Warhammer 30k to 40k, Epic Interlocking Campaign Rules: Thoughts and Advice

By MACDaddy6699, in Only War House Rules

Im aiming to start a Warhammer 30k Campaign at the start of The Great Crusade using the varying systems made by FFG. It wont be all the systems in one massive campaign going at the same time, but separate campaigns using the different systems that have an effect on the overall universe with the occasional crossover. So far im having it lean towards:

Dark Heresy 1st Edition-

Ordo Investica, the proto-Inquisition. Not canon I know but I feel it would be really interesting to allow a team to investigate recently compliant worlds for rebels and religious cults. Also having a possible chance to effect certain historical outcomes like the gene-seed disaster or uncovering chaos worship of Erebus or Kor Phaeron. They would have much more limited power then the Inquisition of the 41st millennium, but would function pretty much the same. No Emperor worshiping or powers involving such. Much more investigating and information gathering then combat, which is appropriate I think.


Legiones Astartes, The Astartes Legions. Of course The Great Crusade wouldn't be complete without the Emperor's Angels of Death. All Twenty Legions available(the missing two will be decided by vote or some other way) to play as. The same as above, Battles and Campaigns can be effected by PC's performance and such. I will take liberties in changing certain aspects of battles and their effect on history(such as having the Luna Pacification being a sort of first competition that could effect the gene-seed of any legion instead of the three it did historically).Much more combat and military orientated.

Rouge Trader-

Rouge Traders and the naval element of the Imperial Army. The only real difference is possibly more opportunities to discover worlds for the Imperium, and cooperating with Expedition Fleets more closely. More for exploring, adventure and ship combat. Eldar, Orks and possibly other Xeno's would also have games going if enough interest was caught. Fights between PC's would occur tho, meaning if your a Xeno you would be at a clear disadvantage(have fan made rules that I will modify).

Only War-

The Imperial Army, Solar Auxilia and the Legiones Skitarii, not including titans. This allow those that wish to play just regular old humans to participate in the great crusade, tho on a different scale. Humans in this game are much weaker, which is thinking I'll have players make a whole regiment, or allow them to easily join hordes(changed talents to implement them, I think) because dieing is going to be common among them. Another military centered game, much more challenging.

Very ambitious I know, but Ive always dreamed of doing a game like this. Allowing players to effect certain outcomes and altering the history of things from how Primarchs turn out to battles. As time progress, certain weapons will become available, taking certain planets will effect your overall expeditions strength, etc. My overall hope is if this works, takes off and holds, it can be played into the 41st millennium. I have a long way to go but I wanted to see if what im trying to do rules wise is right and did I miss anything if so.

So for the rules Ive basically done:

Homebrew Rules

New Actions

New Skills

New Talents

New Traits

Obsolete Skills, Talents and Traits

Playable Races:

Legiones Astartes

Overall, ive attempted to simply update the same actions, skills, talents and traits from DH, RT and DW to be on par with Only War or Black Crusade. Removing those that are no longer needed, are overpowered(in my limited knowledge opinion) or are not to setting(faith acts and such). Allowing each system to keep their own psychic system(as I am clueless on how to unify them.). I have plans to add new talents to the various factions and races you can play(WIP at the moment) aswell as modifying some more existing things. This massive Campaign isn't really supposed to be balanced, its more in line with fluff and role-playing oriented.
So some questions Id like to ask:
1) Does this look like it could work? Keeping in mind that the systems would only occasionally crossover but otherwise remain thier own?
2) Did I miss anything in trying to update across the board?
3) Did I remove something vital to one of the systems that should be put back?
4) Would you personally have an interest in such a thing?
If you made it this far, thinks for taking a look.
Updated: 1/9/2017
Edited by MACDaddy6699

Here are Legio I and III that I have done so far. Im using a fan made Horus Hersey rule-set someone else had already made for the 9 traitor legions, just changing some things up. Would like any thoughts, advice or ideas that anyone has on thier mind, mostly on if the advances changes are a bit much and any ideas for more traitor legion solo and squad mode abilities. As well as any ideas for traitor war-gear and weapons. Slow but steady:

