Jasco - Can we get an update?

By Antigoth, in UFS General Discussion

Thanks again for spearheading trying to get the game back on track.

Do you have any updates for us? Have you had a chance to speak with Steve recently?

Let's justt keep our chins up and hope that this small moment of silence is just a sign that he's ironing out some fine wrinkles before updating us :D .

Hi everyone,

I can't give you any updates yet, other than that Steve and I have been discussing the possibility of Jasco Games purchasing the rights to UFS. There haven't been any decissions made as of yet, but I will let everyone know that we are working on it and we have not just dropped off the earth. I hope everyone can be patient, as this is a fairly complicated matter.

I will let you all know as soon as we are able to give you a more concrete update.

Thanks and fight on!
