Community Character Pack 3 - Not Timescape
People can either use these on their own, or to use with a potential Timescape replacement.
These re-work and re-theme the eight classic Timescape Characters.
Community Character Pack 3 - Not Timescape
People can either use these on their own, or to use with a potential Timescape replacement.
These re-work and re-theme the eight classic Timescape Characters.
OK, almost up-to-date. Just need some last pieces of art, and I’m struggling here. Creative Commons licenses only please, but can anyone find suitable character art for any of these five:
Witch Doctor
Jobs list for this project:
1. De-skin:
Dryad back to Zulu
Gnome back to Halfling
Pixie back to Witch Doctor
Pugilist back to Samurai
Wight back to Dark Elf
2. Re-re-skin
Kobold to Pixie
Flagellent to Gnome
3. Put together Dropbox store of printable files (and/or ask Jon to host on Talisman Island)
4. Declare victory!
I've updated the Kobold to Pixie and Flagellent to Gnome as mooted. I've now images for the Dark Elf, Halfling, & Samurai.
Still need images for the Witch-Doctor, & Zulu.
I somehow can't see the pictures, what can I do to get them?