I- "The First":
"The First" Characters-
The Legiones Astartes of The First gain the following benefits: +5 Ballistic Skill, +5 Intelligence and the Stoic Defence Solo Mode ability.
The First follow standard Legiones Astartes combat doctrine, and their dogged resistance against overwhelming odds is legendary. In situations where even other Legionnaires might withdraw and redeploy, The First will fight to the bitter end rather than give ground to their foes.
This is also reflected in their stubborn refusal to move in the face of the enemy, even in situations where it would sometimes be tactically beneficial for them to do so.
Solo Mode Ability:
Stoic Defence-
Required Rank: 1
Effects: The First are stubborn in attack and intractable in defense, holding their ground against even the most furious of assaults. Once per combat a Legionnaire of the The First Legion may enact a Stoic Defence.
The Legionnaire gains 6 Temporary Wounds and his maximum Movement Rate is reduced to 1/2 his Agility Bonus, rounding up (most Legionnaires with this ability hold their chosen position and do not advance or retreat!).
Unlike normal Wounds, these bonus Wounds are removed when affected by the Damage of any successful attack, and are always removed first before applying Damage to the Legionnaire’s normal Wounds. These bonus Wounds will also be lost if the Battle-Brother leaves his chosen location either by his own choice or involuntarily.
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 12. At Rank 5 and above the Legionnaire may move a number of meters equal to his Agility Bonus each round without losing the effects of the ability.
At Rank 7 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 18.
Storm Of Vengeance-
Type: Active
Required Rank: 3
Effects: While The First are capable of utilizing a wide range of tactics, a withering hail of bolter fire is a time-honored tradition and one frequently used by The First. Once per combat, the Legionnaire may unleash a Storm of Vengeance when making a Semi-auto Burst, FullAuto Burst, Overwatch or Suppressing Fire action.
If the attack hits, the Legionnaire gains two bonus Degrees of Success on the attack roll.
Improvements: At Rank 5 and above, all attempts to Dodge a Storm of Vengeance attack suffer a –20 penalty. At Rank 7 and above, the number of bonus Degrees of Success increases to three.
Squad Mode Abilities:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Sustained Suppression-
Legion: The First
Action: Free Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The First are masters of holding their ground and have a keen understanding of the tactics of overlapping fields of fire and kill zones. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range of him may take actions normally while maintaining Overwatch, such as moving and making attacks.
Improvement: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, the test to avoid Pinning when caught in a kill zone created by him or those supporting him increases from Hard (–20) to Very Hard (–30).
Angel's Wrath-
Action: Full Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The First righteous disdain for their foes and their urgent fervor to demonstrate their devotion and loyalty to the Emperor makes them decisive and ruthless in battle. There are few things that can stand before so driven and focused an assault.
While this ability remains in effect, all attempts to Dodge or Parry the attacks of the Legionnaire and those in Support Range suffer a –10 penalty.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or above, the penalty to Dodge and Parry Tests increases to –20.
Legion Defensive Stances:
Immovable Defence-
Legion: The First
Action: Full
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: Stubbornness is a valued trait among The First, especially in battle where they seldom give ground to their foes even in the face of overwhelming odds. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range of him gain a +10 to all Ballistic Skill Tests, a +10 to all Dodge Tests, and an additional +4 Armour Points to all locations as long as they remain stationary.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, the bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests and Dodge Tests is increased to +20.
With Every Last Breath-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: While even a single Legionnaire of The First still stands in defense of the Imperium, no enemy of Man shall be suffered to live. So resolute are they that even the most grievous of injuries will not cause them to falter.
While this ability remains in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range may ignore the effects of Fatigue and cannot be Stunned.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 5 or above, he and those in Support Range may also ignore the effects of any Critical Hit which does not cause gross physical trauma (loss of an eye or limb) or death.
{Lion El'Jonson}
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Interrogation 200 Skill -
Interrogation +10 200 Skill Interrogation
Interrogation +20 200 Skill Interrogation +10
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) 200 Skill -
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes)
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +20 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) 200 Skill -
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Mutants)
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10
Linguistics (The First Runes) 200 Skill -
Linguistics (Imperial Code) 200 Skill -
Storm Of Iron 500 Talent -
Mighty Shot 600 Talent Ballistic Skill 40
Hatred (Mutants) 500 Talent -
Bolter Drill 800 Talent -
Paranoia 500 Talent -
Operate (Surface) 500 Skill -
Operate (Surface) +10 500 Skill Operate (Surface)
Legion Advanced Specialties:
{Ravenwing Veteran}
{Deathwing Terminator}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Force Barrier-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Willpower 40+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: Wrapping himself in a blanket of power, the Librarian creates a potent but static psychic shell over himself. While this power is in effect, and as long as the Librarian does not move, he gains 3 AP x PR to all locations.
In addition, if this power is manifested with a PR of 5 or more, all ranged attacks count as having a Penetration of 0.
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: Rank 3, Willpower 40+
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: 50 meters x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Librarian summons a torrent of psychic fire to burn and char his foes. He may pick a point within range and engulf it in a cloud of flame with a radius of 2 meters x PR. All those within the area will suffer 1d10 Energy damage x PR.
In addition, all those within the area of effect must make Challenging (+0) Agility Tests or be set on fire.
Mask Of Shadows-
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: Willpower 50+
Action: Half or Reaction
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: Covering his thoughts in darkness, the Librarian hides his mind from sight, confounding the efforts of enemy psykers or fearsome foes to psychically engage him. While this power is in effect, the Librarian is immune to the effects of all Telepathy powers unless created by a psyker with a Willpower greater than his own.
In addition, the psyker suffers no ill effects to Cohesion or Willpower as a result of Fear.
Mind Worm-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 5, Willpower 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: Yes
Range: 10 meters x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: Driving deep into the target’s mind, the Librarian implants the seed of doubt and remorse, crippling the creature with indecision and guilt. This powers works against a single target.
Those affected by the power suffer a –5 x PR to WS, BS, S, Ag, Int, and Fel (all to a minimum of 05). If this power is sustained then the target may make a new Opposed Willpower Test at the start of each of its turns to end the effects. This power also confers a +30 bonus to the psyker’s Interrogation skill.
True Strike-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Description: Deadly against those with the psychic gift, the effects of a True Strike can smash an enemy psyker’s mind to pieces. If the Librarian performs a melee attack against a psyker (an individual Psy Rating of at least 1) within 1 Round x PR of activating the power, a successful attack will inflict an additional 2 points of damage x PR which cannot be reduced by armour or Toughness.
In addition, an individual suffering damage from this power must make a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or lose access to his Psychic Powers for 1 Round. This power has no additional effects on individuals without a Psy Rating of at least 1.
Weaken Resolve-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half
Opposed: Yes
Range: 5 meters x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The First Librarian forces his way into the minds of his foes, robbing them of their will to fight and eroding whatever resistance they possess. This power can affect a number of foes equal to the Librarian’s PR. Those affected have their Willpower characteristic temporarily reduced by –5 x PR (to a minimum of 1).
This has corresponding effects on their Willpower Bonus. If this power is sustained, targets are allowed a new Opposed Willpower Test (using their reduced Willpower) to end its effects on them at the start of each of their turns.
Legion Trappings:
Ceremonial Sword-
The First frequently carry swords with winged hilts in echo of their Legion symbol. These weapons are used more in ceremony than in combat, but they are perfectly functional weapons should the Legionnaire have reason to draw one.
They are carried either in addition to, or in lieu of, a combat knife depending on the individual’s preferences.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Ceremonial Sword Melee 1d10+3 R 2 Balanced 5 3 -
Hooded robes are a common sight amongst The First. While they are most often worn by veterans and other high ranking warriors, Legionnaires of all ranks may be found wearing them. The exact reasons and hidden meanings of wearing such a robe are difficult to discern even for members of the Legion, but a few examples exist below:
• Scholar’s Robe: Choose one Scholastic Lore and add +3 to all Tests on it.
• Robe of Secrets: Choose one Forbidden Lore and add +3 to all Tests on it.
• Seeker’s Robe: add +3 to Scrutiny Tests.
Legion Armory:
This venerated Plasma Pistol was recently left to a Captain of The First, who gave his life to hold a fortress on the edge of a highly contested warzone against an enemy siege until reinforcements arrived. Deathroar contains the power of a heavy weapon in its small casing.
The super-heated air around the muzzle as the weapon discharges produces a unique sound reminiscent of predatory felines from which Deathroar derives its name. Firing Deathroar on Maximal setting does not cause the Overheats Quality.
Name Class Range RoF Dmg Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Req Renown
Deathroar Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+13 E 10 10 3 Full Blast(1), Felling (1), Volatile 7 70 Hero
Furious Vengeance-
This master-crafted boltgun was created by master-artificers on Mars, only a few years after the start of the Great Crusade, and although it bears no inscription, it was consecrated with terrible oaths of vengeance and retribution against those that oppose the Imperium's rule.
Furious Vengeance has the Felling (1) Quality, as well as an improved Penetration of 8.
Name Class Range RoF Dmg Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Req Renown
Furious Vengeance Basic 100m S/2/4 1d10+5 X 8 28 Full Tearing, Felling(1) 18 25 Hero
{The Needle Of Truth}-
It is the task of The First's Interrogator-Chaplains to extract truth from those captured by the Legion, as well as protect its secrets and maintain its spiritual well being. The Needle of Truth is a master-crafted blade which was forged by master-artificers on Terra at the behest of the Emperor himself.
In addition to being a finely crafted power sword, the Needle of Truth has a terrible power over zealots and while its blade is bared any daemon or follower of the Chaos suffers a –20 penalty to all Willpower Tests provided they can draw line of sight to it.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
The Needle Of Truth Melee 1d10+7 E 6 Balanced, Power Field 5 30 Distinguished
Standard Of Fortitude-
The First, like many of the Astartes Legions, have sacred standards which they carry into battle in times of need to bolster the fighting strength of their men. The Standard of Fortitude is one such banner—emblazoned with the icons of the Legion and stained with the blood of heroes, it has a profound effect on all who view it.
In combat, any Legionnaire who can draw line of sight to the Standard of Fortitude becomes completely immune to the effects of Fear. The standard also boosts their endurance and, while in its presence, Legionnaires do not suffer the effects of Fatigue and ignore any Fatigue gain they might suffer.
Name Requisition Renown
Standard of Fortitude 40 Famed
{Weapon Charm}-
Among the Deathwing, Legionnaires sometimes adorn their weapons with fetishes, bird feathers and charms, in respect for their ancient ancestors and the roots of their brotherhood.
These fetishes seem to appease the machine spirits of their weapons and connect them to the Legionnaire, making them as reliable and unrelenting as the Deathwing themselves. A Weapon Fetish is a weapon upgrade which can be applied to any weapon.
A weapon with this upgrade will only ever jam on an unmodified roll of 00 and gains the Accurate Quality.
Name Requisition Renown
Weapon Charm 20 Distinguished
II- (?)
III- "Third Legion":
"Third Legion" Characters-
The Legiones Astartes of Third Legion gain the following benefits: +10 to any one Characteristic of the player’s choice, which also may be split into two +5 Characteristic bonus, and the Do or Die Solo Mode ability.
Noble Scions Of Europa-
Young men given by the noble houses of Europa, to make amends for thier resistance against the Emperor. Strong in body and full in mind, these men are the epitome of a normal human.
Skilled in war, aswell as holding knowledge that most men will die never knowing. They themselves know this, giving them a arrogant air about them irking those around them usually.
Solo Mode Ability:
Do or Die-
Effect: Once per combat gain +3 to WS & BS per Rank; up to +24 WS & BS on Rank 8.
Squad Mode Abilities:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Unending Self-Improvement-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 3
Sustained: No
Effects: When the Battle-Brother fails his Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, he may add +10 to WS or BS next round.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4, This ability may be sustained.
Legion Defensive Stances:
For The Emperor!-
Action: Full Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and all in Support Range of him receive +10 to Dodge and Parry tests and +4 Armor Points to all locations as long as they don’t move.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4, the bonus to Dodge and Parry increases to +20.
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Trade (Artisan) 200 Skill -
Trade (Artisan) +10 200 Skill Trade (Artisan)
Trade (Artisan) +20 200 Skill Trade (Artisan) +10
Performer (any) 200 Skill -
Performer (any) +10 200 Skill Performer (any)
Performer (any) +20 200 Skill Performer (any) +10
Tactics (any) 200 Skill -
Tactics (any) +10 200 Skill Tactics (any)
Tactics (any) +20 200 Skill Tactics (any) +10
Paranoia 500 Talent -
Peer (Nobility, Remembrancers) 500 Talent Fel 30
Sure Strike 500 Talent WS 30
Heightened Senses (Smell, Taste, Touch) 400 Talent -
Duty unto Death 800 Talent WP 45
Call to Vengeance 1,500 Talent Fel 40
Legion Advanced Specialties:
{Phoenix Guard}
{Palatine Blades}
{*Enhanced Warrior*}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Ultimate Sacrifice-
XP cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50
Action: Half or Reaction
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: When this power is in effect, and Space Marines are fighting against a Horde, the enemy must pass a Willpower test in order to direct its ranged attacks at any other target than the Emperor’s Children Librarian.
Shining Exemplar-
XP cost: 500
Prerequisites: none
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 5m radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: While this power is in effect, the Librarian can allow a number of allies equal to his PR within range of power to use one of his characteristics.
Fury of the Emperor-
XP cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: WP 40
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 10m x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Librarian creates a psychic apparition in a form of two-headed imperial eagle which charges in a straight line towards the enemy. All those caught on its way suffer 1d5 x PR Energy damage with Penetration equal to PR and must make a Pinning test with a penalty of -5 x PR.
Legion Trappings:
Imperial Eagle Pendant-
This pendant in form of two-headed eagle of the Emperor is typically worn on neck. Whenever the Legionnaire spends a Fate Point to receive a bonus to a test, he adds +5 more to his chance of success.
Aquila Engraving-
A proud Legionnaire has an engraving of an Imperial Eagle on one of his weapons. This weapon gains Reliable quality, if it’s a melee weapon, it becomes Proven (2).
Icon of Art-
A masterpiece of artwork, a picture depicting Primarch or the Emperor, a parchment with a glorious hymn, or a masterful engraving on Space Marine’s armor.
• Picture of Fulgrim: add +5 to Charm tests
• Picture of the Emperor: -1 Corruption point
• Glorious hymn: add +5 to Command tests
• Ornamental engraving: +2 to Fellowship tests
Legion Armory:
{The Emperor’s Standard}-
A Legionnaire who carries The Emperor’s Standard may enter Squad Mode as a free action, and also receives +10 bonus to Willpower tests. This bonus is extended to all Legionnaires who may draw a line of sight to him.
Name Requisition Renown
The Emperor’s Standard 25 Respected
The Third's Dueling Blade-
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
The Third's Dueling Blade Melee 1d10+3 R 3 Razor Sharp, Balanced 3 5 -

