of the sleep tokens next to the game board. This forms a pool of sleep tokens. After these steps have been carried out, the game is ready to begin!

Board Overlay

The board overlay features the Dragon Realm on one side and the Dragon Tower on the other. Before starting the game, players must agree which side is to be used. The board overlay forms a new Inner Region and replaces the encounters and victory objectives from the main game board. When using the board overlay, no character may enter the Plain of Peril in the Underworld Realm. The Dragon Realm has a similar layout to the Inner Region from the main game board, but the challenges on each space grow even more dangerous as the number of dragon scales on the Draconic Lord Cards increases. The Dragon Tower has a single path that leads to the Crown of Command, and characters move along the spiralling staircase by drawing cards from the Dragon King’s deck.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


Time Card

The Time Card represents the passage of time and indicates whether the current state of the game in the Overworld Realm is Day or the Night. Creatures receive bonuses or penalties to their attack scores depending on whether they are attacked during the Day or Night. Some Adventure and Spell Cards also have different effects or react to characters differently during the Day or the Night. During the Day, each creature subtracts 1 from its attack score during battle and psychic combat (to a minimum of 1). During the Night, each creature adds 1 to its attack score during battle and psychic combat. If a character fights two or more Enemies at the same time, each Enemy subtracts or adds 1 to the attack score depending on whether it is Day or Night. The Underworld Realm is in a perpetual state of twilight; it is neither Day or Night in this Realm.

Passage of Time

Whenever a character in the Overworld Realm draws one or more Events during his turn, before he encounters any cards, he must flip the Time Card over to the other side. The passage of time works in strange ways in the Underworld Realm and the Time Card will only change if an effect specifically causes it to change. Daybreak occurs when the Time Card is flipped to the Day side. Nightfall occurs when the Time Card is flipped to the Night side. Example: It is currently Day and the Vampire Hunter draws an Event during her turn. Before the Event card is resolved, nightfall occurs and the Time Card is flipped over to the Night side. If an encounter instructs a character to flip the Time Card to a specific side and the Time Card is already flipped to that side, the Time Card is not flipped.


At the start of the game, place the Werewolf figure on the Overworld Realm Forest space and place the Werewolf Card faceup next to the game board.

Moving the Werewolf

Whenever a player rolls a “1” for his move, he completes his turn as normal, but then he must roll the die again and move the Werewolf figure according to the normal rules for moving a character, with the following exceptions:

  • If the Werewolf figure moves during the Night and enters a space with a character, it must end its movement in that space.

  • The Werewolf figure may freely cross the Storm River at the Sentinel.

  • The Werewolf figure cannot cross the Portal of Power.

  • The Werewolf figure may enter and leave expansion boards according to the normal rules for a character entering and leaving those expansion boards. If the Werewolf figure reaches the last space on an expansion board, such as the Treasure Chamber in the Dungeon Region, it must immediately move to any space in any Region (except the Inner Region) and end its movement in that space. The player moving the Werewolf figure chooses which space it moves to. Exception: The Werewolf figure cannot enter the Underworld Realm.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd



When playing with The City expansion, add the following steps to the base game’s setup:

  1. Place Expansion Board: Take the new City board and place it next to the core Talisman board connected to the City space..

  2. Set Up Shop Decks: Shuffle the Potion and Pet decks. Then, place the Potion, Magic Emporium, Armoury, Pet, and Stables decks facedown beside their corresponding spaces on the City board.

  3. Set Up Wanted List : Shuffle the Wanted Poster deck and place it facedown next to the City board. Draw three Wanted Poster cards and place them faceup on the City Gate space.

  4. Set Up City Deck: Shuffle the City deck and place it facedown next to the City board. Leave the Neutral Alignment Cards in the game box until they are needed.

  5. Set Up Alternative Endings (Optional): If players wish to use the optional Alternative Ending Cards, one player shuffles those cards, draws one at random, and places it on the Crown of Command.

