What paints do you use

By Sithassassin, in Talisman

I have been using citadel paints from Games Workshop, but I find they can be a little thick. Also they're not cheap considering the size of the pots. Just out of interest, I was wondering what everyone else uses on their miniatures.

Thin your paints. I am no expert, but that seems to be the mantra of the painting gods.

i use model color paints with water to thin them like talismanisland had said. Love them very much, have painted every talisman mini I have, im only short 4 expansions.

My wife uses reaper paints and they seem to work great just remember to clean your figures, use primer, and of course thin your paints. :D

Citadel paints are designed to be thinned with water.
I use them, along with some others (mostly Coat d' Arms). After thinninga ppropreately, they'r eonly a little pricey, but are very easy to buy consistsnatly