Edited by MACDaddy6699

Legio I through VII are here. I went back and made a few minor changes to I and III that I think fit them better for the time period. I had some trouble trying to set up the VIIth Legion, seeing how after the Iron Cage they went all self inflicting pain on themselves and its deeply ingrained in alot of thier rules from deathwatch. Ive left out alot of relics as this is the beginning of the great crusade, and such items would not exist at this time. Also Ive just reworded alot of current rules, power, wargear etc. just to give a better feel to the setting while not robbing the legions of what makes them unique.

Think it would be pretty boring if all the legions where starting out without anything that eventually made them unique. As before, if you have any suggestions on things, critiques or what have you, please let me know.

I- "The First":
"The First" Characters-
The Legiones Astartes of The First gain the following benefits: +5 Ballistic Skill, +5 Intelligence and the Stoic Defence Solo Mode ability.
Stubborn To A Fault-
The First follow standard Legiones Astartes combat doctrine, and their dogged resistance against overwhelming odds is legendary. In situations where even other Legionnaires might withdraw and redeploy, The First will fight to the bitter end rather than give ground to their foes.
This is also reflected in their stubborn refusal to move in the face of the enemy, even in situations where it would sometimes be tactically beneficial for them to do so.
Solo Mode Ability:
Stoic Defence-
Required Rank: 1
Effects: The First are stubborn in attack and intractable in defense, holding their ground against even the most furious of assaults. Once per combat a Legionnaire of the The First Legion may enact a Stoic Defence.
The Legionnaire gains 6 Temporary Wounds and his maximum Movement Rate is reduced to 1/2 his Agility Bonus, rounding up (most Legionnaires with this ability hold their chosen position and do not advance or retreat!).
Unlike normal Wounds, these bonus Wounds are removed when affected by the Damage of any successful attack, and are always removed first before applying Damage to the Legionnaire’s normal Wounds. These bonus Wounds will also be lost if the Legionnaire leaves his chosen location either by his own choice or involuntarily.
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 12. At Rank 5 and above the Legionnaire may move a number of meters equal to his Agility Bonus each round without losing the effects of the ability.
At Rank 7 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 18.
Storm Of Vengeance-
Type: Active
Required Rank: 3
Effects: While The First are capable of utilizing a wide range of tactics, a withering hail of bolter fire is a time-honored tradition and one frequently used by The First. Once per combat, the Legionnaire may unleash a Storm of Vengeance when making a Semi-auto Burst, FullAuto Burst, Overwatch or Suppressing Fire action.
If the attack hits, the Legionnaire gains two bonus Degrees of Success on the attack roll.
Improvements: At Rank 5 and above, all attempts to Dodge a Storm of Vengeance attack suffer a –20 penalty. At Rank 7 and above, the number of bonus Degrees of Success increases to three.
Squad Mode Abilities:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Sustained Suppression-
Legion: The First
Action: Free Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The First are masters of holding their ground and have a keen understanding of the tactics of overlapping fields of fire and kill zones. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range of him may take actions normally while maintaining Overwatch, such as moving and making attacks.
Improvement: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, the test to avoid Pinning when caught in a kill zone created by him or those supporting him increases from Hard (–20) to Very Hard (–30).
Angel's Wrath-
Action: Full Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The First righteous disdain for their foes and their urgent fervor to demonstrate their devotion and loyalty to the Emperor makes them decisive and ruthless in battle. There are few things that can stand before so driven and focused an assault.
While this ability remains in effect, all attempts to Dodge or Parry the attacks of the Legionnaire and those in Support Range suffer a –10 penalty.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or above, the penalty to Dodge and Parry Tests increases to –20.
Legion Defensive Stances:
Immovable Defence-
Legion: The First
Action: Full
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: Stubbornness is a valued trait among The First, especially in battle where they seldom give ground to their foes even in the face of overwhelming odds. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range of him gain a +10 to all Ballistic Skill Tests, a +10 to all Dodge Tests, and an additional +4 Armour Points to all locations as long as they remain stationary.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, the bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests and Dodge Tests is increased to +20.
With Every Last Breath-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: While even a single Legionnaire of The First still stands in defense of the Imperium, no enemy of Man shall be suffered to live. So resolute are they that even the most grievous of injuries will not cause them to falter.
While this ability remains in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range may ignore the effects of Fatigue and cannot be Stunned.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 5 or above, he and those in Support Range may also ignore the effects of any Critical Hit which does not cause gross physical trauma (loss of an eye or limb) or death.
{Lion El'Jonson}
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Interrogation 200 Skill -
Interrogation +10 200 Skill Interrogation
Interrogation +20 200 Skill Interrogation +10
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) 200 Skill -
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes)
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +20 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) 200 Skill -
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Mutants)
Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10
Forbidden Lore (Any) 200 Skill -
Forbidden Lore (Any) 200 Skill -
Storm Of Iron 500 Talent -
Hatred (Any) 500 Talent -
Hatred (Mutants) 500 Talent -
Bolter Drill 600 Talent -
Paranoia 500 Talent -
Stalwart Defence 500 Talent -
Sound Constitution (x2) 1,000 Talent -
Legion Advanced Specialties:
{Ravenwing Veteran}
{Deathwing Terminator}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Force Barrier-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Willpower 40+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: Wrapping himself in a blanket of power, the Librarian creates a potent but static psychic shell over himself. While this power is in effect, and as long as the Librarian does not move, he gains 3 AP x PR to all locations.
In addition, if this power is manifested with a PR of 5 or more, all ranged attacks count as having a Penetration of 0.
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: Rank 3, Willpower 40+
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: 50 meters x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Librarian summons a torrent of psychic fire to burn and char his foes. He may pick a point within range and engulf it in a cloud of flame with a radius of 2 meters x PR. All those within the area will suffer 1d10 Energy damage x PR.
In addition, all those within the area of effect must make Challenging (+0) Agility Tests or be set on fire.
Mask Of Shadows-
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: Willpower 50+
Action: Half or Reaction
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: Covering his thoughts in darkness, the Librarian hides his mind from sight, confounding the efforts of enemy psykers or fearsome foes to psychically engage him. While this power is in effect, the Librarian is immune to the effects of all Telepathy powers unless created by a psyker with a Willpower greater than his own.
In addition, the psyker suffers no ill effects to Cohesion or Willpower as a result of Fear.
Mind Worm-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 5, Willpower 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: Yes
Range: 10 meters x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: Driving deep into the target’s mind, the Librarian implants the seed of doubt and remorse, crippling the creature with indecision and guilt. This powers works against a single target.
Those affected by the power suffer a –5 x PR to WS, BS, S, Ag, Int, and Fel (all to a minimum of 05). If this power is sustained then the target may make a new Opposed Willpower Test at the start of each of its turns to end the effects. This power also confers a +30 bonus to the psyker’s Interrogation skill.
True Strike-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: No
Description: Deadly against those with the psychic gift, the effects of a True Strike can smash an enemy psyker’s mind to pieces. If the Librarian performs a melee attack against a psyker (an individual Psy Rating of at least 1) within 1 Round x PR of activating the power, a successful attack will inflict an additional 2 points of damage x PR which cannot be reduced by armour or Toughness.
In addition, an individual suffering damage from this power must make a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or lose access to his Psychic Powers for 1 Round. This power has no additional effects on individuals without a Psy Rating of at least 1.
Weaken Resolve-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half
Opposed: Yes
Range: 5 meters x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The First Librarian forces his way into the minds of his foes, robbing them of their will to fight and eroding whatever resistance they possess. This power can affect a number of foes equal to the Librarian’s PR. Those affected have their Willpower characteristic temporarily reduced by –5 x PR (to a minimum of 1).
