Edited by Kleeg005
Edited by Kleeg005
Edited by Kleeg005i use imgur
Let's try this again. Spent a little time today magnetizing an Aggressor. Now to decide if I'm going to attempt to magnetize the older, repainted one, or even to paint the new one....
Edited by Kleeg005
Much retouched 'Vipers. Now with working links! (fingers crossed)
All the Scyks together at last.
Picked up a fourth a few weeks back and finally got around to painting it. Also retouched #2. Now I just need to be able to get a **** game in!
It looks like I never posted my Z95's???
Methinks you have inherited a lot of green paint and being a frugal person are compelled to use it. 😄
Excellent work by the way. I want to mod my Vipers like that.
Trying something different - shinier, less dirty repaint. With a mix of matte and gloss sealant to highlight some of those panels. The Fang seems like a good place to start. And I magnetized the bugger, because why not?
I went insane on May the Fourth as the FLGS ran a sale on 1st Ed stuff. And so. We have the "Dread Harvest." I really need to get a better camera. Or maybe not; keep some of those flaws hidden. But this is way blown out.
Black Two joins Poe's Black One.
My Steel Clan Vultures. To be joined by Hyenas when they arrive, with a similar Gunmetal and Silver base, and maybe black and white ident stripes. And I need to do my B-22 in something somehow similar.
Oh, that B-22. Love the look of it.
The Hyenas join the Steel Clan.
It feels just a little like overkill to post both in the personal collection and in the Showcase threads....
I'm actually pretty satisfied with the way the cockpits came out.
1 hour ago, Kleeg005 said:It feels just a little like overkill to post both in the personal collection and in the Showcase threads....
I was in the same boat. I always felt like I was double posting. I ended up not updating the page with my own ships and only doing the showcase. Eventually I got lazy about updating either with my stuff and have a bunch more painted ships that need to be photographed and uploaded.
In short, keep your page up to date, including the Showcase. Don't worry about seeming to double post. I feel it's better do a little work from time to time, in order to have things current and share your work than to be like me and keep telling yourself you'll get to it soon but won't because it seems a bit daunting.
I really like these silver lined Nantex. Wonder if this would work well for other ships... just has a really cool and unique look
2 hours ago, Kieransi said:I really like these silver lined Nantex. Wonder if this would work well for other ships... just has a really cool and unique look
Yeah, I'm finding myself drawn to hitting my RZ2's with a similar treatment. I'd already been leaning toward some sort silver, black, and blue scheme for them, but had been thinking along the lines of black body and silver stripes with blue highlights. But now that you mention it....
Picked up a vaksai as a little present for myself while doing some very specific holiday shopping for the brother-in-law. I like it. Rather better than the stock kihraxz, honestly. It also has much better balance on the magnet, so, yeah. Just better. Although I think it will need another pass with the paint to make it pop just a little more.
And while, yes, I could use a better camera rig, the glare at least hides the grosser faults along with the finer details.
Painted up one of my two C-ROCs (yo, yo!). What a difference lighting makes in color, eh? I will eventually do another pass to add some carbon scoring and so on. Maybe get my hands on some aftermarket turrets. Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe someday I'll try to paint up the second C-ROC (yo, yo!) to match my Steel Clan?
Painted another Starviper. Difficult to tell in this lighting, but it's a base black with gem-tone green on the panels. And then the panels are gloss-coated. A nod to the good old days when one could equip an Illicit Cloaking Device to a 'Viper and really get it to move. That green paint is getting old and maybe should be tossed, but I find that I kind of like the odd texturing - it can catch the light sometimes and do odd things.
And here's the squad ready for some Epic play - minus one that is in bits for a complete mod-job, if I ever get off my butt to finish it.
Just hated that cartoony stock paint job. So I cloaked mine. You can't hit what you can't see, right? Guess I'll test that theory eventually - need to get some games in eh?
The whole fleet. Not as big as I feared it would be, ha ha. Just a few official paint schemes that will remain untouched - mostly the Black Sun stuff. And maaaaybe the Falcon. But those Quads and those Kimo's *have* to get hit with some paint. The unlit Lancer needs a new coat as well, but I dread trying to cover that much area with any kind of meaningful paint job. I'm just a hack, after all. But maybe this will encourage me to get off my butt and paint something. Now that I can see with some kind of immediacy how little there actually is left for me to finish the fleet.
Instead of painting what I already had, I went out and bought a second Jump. I know this needs something more, but I'm just not sure what. The gloss finish on the crescent section is deliberate; I like the contrast, even if it's not always so very obvious as here. I guess for now I call this a WIP, until such time as inspiration strikes for a better, more detailed finish.
Finish the fleet. A few steps closer.
Always two there are. Unless I really like the ship, and then four or more there will be. (see: Scyk, StarViper, Headhunter)
edit: As I go back and look at some of these pics, and considering my above statement concerning the ships I really like, I think I'm going to have to try to strip some of those Scyks and a 'Viper or two. While I'm still not near the painter that many here are, I look at a few of these later repaints and I think I could do so much better. Because I need more hobby time?
Edited by Kleeg005