I finished my Battlelore 1st Edition Goblins and Dwarves Conversion

By Willange, in BattleLore


I'll probably still make some edits and things to that over time. (For example next week I'll be putting the scenarios in there.) But yeah, I redid like half the units in my Goblins faction, and I finally have my Dwarves done, so I thought I'd share for those who might not browse the BGG file section. I've been working on these on and off for about 2 years now, but I'm sure there's a bunch of things that could be improved. Let me know if you see problems or would like to suggest changes!

you are quite simply a genius

Cool. I would assume though that the old 1st edition models are a pretty penny these days?

They generally are, yes. Though some local stores still carry it and/or the xpacs. I know of some here in Utah that sell them for around the normal retail

3d printing, though, can get you some good results though that isn't cheap either.

20 hours ago, Thulsadume said:

Cool. I would assume though that the old 1st edition models are a pretty penny these days?

Edited by Willange