Sweet photoshopping on the Baron, Shnar! Is that a wispy long goatee on his chin or just an illusion of reflected light off his chest? Either way I think this picture is awesome. I'm sorely tempted to mod one of my many hellknights to match this image =)
Advanced Campaign rules 1st draft done
It's actually drool, but if you want to picture it as a goatee, then go for it
Speaking of photoshop, here's another avatar I whipped up last night:
I think I'm having too much fun with these Avatars to work on the other aspects of the game
First of all, he's a beaut! These Avatars of yours are gettin' us all psyched for the campaign.
I'm curious, what do you mean by "starting equivalent numbers"?
edit: NVM Just read your post on the Geek. Heh heh heh!
It's an Expansion thing. In the Expansion, rather than introducing a bunch of new Invaders, they introduced "equivalent" invaders. Before starting the game, the Invader Player had to choose which swap out he wanted (i.e. he couldn't have more than 4 Trite/Cherebums per player, even though there were 8 Trites/Cherebums per color). This kept the "balance" of the figures.
For Malwrath, I thought it would be neat if he could break that limitation and allow a bunch more figures to be used. Roolz on BGG thought that was rather powerful, but I figured if the Sector levels are small, it'll be rather rare that you'd see more than then normal figure limit on the board anyways, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I guess after playtesting we'll see