Rotating Fangs + Repaint

By Sarcon, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Finally had some time to do the rotating Fang Fighter conversion, and do the repaint while I was at it anyway. To make the Protectorate rotate I used a tiny ball bearing. I did decide to keep the original placement of the peg, instead of rear mounting a peg to the engine, mostly for ease of transport and because this is less fragile.



And this is a picture of the conversion if you're interested:

I'm happy with how they turned out!

Edited by Sarcon

So awesome. I think it's time I get myself an extra Fang and practice making them spin!


Edited by ZealuxMyr

This may be not only a great conversion, but maybe the best repaint of this craft I have ever seen. Bravo!

NICELY DONE! Do you have any info on the bearing you used?

Thanks guys! The ball bearing is a 5x2x2.5mm closed steel ball bearing. It came from a RC model aircraft/car store. It was the smallest closed ball bearing I could find that was affordable (like 1.25 each).

Most impressive!

I love these so much. Both your conversion and your paint jobs are excellent!