Entering the City Region

The City Region is connected to the core Talisman board at the City space. A character may enter the City Region simply by moving directly from the City space on the core board to the City Gate space, if his movement die roll provides him with sufficient movement. Entering the City Region through the City space is optional. Characters may choose not to enter the City Region and may travel around the Outer Region instead. When characters land directly on the City space in the Outer Region, they must encounter the space as normal.

Leaving the City Region

Some City encounters grant characters the opportunity to exit the City. If the opportunity arises to move to an unnamed space, the Character must move to a legal space in the Overworld Realm. If the opportunity arises to move to a named space, one of three scenarios occur:

  1. If the named space exists in the Overworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  2. If the named space only exists in the Underworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  3. If the named space does not exist in either Realm, the character does not move.

Other than these encounters, the only ways to leave the City are to either visit the Wharf space (which allows movement to any Outer or Middle Region space in the Overworld Realm) or to exit the City via the City Gate space. A character who wishes to leave the City does not have to land exactly on the City Gate. A character with sufficient movement to continue past the City Gate must choose between continuing his movement clockwise or counterclockwise from the City space of the Outer Region. A character who begins his turn on the City Gate space may leave the City Region by moving to the City space on the core game board, or he may continue moving in the City Region by following the arrows on the space.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


No changes.



When playing with The Woodland expansion, add the following steps to the base game’s setup:

  1. Place Expansion Board: Take the new Woodland board and place it next to the core Talisman board aligned with the Forest space.

  2. Set Up Path Deck: Shuffle the Path deck and place it facedown next to the Woodland board. Draw three Path Cards and place them faceup next to the Path deck.

  3. Set Up Woodland Deck: Shuffle the Woodland deck and place it facedown next to the Woodland board.

  4. Set Up Destiny Deck: Shuffle the Destiny deck and place it facedown next to the Woodland board.

  5. Take Character Tokens: Any player using a character from the Woodland expansion takes the Character tokens described on his character card. Unused tokens are returned to the box.

  6. Set Up Alternative Endings (Optional): If players wish to use the optional Alternative Ending Cards, one player shuffles those cards, draws one at random, and places it on the Crown of Command.

Entering the Woodland

The Woodland is connected to the core Talisman board at the Forest space. A character may enter the Woodland Region simply by moving directly from the Forest space on the core board to the Woodland Entrance space, if his movement die roll provides him with sufficient movement. Entering the Woodland through the Forest space is optional. Characters may choose not to enter the Woodland, and may travel around the Outer Region instead.

Leaving the Woodland

Some Woodland encounters grant characters the opportunity to exit the Woodland. If the opportunity arises to move to an unnamed space, the Character must move to a legal space in the Overworld Realm. If the opportunity arises to move to a named space, one of three scenarios occur:

  1. If the named space exists in the Overworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  2. If the named space only exists in the Underworld Realm, the character must move there, if required, or may move there if given a choice.

  3. If the named space does not exist in either Realm, the character does not move.

Destiny Cards

During their travels through the Woodland, characters may find themselves bound to a new Destiny, granting them powerful abilities. When a character gains a Destiny, he places the card faceup in his play area. Destinies are not considered Objects, Spells, or Followers. Therefore, they cannot be ditched, stolen, sold, or traded, unless an effect specifically refers to Destiny Cards. Characters may gain any number of Destinies during the game. Destiny is a powerful force which transcends even death. When a character is killed in the Overworld Realm he keeps any destiny cards he owns and, if a Character is killed in the Underworld Realm and the dead character’s player draws a new character, all Destinies owned by the dead character are passed to the new character and may be used normally by him.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


The Harbinger

The Harbinger is the bearer of an ancient prophecy who has arrived to foretell the end of the world. At the start of the game, place the Harbinger figure on the Harbinger sheet. After a character in the Overworld Realm (not in the Inner Region) draws an Event, move the Harbinger to that character’s space. Whenever a character in the Overworld Realm in the same Region as the Harbinger is instructed by a board space to draw cards, he must draw Harbinger cards instead. Characters in the Underworld Realm do not draw Harbinger cards if the Harbinger is in their region, although other effects can cause them to draw Harbinger cards. Whenever the top Omen is discarded, move the Harbinger figure to the Harbinger sheet after the next Omen in the stack is resolved. A character landing on the same space as the Harbinger must encounter the Harbinger by rolling on his chart instead of encountering the space or another character on the space.

