Advanced Campaign rules 1st draft done

By shnar, in Doom

I've completed the 1st draft of the rules for Doom: The Advanced Campaign and am proof-reading them now. I'm not going to upload this pile of crap anywhere public yet (making changes left and right) but if you really want to see it for yourself, PM me or email me at [email protected] an email address and I'll email it to you directly (350kb PDF, since there's no images in the manual yet). Please note it's a 1st draft of a rough draft, so it's still missing a lot of spit and polish.


Cool. Thanks for the update to let us know you're still cranking away. I'll PM you shortly for that link. =P I like looking at rules, even if they're not finished up yet.

Friend accepted, shoot me your email and I'll send you a copy of the PDF :)


I'll wait for the polished version, but I am very eager to read this!

What's that, what's that ? New content ? new missions for the game ? Me wants a lookie, me interested !

I'm trying to adapt the Descent Advance Campaign rules to Doom (the ones that came in Road To Legend and Sea of Blood). The first step is writing the rule book. I've recently completed the first draft of the rulebook (it's missing intro stuff and common effects/tile stuff at the back). Since it's a rough draft of a rough draft, I didn't want to post it anywhere for the general public. However, because a few here have been anxious to read it when completed, I'm allowing anyone to PM or email me ([email protected]) and I'll send you the PDF directly for review.

Unfortunately the manual is only about 20% of the work needed for the Advanced Campaign. Now I have to create Avatars, Lieutenants, 30 Sector Levels, Encounter Levels, special End-Game levels, etc. There's a lot of work left to be done, but at least it's progressing along...


I might be interested to try and make some sector levels when you complete the polished version of the rules. Should be fun happy.gif

shnar said:

Unfortunately the manual is only about 20% of the work needed for the Advanced Campaign. Now I have to create Avatars, Lieutenants, 30 Sector Levels, Encounter Levels, special End-Game levels, etc. There's a lot of work left to be done, but at least it's progressing along...

As a small (and not entirely unselfish) suggestion, I would suggest working on the sector levels and LTs first, followed by special levels and Avatars. That way you can playtest the basic mechanics of the campaign "dungeons" while you're still working on the rarer end-game content.

As far as common effects and tiles, unless you're planning on making your own and/or changing how the tiles and effects function from core Doom rules, I'd say just reference the base game rulebook. No need to re-invent the wheel when you've got so much other work ahead of you.

Good point on order of priority. Before I added anything more to the rulebook, I wanted to create a couple Sector Levels to show those that want to help what I'm looking for. I was thinking though after I had a /few/ sector levels done, I should get one Avatar done and use it to start up a test campaign.

As for the effects, I was again just mimicing the RtL rulebook. The last part of the manual lists all the effects from all the expansions, so I figured I'd do something similar, copy/paste all the effects from both rules as well as any new ones (like Power Generators, Health Stations, Storage Units, Elevators, etc).

I am going to need some graphics art assistance. My photoshop skills only go so far. Maybe I should pick up a drawing tablet...


Let me know if you need any help, my man.

All right, I've pieced together a couple missions that I think are what I'm looking for. These have *not* been playtested (kind of hard since I haven't quite figured out all the other variations of the game ;) ) they are more a quick guideline to the type of missions I think suitable for Doom: The Advanced Campaign.

You can download a PDF with sectors 002 and 003 at . I also uploaded the rulebook for anyone else interested in perusing at the same location: .


Edit: made the URLs links (silly forum).

Fun stuff Schnar. One question though. What are the stats of the doctor in sector 002 (wounds/armor)?

Haven't figured out yet, but probably 2 armor 5 health and 4MPs. It'll be like RtL though, there'll be a section in the rulebook for all markers in the game (from base, expansion, and And Hell Followed) and one of these markers will be 'civilians', which includes the doctor.


Great stuff Shnar!

PM me if you need any help (testing, balancing, harsh judgement :D etc.)

I've been kicking myself for month for not picking up the game/expansion on the FFG sale!

I loved the PC games, especially DOOM3 so I don't know why I have been skipping this game all these years.

I love Descent, and I kept telling myself "It's just a crappier version of Descent. Video Game boardgames can't be good right? Space Hulk is better"

But none of that matters, DOOM looks friggan awesome!!!

Your work looks killer! I've been reading those threads you have at Board Game Geek. If I got DOOM, I'd definitely use your variant and The Warps variant as well!

Doom is not a crappier version than Descent! It's much more streamlined and tense to play. If you like the video game, you will enjoy this I am sure! :)

Doom should be available for you somewhere. Just do a little internet search. I bought my Doom expansion on Ebay.

Schnar, me and a friend of mine have been working one some sector ideas, I sent you a friend invitation. We are still playtesting, but if we finish we could send them and also some ideas and rule considerations we had while playing them.

Friend accepted, would love to see what you've developed and will most likely fit in with the rest of the levels that others have been coming up. After those first few levels I created, I've been moving on to other required aspects of the game, being Avatars. Here's an update on what I've got so far:

First Avatar: Kronos


I've updated the image but haven't uploaded anywhere (put a burn around Kronos, overall the color is more red, and fixed the Mancubus typo).

Any Avatar Upgrade Cards (with one typo in "interference"):


Kronos' Upgrade cards:


The Lightning Bolts are a new ability: Aura, a marine takes 1 wound for each rank when entering a square adjacent to a figure with Aura. The shields are another new ability, Shields: Reduce the damage done by an attack for each shield before applying armor (it's a way to make a creature a little tougher without adding a whole point of armor).

Now that I've got a basic Avatar done, I'm working on the Lieutenants and then I'll piece together a few Encounters.


Where can I find the booklet with all these extra rules?

I never uploaded the PDF anywhere, I was just emailing directly since it's still in an early stage. Email me your email addy ([email protected]) and I'll forward a copy to you :)


Done e-mailing. Get e-mailing happy.gif

All right Zexion, sent you a reply with the rules rough draft PDF, the planetary map PDF and the sample Sector Level PDF (2 Sector Levels, got 28 more to create). Any feedback will be most appreciated :)


Got them, I'll read through them. Feedback after reading.

And while we're on the topic, here's Kronos' lieutenant: the Baron of Hell.




Whoops, just noticed a Typo, the Baron of Hell shouldn't be "Any Avatar", should say "Kronos Only"...