This has corresponding effects on their Willpower Bonus. If this power is sustained, targets are allowed a new Opposed Willpower Test (using their reduced Willpower) to end its effects on them at the start of each of their turns.
Legion Trappings:
Ceremonial Sword-
The First frequently carry swords with winged hilts in echo of their Legion symbol. These weapons are used more in ceremony than in combat, but they are perfectly functional weapons should the Legionnaire have reason to draw one.
They are carried either in addition to, or in lieu of, a combat knife depending on the individual’s preferences.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Ceremonial Sword Melee 1d10+3 R 2 Balanced 5 3 -
Hooded robes are a common sight amongst The First. While they are most often worn by veterans and other high ranking warriors, Legionnaires of all ranks may be found wearing them. The exact reasons and hidden meanings of wearing such a robe are difficult to discern even for members of the Legion, but a few examples exist below:
• Scholar’s Robe: Choose one Scholastic Lore and add +3 to all Tests on it.
• Robe of Secrets: Choose one Forbidden Lore and add +3 to all Tests on it.
• Seeker’s Robe: add +3 to Scrutiny Tests.
Legion Armory:
Standard Of Fortitude-
The First, like many of the Astartes Legions, have sacred standards which they carry into battle in times of need to bolster the fighting strength of their men. The Standard of Fortitude is one such banner—emblazoned with the icons of the Legion and stained with the blood of heroes, it has a profound effect on all who view it.
In combat, any Legionnaire who can draw line of sight to the Standard of Fortitude becomes completely immune to the effects of Fear. The standard also boosts their endurance and, while in its presence, Legionnaires do not suffer the effects of Fatigue and ignore any Fatigue gain they might suffer.
Name Requisition Renown
Standard of Fortitude 40 Famed
Weapon Charm-
Among the Deathwing, Legionnaires sometimes adorn their weapons with fetishes, bird feathers and charms, in respect for their ancient ancestors and the roots of their brotherhood.
These fetishes seem to appease the machine spirits of their weapons and connect them to the Legionnaire, making them as reliable and unrelenting as the Deathwing themselves. A Weapon Fetish is a weapon upgrade which can be applied to any weapon.
A weapon with this upgrade will only ever jam on an unmodified roll of 00 and gains the Accurate Quality.
Name Requisition Renown
Weapon Charm 20 Distinguished
II- (?)
III- "Third Legion":
"Third Legion" Characters-
The Legiones Astartes of Third Legion gain the following benefits: +10 to any one Characteristic of the player’s choice, which also may be split into two +5 Characteristic bonus, and the Do or Die Solo Mode ability.
Noble Scions-
Young men given by the noble houses of Terra, to make amends for thier resistance against the Emperor. Strong in body and full in mind, these men are the epitome of a normal human.
Skilled in war, aswell as holding knowledge that most men will die never knowing. They themselves know this, giving them a arrogant air about them irking those around them usually.
Solo Mode Ability:
Do or Die-
Effect: Once per combat gain +3 to WS & BS per Rank; up to +24 WS & BS on Rank 8.
Squad Mode Abilities:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Unending Self-Improvement-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 3
Sustained: No
Effects: When the Battle-Brother fails his Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, he may add +10 to WS or BS next round.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4, This ability may be sustained.
Legion Defensive Stances:
For The Emperor!-
Action: Full Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and all in Support Range of him receive +10 to Dodge and Parry tests and +4 Armor Points to all locations as long as they don’t move.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4, the bonus to Dodge and Parry increases to +20.
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Trade (Artisan) 200 Skill -
Trade (Artisan) +10 200 Skill Trade (Artisan)
Trade (Artisan) +20 200 Skill Trade (Artisan) +10
Performer (any) 200 Skill -
Performer (any) +10 200 Skill Performer (any)
Performer (any) +20 200 Skill Performer (any) +10
Tactics (any) 200 Skill -
Tactics (any) +10 200 Skill Tactics (any)
Tactics (any) +20 200 Skill Tactics (any) +10
Paranoia 500 Talent -
Peer (Nobility, Remembrancers) 500 Talent Fel 30
Blademaster 800 Talent WS 30
Heightened Senses (Smell, Taste, Touch) 400 Talent -
Duty unto Death 800 Talent WP 45
Call to Vengeance 1,500 Talent Fel 40
Legion Advanced Specialties:
{Phoenix Guard}
{Palatine Blades}
{*Enhanced Warrior*}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Ultimate Sacrifice-
XP cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50
Action: Half or Reaction
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: When this power is in effect, and Space Marines are fighting against a Horde, the enemy must pass a Willpower test in order to direct its ranged attacks at any other target than the Emperor’s Children Librarian.
Shining Exemplar-
XP cost: 500
Prerequisites: none
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 5m radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: While this power is in effect, the Librarian can allow a number of allies equal to his PR within range of power to use one of his characteristics.
Fury of the Emperor-
XP cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: WP 40
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 10m x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Librarian creates a psychic apparition in a form of two-headed imperial eagle which charges in a straight line towards the enemy. All those caught on its way suffer 1d5 x PR Energy damage with Penetration equal to PR and must make a Pinning test with a penalty of -5 x PR.
Legion Trappings:
Imperial Eagle Pendant-
This pendant in form of two-headed eagle of the Emperor is typically worn on neck. Whenever the Legionnaire spends a Fate Point to receive a bonus to a test, he adds +5 more to his chance of success.
Aquila Engraving-
A proud Legionnaire has an engraving of an Imperial Eagle on one of his weapons. This weapon gains Reliable quality, if it’s a melee weapon, it becomes Proven (2).
Icon of Art-
A masterpiece of artwork, a picture depicting Primarch or the Emperor, a parchment with a glorious hymn, or a masterful engraving on Space Marine’s armor.
• Picture of Fulgrim: add +5 to Charm tests
• Picture of the Emperor: -1 Corruption point
• Glorious hymn: add +5 to Command tests
• Ornamental engraving: +2 to Fellowship tests
Legion Armory:
{The Emperor’s Standard}-
A Legionnaire who carries The Emperor’s Standard may enter Squad Mode as a free action, and also receives +10 bonus to Willpower tests. This bonus is extended to all Legionnaires who may draw a line of sight to him.
Name Requisition Renown
The Emperor’s Standard 25 Respected
The Third's Dueling Blade-
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
The Third's Dueling Blade Melee 1d10+3 R 3 Razor Sharp, Balanced 3 5 -
IV- "Corpse Grinders":
The legiones astartes of the Corpse Grinders legion gain the following benefits: +5 to Ballistic Skill, +5 to Intelligence, Siegecraft Talent and the Master of Arms Solo Mode ability.
No Task is Impossible-
This Demeanor means that Corpse Grinders believe that there is no fortress that cannot be taken, no force capable of standing against them, no task that is impossible for them. This arrogance often costs them too many lives. They tend to rely on machinery too much.
New Talent:
The Astartes of the Corpse Grinders Legion are renowned for their ability to craft fortifications that have stood the tests of the worst enemies of Mankind. If he has time to prepare the battlefield (1d5 hours at a minimum), the Corpse Grinder may improve Armor Points of a cover by a number equal to his Intelligence bonus.
Alternatively he can change the type of terrain from normal to difficult and from difficult to arduous. The effects are permanent.
Solo Mode Ability:
Master of Arms-
Effect : All hand-held ranged weapons are Reliable (or lose an Unreliable quality) in hands of an Corpse Grinder; Rank 3: all vehicle weapons operated by a Corpse Grinder gain Reliable quality; Rank 5: once per combat add +5 to BS; Rank 7+: all hand-held ranged weapons never jam while in hands of a Corpse Grinder.
Squad Mode Abilites:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Siege Breaker-
Action: Full Action
Cost : 3
Sustained: Yes
Effect: While this ability is in effect, the Battle-Brother and who’s in Support Range of him may ignore 1 Armor Point provided by cover per each uneven Rank obtained (up to maximum of 4 AP ignored at Rank 7th).
Legion Defensive Stances:
Courage Under Fire-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 1
Sustained: No
Effect: When this ability is used, the Battle-Brother and all in Support Range of him may immediately recover from being Pinned.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4, they may also make a Half Move as a Free Action.
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Demolition 200 Skill -
Common Lore (Tech) 100 Skill -
Common Lore (Tech) +10 200 Skill Common Lore (Tech)
Common Lore (Tech) +20 200 Skill Common Lore (Tech) +10
Tech-Use 200 Skill -
Operate (Surface) 200 Skill -
Operate (Surface) +10 200 Skill Operate (Surface)
Bolter Drill 600 Talent -
Concealed Cavity 200 Talent -
Electro Graft Use 400 Talent -
Logis Implant 600 Talent -
Technical Knock 400 Talent Int 30
The Flesh is Weak (x3) 800 Talent -
Last Man Standing 800 Talent Nerves of Steel
Eye of Venegance 1,000 Talent -
Linguistics (Techna-Lingua) 400 Talent -
Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus) 500 Talent Fel 30
Legion Advanced Specialities:
{Tyrant Siege Terminator}
{Iron Havoc}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Iron Within-
XP cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: While this power is in effect, the Corpse Grinder Librarian counts as equipped with an invisible Astartes Thunder Hammer (2d10+5 E, Pen 3 x PR, Power Field, Concussive, Unwieldy) to those without psychic sight.
Iron Without-
XP cost: 2,000
