Custom PCs in the Beginner Adventure

By sirshermy, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

I'm finally going to get to run this thing on Thursday and I'm looking forward to it. I am running into one curiosity though in that one of the players recently got the Edge of Empire core rules and asked if he could make a custom guy to run. I'm torn as I don't want to limit their creativity and there are ways in which Edge characters can logically fit in with the rebels. At the same time I'm concerned that since none or us, including him, have actually played a game with this he might not build it in a way that he thinks, as well as the fact that what he builds might not jell with the rest of the team, and that the custom character won't have the breadth of equipment that the others have since starting resources at character creation are actually kind of limited. I'm curious if anyone else has run into this? Or if anyone has enough experience to tell me whether or not this is either a fine or tricky thing to allow?

In this case, I think your logic is sound and I would run the Beginner Game as is. My group played the Edge BG as a one off, then started a fresh campaign from scratch and felt much better prepared having tried the Beginner Game first.

Even if you intend to directly follow this adventure into a campaign, it would be very easy to cycle in custom built characters. In fact, since the pre-gen characters are a bit pared down, it would behoove you to rebuild them to be fully in line with the core rules.

The beginner game would work fine with starting characters which are build according to the Core Rule Book (CBR). But the pre-generated characters don't mix well with CRB-built characters, since they don't use the full rules. I would use only the one or the other. The chars included in the beginners' game have fewer skills and a shorted talent tree to make it easier for beginners.

I would stick with the pre-gens for the first game.

You can find additional pre-gen characters for the beginners game here:

The pre-gens for the Edge of Empire beginners game would also work well, you'd only have to adjust the backstory, but otherwise they are the same level. Some of those can be found here:

Maybe your friend likes one of these characters enough to start with them.

May the Dice be with you


Does there exist abyway out there in fan-land a "quick and dirty" way to upgrade a Beginner Game character to full rules status?

On 2/7/2018 at 8:06 AM, allenshock said:

Does there exist abyway out there in fan-land a "quick and dirty" way to upgrade a Beginner Game character to full rules status?

Replace the tree from the BG sheet with the full tree. That's about it. For the Edge BG, they're further, but it was a non-issue when I did it last year.

I just rebuilt them. I was able to match everything on the sheets with judicious use of XP
