Invader Strategy

By centralx, in DOOM: The Board Game

Just curious what everyone's invader strategy has been so far? I am going to play my first game in a few days and what a good heads up so I can put a good fight. Seems to me after reading the manual that I want to really balance card play vs. making sure more demons are coming at all times. Since I haven't played I can't be sure. Would love to hear some thoughts.

Use enhancement event cards in conjunction with demon buffs when possible. It's really sickening throwing two reds and two blacks from a Pinkie.

Focusing on fewer types but greater quantities of demons seems to maximize your initiative cards, or alternatively take as many types as possible to minimize the loss of initiative cards.

I hate losing initiative cards, and prefer focusing my actions around two or three demon types so I get to do a lot of activating at once.

Bear in mind, I've not fragged a lot of marines with this strategy yet, but more than I have using more demon types. Oh, and Ambush is amazing when you're doing this. Getting to start off activating like eight possessed soldiers is amazing.

Speaking of soldiers, they are worth putting a few Argent Energy tokens on. Overwatch is a solid ability that doubles the shooting a basic soldier will do in a given round a lot of the time.

I've found against a solo marine, having the initiative deck stacked by invader cards from lots of different types can have a power all of its own. Haven't yet had a game larger than 1v1 yet, so not certain this would pan out there.

I've found against a solo marine, having the initiative deck stacked by invader cards from lots of different types can have a power all of its own. Haven't yet had a game larger than 1v1 yet, so not certain this would pan out there.

That solo marine can be a real bastard with his two activations.

I try to stand on medpacks, space out my soldiers and use Darkness so he can't just stand in one place shooting, and keep plenty of Argent Energy to Overwatch when he does fire.

If you are playing infestation mode, you don't have much options. In the other play modes, your better strategy is to stall de the game and have the rounds pass without engaging, That allows you to you build a big argent pool and gain threat tokens. When you finally engage in combat you'll have a 5:1 shooting ratio.

In mission 2 i let the marines gaint the first token unchecked. They never gottheir hands on the second. (2 marines play).

Remember that time it's on your side.

Stun a marine whenever posible (cacodemon ability is great for that)

Use the cards "Crippling blow" "Ferocity" "Darkness" "Ambush" "Onslaught" and my favourite "execution". Glory kill a marine with 8 damage and the'll start to respect you!

Get at least 2 argent power every round. Shoot and run with the imps. Overwatch with possesed soldiers. Go to melee atack with cacodemons (2 cacodemos with 1 ferocity card and 2 argent alows you to 1"normal 2 black 1 red atack and 2 stuned attacks). The homing rocket argent ability is great too.

Regards from Buenos Aires, Juan Pablo.