Omen Cards

As the apocalypse looms over the world of Talisman, signs appear and prophecies are fulfilled, warning that the end is nigh. The Omen cards reveal the greatest of these signs. Before the game begins, players must first decide which Omen set they wish to use. Collect all eight Omen cards belonging to that Omen set. Then use them to make a faceup stack, starting with the 7th Omen at the bottom, then the 6th Omen, 5th Omen, etc., with the Prophecy card on the top. The stack is then placed next to the Harbinger sheet. When an effect causes the top card of the Omen stack to be discarded, take the top card of the Omen stack and place it faceup on top of the Omen discard pile. Then resolve any immediate effects on the newly revealed Omen card. If there are no cards remaining in the Omen stack, all characters in the Overworld Realm are killed and no one is able to move back to the Overworld Realm (except for the Crown of Command) for the rest of the game. When there are no Omen cards remaining in the Omen deck, a player does not draw a new Character if his current Character dies. If an effect places an Omen card in the Omen discard pile on top of the Omen stack, resolve any immediate effects on the newly placed card. Continuous effects of the top Omen card of the Omen stack are always applied until the Omen is discarded or no longer the top card of the Omen stack.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd


The Nether Deck

The Nether Deck contains some of the most nefarious and difficult encounters in the Talisman world. It is used when playing with one of the three Alternative Ending Cards included in this expansion. Players will need to make sure their characters are ready to handle such extreme challenges when they draw a Nether Card. Special abilities and effects that apply to Adventure Cards also apply to Nether Cards, but only after they have been drawn and placed on the board. When an Alternate Ending instructs you to place Nether Cards on the board, cards are placed on the indicated spaces in both Realms.


It is highly suggested that the Deep Realms Expansion not be used with the Talisman Underworld Variant. If you choose to use this expansion, apply the guidelines above to determine any modified rules.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd

I welcome all questions and comments! I'll post all clarifications in this FAQ post and also track any updates that arise from issues I have not considered.





Change the text on the Overworld Realm Chasm to:

"Roll one die for yourself, and one for each of your Followers. If a 1 or 2 is rolled for yourself, move to the Underworld Realm Chasm and immediately end your turn. If you cannot, lose 1 life. If a 1 or 2 is rolled for a Follower, you must ditch it in the Underworld Realm Chasm space." - credit to bowlwoman

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd

Any ideas where to find a table big enough for this epic version

Any ideas where to find a table big enough for this epic version



It is highly suggested that the Deep Realms Expansion not be used with the Talisman Underworld Variant.

Edited by Bludgeon

Any ideas where to find a table big enough for this epic version

I've got two plastic-top 4'-by-8' tables I picked up at Sam's Club. It takes up a bit more room than Arkham Horror with all the expansions. Yes, my wife and I are insane, thank you for asking. :)

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd

I think Deep Realms could be used as a way to travel between the overworld and the underworld. You enter through overcity, and emerge in the underdungeon. Could be cool.

Certainly. I didn't want "easy" access between Realms, thus my suggestion to omit it. I think adding it would require very few, if any modifications to the above rules.

We've been play testing for almost a week now, but I don't own the Blood Moon, Nether Realm, or Deep Realm expansions, so I've not had the opportunity to test those. We've also chosen not to use the Dragon expansion until we have chosen a revealed Alternate Ending from that set.

Edited by Vyvyan Basterd

We've also chosen not to use the Dragon expansion until we have chosen a revealed Alternate Ending from that set.

I like the idea of using the Deep Realms as a conduit between the Overworld and Underworld, but there would definitely need some special rules as to not abuse it.

Also, what about modifying the Chasm space and terrain card to be a one-way ticket from the Overworld to Underworld? If you land on the Chasm space or a Chasm terrain card in the Overworld and you roll a 1 or 2 for yourself or a follower, instead of losing a life or being killed, you fall through the Chasm to the Underworld in the corresponding space.

