Movie monsters in Talisman

By 80sVamp, in Talisman

I don't know about anyone else but I immediatly think of "TALOS" from Jason and The Argornauts when I attack the Sentinal.

Anyone else have any Movie/Talisman thought processess?


ps As much as I love the Inquisitor character, I still think he should come equipped at the start of the game with "soft cushions"

You forgot the comfy chair and his 3 main weapons ;)

ooh I didn't expect that!

There are a lot of references in the game, some of which are obvious like the ones in The Blood Moon.

I once made up some images of a couple from The Dungeon -



Nobody expects the spanish sorry Talismaniac inqusition

Edited by Robb 1

Tumbling boulder always reminds me of raiders of the lost arc