Marine Action Deck First Draw Question

By centralx, in DOOM: The Board Game

I have been scouring all the guides and I can't tell when the Marine gets to draw his first hand. Timing can be important so I want to make sure it gets played right. All the setup says is the marine places their new action deck facedown when complete and when initiative is determined for marines they draw up at the end of their turn. I would expect they would have a starting hand or else that would mean that a marine essentially skips their first turn, and that just doesn't seem right.


Can anyone tell me where in the manuals/guides that a marine draws their starting/first hand of cards?



Yeah, some of reason. It doesnt say anything about it in Operation Guide setup. But in Learn to Play setup, yes.

In Learn to Play Guide at page 4. During Setup in step 3, it says: "Then, he places his Marine figure on the corresponding space on the map, shuffles his action deck and draws three cards."