Story Mode

By Lovecraft, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

I'm currently using the Story Mode (1 Copy per card) format for when my friends and I play COC. I use Miskatonic all the time and they have a hard time winning. I'll never give up on them though. My friends enjoy my format cause they can never be complacent and the battles make for good source of stories. I only allow teamups if they can justify it story-wise. I was wondering if anyone else here uses that format. ^_^

I havent but it sounds intresting and it saves you a lot of money too.

It does sound interesting. Any special rules for this play mode in addition to using only one copy of each card?

We play story mode (a.k.a. Highlander "There can be only one! ") format all the time even though my GF and I own two complete playsets of each card between us.

Its a much more vital experience when you have only one of each card. The decisions are much tougher. Its a good format.

Thank you! A lot of people here dont like the idea of boiling it down to one card. ^_^