Prerequisites: Rank 5, WP 60
Action: Extended (5)
Opposed: No
Range: 1km x PR
Sustained: No
Description: With the power of an orbital barrage, the Librarian calls down a mighty iron hammer of psychic energy with the power to lay waste to entire towns. The Librarian chooses a point within range and calls down the Iron Without.
It has a radius of 100m x PR. Anything within the area of effect is subjected to a moderate earthquake, inflicting 3d10 x PR damage on all structures, possibly causing them to collapse (inflicting up to 3d10 I damage on any targets within this radius from falling debris, etc).
Creatures within the area must make a Hard (-20) Agility test to remain standing. This power cannot be used Fettered, and doesn’t work indoors. It’s extraordinary taxing and inflicts 1d5 levels of Fatigue on the Librarian. In addition, he may not attempt to use the power again for at least 24 hours.
Legion Trappings:
Cogwheel amulet-
A symbol of Mechanicus of Mars, painted on armor or worn by a Legionnaire. +5 to Fellowship tests vs Adeptus Mechanicus.
Self-made Tool-
Some tool for repairs that a Corpse Grinder made himself and used for many years. When using this tool, a Astartes adds +2 to his Tech-Use tests and to BS tests to un-jam a weapon.
Legion Armory:
A clavis is a special silvered vambrace, granted only to Techmarines or to Corpse Grinders. It may bypass almost any Imperial lock, granting +30 bonus to Security tests and allowing to use the skill even if a Astartes doesn’t possess it.
Siege Auspex-
The siege auspex is a powerful scanner that can see through the densest materials to find their weak points. These items are used for finding stress fractures, reinforced or up-armoured areas, hidden passages, power conduits, and the numerous other items of interest to a siege engineer.
The machine-spirits of a siege auspex, while canny, can only see so far through solid objects and have a fixed range of about 30 metres. Things like energy fields, thick bulkheads, iron, stone, armaplas, and plasteel can reduce the range of the unit or blind it all together.
GM’s should take into consideration the materials being scanned and adjust the siege auspex’s range accordingly.
V- "Fifth Legion":
The legiones astartes of Fifth Legion gain the following benefits: +5 Agility, +5 Willpower and the As Swift As The Wind Solo Mode Ability.
Nomads Of Old-
The Fifth Legion display a finely balanced mix of wildness and discipline. They are often dour, even severe, and suffer fools with poor grace, yet they are supremely honourable and have a highly developed sense of justice and tradition.
Once at ease, a Legionnaire of The Fifth Legion reveals himself to be capable of humour and kindness. They are thorough and considered in planning any deed, and when the time comes to unleash the fires of battle they do so with savage abandon.
Solo Mode Ability:
As Swift As The Wind-
Type: Active
Required Rank: 1
Effects: The Fifth Legion are renowned for their lightning assaults, their attacks delivered with precise timing and intense focus, unleashing their fury against the enemy and then withdrawing to prepare for another attack from a different direction. After making a ranged attack, a successful Challenging (+0) Agility Test (or Drive or Pilot Test, if operating a vehicle) allows the Legionnaire to make a standard Half Move (or move half his vehicle’s Tactical Speed, rounding up) as a Free Action.
The character may only make this move once per Round.
Improvements: At Rank 3 and above, the Legionnaire’s swift and sudden attacks grant him an additional +10 to hit and +2 damage against Surprised or Unaware enemies. At Rank 5 and above, the Legionnaire maintains a swift pace at all times, counting his Agility Bonus as 1 higher for the purposes of movement and increasing the Tactical Speed of any vehicle he uses by 1m (this bonus to movement speed remains active even when the Legionnaire is not in Solo Mode).
At Rank 7 and above, the Legionnaire may make a Full Move, or move his vehicle’s full Tactical Speed, after making a ranged attack.
Squad Mode Abilites:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Swift Assault-
Action: Free
Action Cost: 3
Sustained: Yes
Effects: When attacking, the Fifth Legion are swift and deadly, advancing quickly and manoeuvring deftly around their enemies, harassing them at range before closing to deal the killing blow. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in support range of him gain a bonus Half Action each Round, so long as at least one of the actions they perform has the Movement sub-type (with the exception of the Dodge Reaction, but including any vehicle movement actions).
If a character does not perform an action with the Movement sub-type, they do not get the additional Half Action. A character may still not perform the same action twice in the same turn.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, then enemies attacked by the Legionnaire or any other member of their squad in Support Range suffer a –10 penalty on Dodge and Parry Tests, as they struggle to defend themselves against the fast-moving Astartes.
Legion Defensive Stances:
Sudden Withdrawal-
Action: Full
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: No
Effects: The Fifth Legion are quick to withdraw their forces, their sudden attacks typically followed by an equally sudden disappearance as the Legionnaires retreat to prepare for another attack elsewhere.
The Legionnaire may call for a Sudden Withdrawal, nominating either himself or another member of the squad within Support Range to perform a Suppressing Fire Action. Once this action is complete, all remaining members of the squad within Support Range may immediately move up to twice their Agility Bonus away from the enemy, just as if they had made a Full Move Action.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 5 or more, he may call for a Sudden Withdrawal as a Half Action instead of a Full Action.
{Jaghatai Khan}
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Navigate (Surface) 300 Skill -
Navigate (Surface) +10 500 Skill Navigation (Surface)
Navigate (Surface) +20 500 Skill Navigation (Surface) +10
Survival 200 Skill -
Survival +10 300 Skill Survival
Survival +20 400 Skill Survival +10
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) 300 Skill -
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) +10 400 Skill Tactics (Assault Doctrine)
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) +20 400 Skill Tactics (Assault Doctrine) +10
Berserk Charge 600 Talent -
Born in the Saddle 1000 Talent -
Foresight 500 Talent Int 30
Hatred (Dark Eldar) 500 Talent -
Hipshooting 500 Talent Ag 40, BS 40
Sprint 600 Talent -
Operate (Surface) +10 500 Talent -
Wisdom of the Ancients 1,500 Talent Int 40
New Talent:
Born In The Saddle-
The Fifth Legion are legendarily skilled at fighting whilst mounted upon bikes, their metal steeds serving more as an extension to the rider’s body than as a distinct object.
A Fifth Legion Astartes mounted on a Bike or Attack Bike does not suffer any penalty for the vehicle’s size when performing the Dodge Reaction, and may attempt to turn up to 180 degrees in any direction (instead of the normal 90 degrees) by increasing the difficulty of any Drive Test by one degree, or attempting a Challenging (+0) Drive Test if none would normally be required.
Legion Advanced Specialities:
Legion Psychic Powers:
Heart Of The Khan-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 1 metre x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Stormseer reaches deep into the legacy of Jaghatai Khan, and brings forth the legendary swiftness and ferocity of the Fifth Legion's Primarch.
While this power is in effect, the Librarian or a target of his choosing (who must be a Fifth Legion Astartes.) increases his WS and Ag by +5 x PR (to a maximum of 95), with any corresponding increase to his Agility Bonus.
Spirits Of The Steppes-
XP Cost: 2,000
Prerequisites: Rank 5, WP 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 50 metres x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Stormseer calls upon the spirits of the land, air, and the souls of long-dead warriors to bring some fragment of the harsh steppes of Terra to the battlefield he walks upon.
It is said that so long as these forces of nature fight alongside them, the Fifth Legion will always be victorious. The Librarian and all his allies within range gain a bonus to all tests equal to 2xPR, while all enemies within that range suffer the same value as a penalty.
In addition, every turn the Librarian spends an action to sustain this power, he may summon a single bolt of lightning against any single enemy within range, dealing 2d10+PR damage with a Pen of 4 and the Shocking quality, though the target may attempt to dodge this attack.
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: WP 40+
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self or 10 metres x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Stormseer calls upon the lightning that embodies his Legion’s way of war, and brings it to bear against his enemies. If he is in melee when this power is used, he gains a bonus to damage equal to his Psy Rating, and adds the Shocking quality to a single melee weapon he is wielding, until the start of his next turn.
Otherwise, he hurls a bolt of lightning in a straight line out to its maximum range, striking everything in its path. Any creature, friend or foe, that the lightning passes through, suffers 1d10 x PR Energy damage with a Pen of 5 and the Shocking quality.
The Howling Wind-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Free
Opposed: No
Range: 5 metres x PR
Sustained: No
Description: The Stormseer gathers the powerful winds of the Terran steppes, driving them forwards to cast aside the enemy. This power generates a 30 degree cone out to its maximum range, and all creatures within that area must take a Strength Test, with a penalty equal to –5 x PR. Failure means that they are pushed back a number of metres equal to their Degrees of Failure and knocked prone.
Legion Trappings:
Torandor Pelt-
The Torandor is a massive, hardy breed of plains-dwelling herbivore, often the target of great hunts that last for days, as individual beasts are singled out and brought down by hundreds of spears and arrows. To triumph in such a hunt is the work of an entire tribe, or a few Astartes, and requires great patience and endurance.
