Hi all,
(Hope I'm posting this in the right place).
So I've been thinking of making some additional cards for my group to play with. They'd focus on some of the more fantasy elements of the game and thought I'd seek the wisdom of this fine forum to ask for some feedback (If you don't mind).
What I'd like to know is:
What you guys think does / doesn't work about these new cards? Which is your least favourite?
Are the instructions clear or confusing? How could I make them clearer?
Are they evenly balanced? If not how would you tweak them in favour of balance?
So in a nutshell, the idea is:
Each player gets one additional card (chosen at random) known as a 'Wildfire Card'.
These cards can only be used once per game, during combat and are played in addition to playing a house card. (Not instead of).
So essentially, you can play a house card and a wildfire card if you are the aggressor, but once you've used the card, it's removed for the rest of the game.
I've come up with 7 card ideas for now, but I want to limit it to 6.
They are:
Horn of Joramun | +1 (Attack)
Three Eyed Raven | +0 (Attack)
Giant | +0 (Attack)