Also, what about modifying the Chasm space and terrain card to be a one-way ticket from the Overworld to Underworld? If you land on the Chasm space or a Chasm terrain card in the Overworld and you roll a 1 or 2 for yourself or a follower, instead of losing a life or being killed, you fall through the Chasm to the Underworld in the corresponding space.

I like it! I'd like to keep the main variant rules...I don't think I can say "simple" at this point...uniform. But I've added a houserules section above.

You've got a pretty good idea there. I understand the utility of making a win at the Crown Of Command in the Underworld a win overall, but I think a slightly more thematic version would be if you get to the Crown Of Command in the Underworld, then you get reborn in the Overworld in the same state you were in when you died in the Overworld. Admittedly, that would give you zero chance of winning the game in the Overworld, but still...

Edited by Der1

You've got a pretty good idea there. I understand the utility of making a win at the Crown Of Command in the Underworld a win overall, but I think a slightly more thematic version would be if you get to the Crown Of Command in the Underworld, then you get reborn in the Overworld in the same state you were in when you died in the Overworld. Admittedly, that would give you zero chance of winning the game in the Overworld, but still...

I would work if you ruled the underworld inner region to be a bit easier than the overworld inner region.

For example, a rule that for each Talisman you possess, you subtract 3 from your roll at the portal/crypt/mines.

You've got a pretty good idea there. I understand the utility of making a win at the Crown Of Command in the Underworld a win overall, but I think a slightly more thematic version would be if you get to the Crown Of Command in the Underworld, then you get reborn in the Overworld in the same state you were in when you died in the Overworld. Admittedly, that would give you zero chance of winning the game in the Overworld, but still...

Thank you. I like the rebirth idea. It would take some minor bookkeeping to track where you were at when you died. One of my wife's first question when her character died, then later made it back to the overworld was "how do I remember that I died?" I purposefully made it so you didn't have to track that. It's not intended as "2 Strikes, You're Out," instead it only matters where your character dies. Groups more willing to track things could modify to the rebirth concept. What would you consider the same state to be? Strength and Craft reset to what it was at death? Fate? I assume not objects and gold. I think the rebirth concept would be a good houserule, I just can't work out the effect yet.

There were more thematic decisions than are evident in the rules treatment above. I went the route of the Greek mythology underworld in general. So mortals are sometimes able to enter the underworld without dying and dead heroes can make their way directly back to the land of the living. It's inspired by, not a direct match, with a look toward rules that flow as well.

The flavor behind the Crown of Command rule is that the crown is such a powerful artifact that its influence permeates both realms. I originally had a slightly more complicated rule about pulling other characters to the realm where the first person to reach the crown is. But it made interactions with other rules simpler to just move the person reaching the crown to the overworld. Even in the case of Alternate Endings, like the Merchant's Guild, I assume that the crown is being used to make the alternate as powerful a force as it is.

On 12/31/2016 at 2:32 AM, Vyvyan Basterd said:

I've got two plastic-top 4'-by-8' tables I picked up at Sam's Club. It takes up a bit more room than Arkham Horror with all the expansions. Yes, my wife and I are insane, thank you for asking. :)

My gaming group got together last May and broke out all the boards, including some custom expansions. Both main boards, six corner boards and a bridge board to link the two main boards. It was a blast, only took three dining tables, lol!

I need to set up the whole thing again at some point soon and get some better pictures. :)




On 3/11/2017 at 2:31 PM, Earl Wynn said:

I need to set up the whole thing again at some point soon and get some better pictures. :)

I'd love to see a closer look at your custom boards when you get a chance.

9 hours ago, Reedstilt said:

I'd love to see a closer look at your custom boards when you get a chance.

Check out the expansions section on Talisman Island -- I've got a Drakkhen board and a Timescape 2016 board on there!

I'm thinking about taking more pictures of the whole set-up once I get the two final corner boards I'm working on finished. :)