Clumped and matted tufts of Torandor hair are divided amongst the triumphant hunters, who gift them to deserving comrades, whose fortitude matches that of these great beasts. A Torandor Pelt grants the owner a +2 bonus to all Toughness Tests.
Fragment of Foes Defeated-
As befits warriors of their legendary prowess and accomplishments, many battles the Fifth Legion fight result in the shattered detritus of enemy forces, the broken pieces of armour and vehicles, littering the battlefield.
Proud Legionnaires may be inclined to take fragments that signify their kills, gifting them to their brothers that they might remember the glories of that conflict. The memory of that war allows the bearer to choose one Tactics Skill and gain a +3 bonus to all Tests on it
Savage Totem-
Monstrous foes like the Orks, other xenos and bloodthirsty predators on many worlds, are common enemies for the Fifth Legion, and just as they may claim scraps of armour from technologically advanced foes, the talons and fangs of such creatures are common trophies taken from battles and hunts alike, and passed along to comrades who are as ferocious as the beasts they were taken from.
The bearer gains an additional +2 bonus to WS when charging.
Chieftain Trophy Rack-
Like the great khans of old, the Fifth Legion of the Great Crusade have taken to wearing trophy racks to display their triumphs and prowess in battle. Like the more common back banners used by Astartes commanders, a trophy rack identifies a Astartes as a leader and captain of the Legion.
A Chieftain Trophy Rack counts as a Back Banner. It also inspires fear in those the Legionnaire has already bested, by displaying the heads and other trophies of his victories over them. Before each mission, the Legionnaire can choose a single type of enemy to be displayed on the rack.
This could be a specific race (i.e. Orks), organisation (i.e. the Stigmartus), or foe (i.e. the chamberlain of a treacherous planetary governor). When fighting members of this race, organisation, or foe, the Astartes counts as having a Fear Rating of 1. At the GM’s discretion, Legionnaires may have to defeat a specific foe before they may place a trophy from it on their rack.
Legion Armory:
Duelling Tulwar-
Reputed to have its origins from the mountain tribes of Terra, the Duelling Tulwar is a Fifth Legion ritual weapon. Its short, curved blade makes it ideal for quick, short cuts, allowing the wielder greater speed in combat, switching between defensive and offensive stances with a flick of his wrist.
The Duelling Tulwar allows a BattleBrother to make a single Standard Attack as a Free Action with the weapon when he uses the Defensive Stance Action.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Duelling Tulwar Melee 1d10+2 R 0 Balanced, Primitive (7) 2 5 -
Power Lance-
A signature weapon of the Fifth Legion, the Power Lance mounts a power blade on the end of a long shaft. This makes the weapon ideal for charging from the back of vehicles or striking at foes while beyond the reach of their weapons.
When making a Charge Action with a Power Lance from the back of a beast or vehicle, the Legionnaire adds additional damage equal to his Strength Bonus.
The Legionnaire can strike foes with a Power Lance up to 2m away from himself and does not count as being engaged in melee combat with them unless they also have a similar reach with their weapons.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Power Lance Melee 1d10+6E 7 Power Field 9 10 -
VI- "Sixth Legion":
The legiones astartes of Sixth Legion gain the following benefits: +5 Perception, +5 Fellowship, Heightened Senses (Smell) Talent and the Wolf Senses Solo Mode Ability.
Restrictions: Sixth Legion characters may not select the Apothecary Speciality.
Calculated Savages-
The Astartes of the Sixth Legion are ferocious and aggressive warriors. Though far from mindless berserkers, they are certainly possessed of a feral exuberance for battle.
They have an overriding sense of duty and honour, and are driven ever onwards by the growing needs of the Great Crusade. The Sixth Legion exhibit a fierce sense of loyalty to their comrades in arms and this is on occasion extended to their compatriots in other branches of the Imperium’s military.
Solo Mode Ability:
Wolf Senses-
Required Rank: 1
Effects: As part of the genetic gifts of their Primarch Leman Russ, the Sixth Legion have almost preternatural senses that exceed even those of other Astartes. Whenever a Legionnaire of the Sixth Legion is in Solo Mode he may re-roll any failed Perception-based Tests and counts as possessing the Dark Sight Trait.
However, it is important to note that none of these bonuses apply if the Astartes is wearing a helmet for a sealed set of armour (e.g., Power Armour, Artificer Armour, or Terminator Armour).
Improvements: At Rank 3 and above the Legionnaire adds +10 to all Perception-based Tests. At Rank 5 and above, he gains the Unnatural Perception (x2) Trait while using this ability. At Rank 7 and above the Legionnaire’s senses are such that once per game session he can automatically pass any test based on Perception (for purposes of Opposed Tests the Battle-Brother is considered to have rolled a 01).
Hero’s Saga-
Type: Varies; see below
Required Rank: 3
Effects: The people of Terra have a long and proud tradition of storytelling, recounting their history in the tales of their heroes, and the Sixth Legion are no different, with every Astartes seeking to forge a great saga of triumph, honour, and heroism over the course of their long lives.
When taking an Oath Of The Moment with his squad, the Legionnaire may swear his own oath, a promise of his future accomplishments and the saga that comes from them. While under this oath, the Legionnairewill strive all the harder to achieve his personal goal.
The sagas that the Legionnaire could aspire towards are listed below—one, and only one, should be chosen before each mission. Each oath grants a benefit, but also comes with a requirement, and if this is not fulfilled, the Legionnaire’s honour and skill will be in question, tarring his reputation and reducing his Renown by 1d5 at the end of the mission.
Improvements: This ability does not improve with rank.
Saga of the Bear-
The Legionnaire has the determination and endurance of the great Ice Bears of Terra; even the mightiest of blows cannot lay him low. A number of times during the mission equal to half the Astartes rank (rounding up), he may reduce the amount of damage suffered from a single hit, after deductions from Toughness Bonus and Armour, by half, rounding up.
Visit Fury Upon The Evil Ones: The might of the Sons of Russ must be demonstrated for all to see; during the mission, the Legionnaire must deal the killing blow to a single Master creature, or slay single-handed three Elite creatures.
Saga Of The Warrior Born-
The Legionnaire slays with unrelenting fury, the blood coating his blade only inspiring greater ferocity. A number of times equal to the Astartes rank, he may gain a +10 bonus to hit in Melee for every enemy he slew in the previous turn, and/or a +1 bonus to hit for every point of Magnitude he removed from an enemy Horde.
Reap a Great Tally: Many foes must fall to the Legionnaire’s blade. The Astartes must slay at least 10 individual enemies, or inflict at least 30 points of Magnitude damage (or some combination of the two: 3 magnitude is, in this case, counted as equal to a single enemy slain), and these kills must occur in melee.
Saga Of The Beastslayer-
Many tales have been told of heroes triumphing against monstrous foes, and many Sixth Legionnaires seek out such prey to prove their might. A number of times equal to the Legionnaire’s rank, he may re-roll an attack roll made against a target (creature or vehicle) that is Enormous or larger or which has a Toughness Bonus of 10 or higher.
This does not have to be a failed attack roll—the Astartes could re-roll a successful roll in the hopes of scoring more Degrees of Success.
Fear Not the Beast: To demonstrate that he does not fear such mighty foes, the Astartes must deal the killing blow to at least one enemy that is Enormous or larger or which has a Toughness Bonus of 10 or higher.
Squad Mode Abilites:
Legion Attack Patterns:
Tooth and Nail-
Action: Free
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The animalistic nature and fighting style of the Sixth Legion often gives them an edge in close combat where they may unleash their inner beast against their enemies. While this ability is in effect, the Legionnaire and those in Support Range of him may re-roll all Opposed Tests in grapples, add an additional +10 to any bonuses for outnumbering foes in hand-to-hand, and add +10 to Dodge and Parry rolls against melee attacks.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or more, the bonus to outnumbering and to Dodge rolls increases to +20.
The Hunt-
Action: Free Action
Cost: 1
Sustained: No
Effects: The Wolves of Terra hunt. If nothing else can be said of the Sixth Legiom’ way of war, it is that they hunt. With raw aggression tempered by ruthless cunning and surprising discipline, the Sixth's Legionnaires are not the savage berserkers many take them to be, but rather circumspect and cruel predators, closing upon their foes intimidatingly, striking only at the moment their foe is at their weakest.
The Legionnaire may call the Hunt at the start of any combat, requiring a Full Action during his first Turn. The Astartes and any of those in Support Range may immediately move up to their Agility Bonus in metres towards the enemy, and make a Challenging (+0) Intimidate Test. If one or more of these Tests is passed, any enemies attacked before the start of the Legionnaire’s next turn suffer a penalty on all Dodge and Parry Tests equal to –5x the number of Intimidate Tests passed.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 4 or above, the Astartes and those in support range may move up to twice their Agility Bonus in metres.
Legion Defensive Stances:
Pack Tactics-
Action: Free
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: No
