i need some help !!!

By paintgirl, in Anima: Tactics

Hi guys ,

Can someone help me ?

I'm looking for a list of all the anima tactics miniatures in order of release preocupado.gif , because i paint the models for a friend and he

wants the models from saga 1 first !?!

He droped of a pile of models (+/-40) !!! Can anyone tell me the miniatures of saga 1 ? or saga 2 ?

Tnx !!!


A catalog of all saga 1 and 2 minis is included in the rulebook.

tnx for the help sonrojado.gif

I shall ask him then .


You re a wonderful friend. I charge dinner to my friends that make me paint their figs

Hey any chance of posting a gallery once you get some figs painted? I always love to see paintjobs from the community...very inspiring!

hi guys ,

I'll try to put some pictures online sonrojado.gif

thanks for the reactions !!!

x paintgirl

That's not a bad idee ! But i don't trust his cooking skills gran_risa.gif