Effects: Legionnaires of the Sixth Legion are skilled at baiting an opponent or distracting an enemy at a critical time so that another Legionnaire can attack unhindered. When a Astartes attacks a single target, another Astartes within support range may voluntarily give up an unused reaction to distract the target.
If he does so, the first Astartes’s melee or ranged attacks against that target may not be parried or dodged this turn.
Improvements: If the Legionnaire is Rank 3 or more, Melee attack rolls against the target affected by this ability gain a +10 bonus.
Action: Reaction
Cost: 3
Sustained: No
Effects: The Sixth Legion are not ones to eschew the frenzy of melee, and will often meet an enemy assault with a charge of their own. When an enemy charges a member of the squad, the Legionnaire or any of those in Support Range may immediately make a Charge Move and Standard Attack against the charging enemy.
The Counter-Charge is resolved before the charging enemy completes their attack.
Improvements: If the Astartes is Rank 5 or above, the charging enemy (if it survives) must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or be Stunned, losing their attack.
{Leman Russ}
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Awareness 100 Skill -
Awareness +10 200 Skill Awareness
Awareness +20 200 Skill Awareness +10
Performer (any) 200 Skill -
Performer (any) +10 200 Skill Performer (same skill group)
Performer (any) +20 200 Skill Performer (same skill group) +10
Survival 200 Skill -
Survival +10 300 Skill Survival
Survival +20 400 Skill Survival +10
Intimidate 100 Skill -
Intimidate +10 200 Skill Intimidate
Intimidate +20 200 Skill Intimidate +10
Hardy 400 Talent Toughness 40
Hatred (Any) 500 Talent -
Heightened Senses (Taste) 500 Talent -
Berserk Charge 600 Talent -
Sprint 600 Talent -
Wisdom of the Ancients 1,500 Talent Int 40
Legion Advanced Specialities:
{Wolf Scout}
{Wolf Priest}
{Wolf Guard}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Fury Of The Wolf Spirits-
XP Cost: 2,000
Prerequisites: Rank 5, WP 40+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 5 metre radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Rune Priest summons up the spirits of the Thunderwolves, Freki the Fierce and Geri the Cunning, unleashing them upon his foes. As long as this power is sustained, the Rune Priest is flanked by two spectral wolves that he may direct against his foes with a verbal command.
The wolves cannot be damaged by attacks nor can they be grappled (though effects that end or disrupt the power will affect them as normal). They also cannot stray outside the range of the power. Each Round on the Librarian’s Initiative, each wolf may make a single melee attack against any target within range (they move automatically into contact with their foe and are not impeded by any kind of terrain).
Each attack will automatically hit unless Dodged or Parried. Freki’s bite inflicts 1d10 x PR Rending damage, while Geri’s Bite inflicts 1d5 x PR Rending damage with a Penetration of 3 x PR. Any target that takes damage from either Freki or Geri must make a roll on the Shock Table (unless the target is immune to Fear) adding the damage taken to the result.
Living Lightning-
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: WP 40+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 30 metre radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Rune Priest cries out to the sky and calls forth a dancing bolt of sentient electricity arcing down from the heavens. While this power is in effect, the Rune Priest can direct the bolt of lightning against any target within range, changing targets between turns regardless of how far apart they are.
Those struck by the lightning will suffer 1d10 x PR Energy damage with the Shocking quality. If the target passes a Challenging (+0) Agility Test, he reduces this damage by half (round up). This power can only be used outside under an open sky.
Storm Caller-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 5 metre radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Rune Priest invokes the ancient rites of ice and snow, calling up a blizzard of psychic energy around himself and his allies. While this power is in effect, the Rune Priest and all allies within the power’s radius become shrouded in ethereal mist. All ranged attacks they make, or that are made against them, suffer a penalty of –5 x PR.
Any ally who moves outside the range of the power immediately loses its effects.
Tempest’s Wrath-
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: WP 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 150 metre radius x PR
Sustained: Yes
Description: In a fearsome display of power, the Rune Priest calls upon the spirits of wind, storm, and snow, tearing the air with gales and tempests. While this power is in effect, any creature with the Hoverer or Flyer trait must pass a Strength Test at a penalty of –5 x PR to move through the air.
Even those that pass the test have their Movement reduced by half. Flying vehicles are also affected, and their pilots suffer a penalty of –5 x PR on all Skill tests they must make to operate their craft. Flying vehicles also have their speed reduced by half. Finally, ranged attacks inside, into or out of the radius of effect have their shots fouled by the winds.
Thrown and Primitive ranged weapons suffer a penalty of –5 x PR to hit, while all other ranged weapons suffer a penalty of –2 x PR to hit. This power may only be used on the surface of a planet with atmosphere, and even then, the power only functions when outside of a building or other confined space.
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: 10 metre radius x PR
Sustained: No
Description: With a word of power and a clap of his mighty hands, the Rune Priest creates a deafening crack of thunder that rolls across the battlefield. All those within range of this power (friends or foes, though not including the Rune Priest) suffer 1d5 x PR Impact damage. This damage is reduced by Toughness as normal.
However, only armour worn on the head protects against it. In addition, anyone suffering damage from this attack must make a Toughness Test with a penalty of –5 x PR or be deafened for 1d10 rounds (see page 260 for the effects of being deafened). Finally, fragile objects such as mundane glass, crystal or fine ceramics within the power’s range are shattered (though the GM has the final say on whether an object is affected).
Legion Trappings:
Wolf Pelt-
Terran wolves are renowned across the galaxy for their viciousness. They are respected creatures, and greatly entwined with the Sixth's beliefs. Unarmed hunting rituals exist on Fenris to prove a warrior’s prowess. Should a Legionnaire succeed on such a hunt, he typically displays the pelt of the animal thereafter. Add +2 to Intimidate Tests.
Runic Totem-
The Sons of Russ have many traditions that are unique to their Legion, and at the heart of Terran mysticism stand the Rune Priests. Using their arcane arts they craft rune totems to call upon the powers of Fenris’ mythic beasts, and the Sixth Legion fiercely believe that these talismans can lend the bearer power from the spirit whose name is inscribed upon it.
Listed here are some representative totems:
• Totem of the Bloodied Hunter: add +1 to any damage inflicted that triggers a Righteous Fury.
• Totem of the Sea Wolf: Choose one Drive or Pilot Skill and add +3 to all Tests on it.
• Totem of the Sun Wolf: add +3 to Awareness Tests.
Wolf Tooth Necklace-
Created from the teeth of Terran Wolves, a Wolf Tooth Necklace is reputed to grant the wearer strength and ferocity in combat like that of the wolf it was taken from. Whether or not there is any true power in such tokens (like those talismans crafted by the Rune Priests) the effects on a Sixth Legionnaire Astartes cannot be denied.
A Wolf Tooth Necklace grants the wearer the Frenzy Talent.
Legion Armory:
Rune Staff-
A Rune Staff is as much a symbol of power as it is a weapon. Rune Staffs are used to enhance a Rune Priest’s powers, helping him to channel his gift into powerful blows, much like the method used to turn a force weapon into a lethal instrument of death. A Rune Staff counts as a Force Staff.
When he strikes a foe he can channel his power as normal (making a Focus Test opposed by his target’s Willpower), but instead of inflicting additional damage, he can trigger one of his psychic powers as a Free Action, with a Psy Rating of 1 for each degree of success he scores over his target. Only powers with a specified target can be used in this way and must be targeted at the creature being struck with the Rune Staff.
This trigger ignores the restrictions on using multiple psychic powers in a turn. Only a Rune Priest (Sixth Legion Librarian) can use a Rune Staff.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Rune Staff Melee 1d10+1 I 0 Balanced 5 25 Respected
Great Wolf Pelt-
Among the wargear of the Sixth Legion are wolf pelts from some of the greatest Terran Wolves to serve the Legion. Some of these pelts are large even for a Astartes, trailing behind them and hanging over their armour like a tide of fur. A Legionnaire wearing such a pelt honours the memory of the wolf by carrying it once more into battle.
A Great Wolf Pelt counts as a Wolf Pelt and adds +10 to all Fellowship Tests when dealing with Astartes. A Great Wolf Pelt never truly loses its smell and, while wearing it, the Loyalty of any Terran Wolf Followers the Astartes has is increased by +20.
Name Locations Covered AP Wt Req Renown
Great Wolf Pelt Body 0 2kg 10 Respected
Frost Blade-
Frost blades are master works from the Sixth's Iron Priests—each incredibly rare and prestigious. The teeth of these icy chain weapons are always cut from nigh-unbreakable substances such as Kraken fangs or tempered diamond. The unique power fields enveloping frost blades have a distinct blue cast.
A frost blade combines the best of a chain weapon and a power weapon, and adds +3 Damage when an attack from the weapon causes Critical Damage.
Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Req Renown
Frost Blade Melee 1d10+11 E 9 Balanced, Power Field, Tearing 10 60 Hero
VII- "Seventh Legion":
The legiones astartes of Seventh Legion gain the following benefits: +10 Willpower and the Siege Master Solo Mode ability.
Implants: Although the Seventh Legion Astartes possess both the Betcher’s gland and sus-an membrane implants, their zygotes have long since ceased to function. Seventh Legion characters do not gain the benefits of either of these implants.
Praetorians Of The Emperor-
The Seventh Legion are renowed for being skilled in siege and delivering the final blow to the enemy. Usally accompanying the Emperor alongside the Custodes onto the battlfield, has given them a stoic serious attiude aimed at achieving mastery in their role.
Known to also continue carrying the fight to the enemy, even after thier allies have fallen back to regroup.
Solo Mode Ability:
Siege Master-
Type: Active
Required Rank: 1
Effects: The Seventh Legion are recognised as amongst the finest practitioners of the art and science of the siege, a mastery born of practice, determination and self-sacrifice. When in Solo Mode, the Legionnaire is able to locate weak points in enemy fortifications, as well as strong points in cover he himself is using.
When using this ability, the Armour Points of any cover used by a target he is firing at is count as half their normal value. In addition, the Armour Points of any cover the Imperial Fist is making use of are doubled, so long as he remains stationary.
Improvements: At Rank 5 or more, the Legionnaire may re-roll failed to hit rolls when firing at enemies in cover.
Squad Mode Abilites:
Legion Attack Patterns-
Tactical Bolter Drill-
Action: Free
Action Cost: 2
Sustained: No
Effects: The Seventh Legion are every bit as effective in the attack as the most ferocious of their fellow Legions. Rather than savagery however, their methods rely upon the precise application of firepower, selfless discipline and a refusal to accept that a foe cannot be taken down.
With this ability in effect, the Astartes and those in Support Range gain the benefits of the Bolter Drill Talent when firing bolt pistols, bolters, heavy bolters, and storm bolters.
Improvements: If the Astartes is Rank 3 or more, all Legionnaires benefiting from this ability gain a +10 to BS when firing a bolt pistol, bolter, heavy bolter, or storm bolter.
Legion Defensive Stances-
Hold At All Costs-
Action: Full
Action Cost: 3
Sustained: Yes
Effects: The Seventh Legion hold numerous battle honours for actions in which they have held a strongpoint against the most horrific of foes, declaring they will die before relinquishing their position to the enemy. A Astartes may issue the command to Hold at all Costs by nominating a specific terrain feature, fortification, or an area of cover up to ten metres in diameter.
While this ability is in effect, the Astartes and those in Support Range of him and within the nominated position are entirely immune to the effects of Fear.
Improvements: This ability cannot be improved
{Rogal Dorn}
Primarch's Curse:
Legion Advances:
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Tactics (Any) 100 Skill -
Tactics (Any) +10 100 Skill Tactics
Tactics (Any) +20 100 Skill Tactics +10
Tactics (Siege & Defence) 100 Skill -
Tactics (Siege & Defence) +10 100 Skill Tactics (Siege & Defence)
Tactics (Siege & Defence) +20 100 Skill Tactics (Siege & Defence) +10
Siegecraft 500 Talent -
Hatred (Any) 300 Talent -
Eye of Venegance 1,000 Talent Adeptus Astartes, BS 50
Peer (Adeptus Astartes) 400 Talent -
Operate (Surface) 200 Talent -
Operate (Surface) +10 200 Talent Operate (Surface)
Mighty Shot 500 Talent BS 40
Legion Advanced Specialities:
{Templar Breathren}
{Phalanx Warder}
Legion Psychic Powers:
Noble Praetorian-
XP Cost: 500
Prerequisites: None
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: Self/line of sight
Sustained: Yes
Description: Rogal Dorn is remembered by many as the right hand of the Emperor, his most faithful son who stood watch over him and enacted his every command with unshakable loyalty. Reaching into his soul and his genetic inheritance, the Librarian channels a portion of Dorn’s noble spirit, making himself a champion of the weak and a defender of the just.
While this power is in effect, the Seventh Legion Librarian and all other friendly characters (including NPCs) that can see him may re-roll failed Willpower Tests made to avoid the effects of Fear.
Ultimate Sacrifice-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 40+
Action: Half or Reaction
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Seventh Legion are possessed of the most selfless spirit of any Legion, willing to lay down their very lives for causes others would abandon as hopeless. The Librarian channels this spirit into himself, causing fate to deliver blows meant for his fellows to strike him instead.
When this power is in effect and the squad is fighting against a Horde, the enemy must pass a Willpower Test in order to direct its ranged attacks at any other target than the Seventh Legion Librarian.
XP Cost: 1,000
Prerequisites: None
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: No wall or fortification can stand against the will of Dorn made manifest. The Librarian channels his powers into an attack so terrible that no stone will be left standing upon another. The ground quakes, the skies darken and the air itself screams as a mighty etheric hammer manifests itself in the Librarian’s grip.
Stonebane may be used when the Librarian is faced with a wall, fortification, bunker or similar structure, that he wishes to smash asunder. While the power is in effect, he counts as equipped with an Astartes Thunder Hammer.
The Stonebane may only be used to strike stationary, non-living structures and objects, and is of no use against any other type of target.
The Golden Son-
XP Cost: 2,000
Prerequisites: Rank 5, WP 50+
Action: Full
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Librarian is transformed into a radiant figure suffused with the power and nobility of his Primarch. Friends witness a glorious sight not seen since Rogal Dorn himself walked amongst Men, while enemies see the fiery harbinger of their doom.
While this power is in effect, the Librarian gains the Fear (3) Trait against any enemies in sight, while friendly Astartes within 20 metres of the Librarian instantly regain 1d5 lost Cohesion if they have suffered any Cohesion damage. If the squad currently has its full normal amount of Cohesion, the squad gains 1 bonus point of Cohesion instead.
Into The Crucible-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 40+
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: Self
Sustained: Yes
Description: The Librarian calls upon the spirits of all those Seventh Legionnaires who gave their lives at their Primarch’s side. The blows of his enemies are turned aside or healed by the incarnate force of his ancestors.
While this power is in effect, the Librarian gains the Regeneration (3) Trait.
Wave Of Penance-
XP Cost: 1,500
Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 40+
Action: Half
Opposed: No
Range: 10 x PR
Sustained: x
Description: The Librarian reaches into the ether and draws forth all of the pain suffered by his ancestors. In an instant, years of pain and rage are unleashed upon his foes, every iota of pain ever felt by the Legion turned back upon its foes in an unstoppable blast wave.
Every enemy within range of the Seventh Legion Librarian suffers 1d10 x PR Explosive damage. Enemies may make a Dodge Test against the effects of this power.
Legion Trappings:
Ossific Relic-
Many Seventh Legionnaires bear small tokens of lost Legionnaires, engraving their bones with descriptions of their deeds so that they may never be forgotten and will live on forever. Ossific Relics take the form of small bones, normally finger or hand bones, carried in a small pouch near the Legionnaire’s heart, or sometimes on a chain around his neck or wrist.
Far from gristly or barbaric, this practice is the ultimate act of remembrance for a Seventh Legionnaire, and the relics of his fallen brethren are his most valued possessions. At the time the Ossific Relic is taken, decide with the GM’s approval which type of foe or alien race the previous owner of the bones was slain by (Orks, Eldar, Tau, Daemons, and so forth).
When the Astartes is fighting against enemies of this type, he adds +3 to his Weapon Skill.
Scrimshaw Tools-
It is said that as a Seventh Legionnaire grows older and sees more of his Astartes Brothers fall in combat, his urge to master the practice of scrimshawing the bones of his fallen kin becomes all but irresistible. Often, this devotional act serves to belay any sense of failure the Legionnaire may feel for his own part in the death, whether real or imagined, and in some cases is an act of penance imposed by the Legion Chaplains or by the Legionnaire himself.
If the character has a set of Scrimshaw Tools, he may create a new Ossific Relic from the bones of a fallen squad member (i.e., another Player Character who has died in a mission which the Seventh Legionnaire character also took part in). For this to be possible the body must have been recovered with at least one small bone intact.
The relic is created by making a Difficult (–10) Trade (Remembrancer) Test. For every Degree of Success on the test to create it, the relic grants a bonus of +1 to the Legionnaire’s Weapon Skill.
Legion Armory:

So Ive pretty much finished all the Legions, there is some more wargear I'll be adding but other then that they are done. Ive removed alot of the Legions Hatred Talents, since the Legions are new and havnt fought many enemies other then other humans. Replacing it with better talents to help flesh out the Legions. Ive also added back Storm of Iron and Whirlwind of Death, just using the Only Wars version. Also ive made some talents exclusive to the Astartes, im not going for balance in my universe but more in line with fluff.

I'll also be going back later to do four legions demeanor's since Ive been using Forgeworlds Horus Hersey books to help with those and Space Wolves, Thousand Sons, Dark Angels, White Scars and Blood Angels have not been released yet. So moving onto finishing overall Legiones Astartes, Im aiming toward maybe only having Astartes, Imperial Army, Eldar and Orks. The reasons are time mainly but also cause I would rather just run more military oriented campaigns, but as I go on I'll see.

Any comments or suggestions are more then welcomed.