Recreating the "Missing" Characters

By Slev, in Talisman Home Brews


1st ability - use wording from Valkyrie

3rd - what is panic?


Forest, not forrest

seems too similar to the Wizard


1. You may pay one Life before making an attack roll in battle. If you do so, roll 1 additional die and add it to your attack score.

2. You may attempt to stun other characters in battle. To do this, use your Craft instead of your Strength. If you win, instead of the normal reward, the loser must discard all their Spells and cannot use any Special Abilities until the end of their next turn,


1st - use wording from Walking Stick

3rd - use wording from Amazon

Those two abilities combined make the revenant too similar to the Amazon.


Forest, not forrest

1st ability - can I visit the city alchemist, turn those items into 3 gold, and then get them back?

3rd: wording should probably be changed to keeping 1 reward card as indicator of bonus craft

4th: use wording from Druid


1. You begin the game with 2 Spells and 3 Gold.

3. At the beginning of an attack you may see the future to stay out of danger. Roll one die.

1-2) Nothing happens.

3-6) You evade your attacker.

4. This is probably fine as is, but I'm wondering if there are any decks this ability might be a problem with.

5. use wording from Walking Stick.

Nice work on the wordings!

Fallen Knight: Panic is an ability possessed by three of the new Characters in these sets. The ability that allows them to move you around.

So, Revenant is too similar to Amazon, Cantor too similar to Wizard, back to the drawing board on those two.

Artificer: ability 1, I'll add it taking a turn to regain one lost item. You can try and cycle it, but it'll be an edge tactic.

1. Fallen Knight: Panic is an ability possessed by three of the new Characters in these sets. The ability that allows them to move you around.

2. Artificer: ability 1, I'll add it taking a turn to regain one lost item. You can try and cycle it, but it'll be an edge tactic.

1. Kind of a bummer when you start the game with Fallen Knight, no one took any of those other 3 characters, and you know one of your abilities will do exactly nothing for the entire game.

2. I was just asking. This actually isn't broken. (just compare it with the Leprechaun)

Three of the eight un-finished characters for consideraction:

Gorgon (Saracen)

Strength 3 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Evil – Desert (any)

1. You do not lose a Life in the Desert.

2. Your gaze transmogrifies mortals into gold. Discard any of your Followers to gain two Gold.

3. Instead of Attacking another character, you may hypnotise one of their Followers. Roll 1 dice. If you roll equal to or less than the number of followers the other player has, you chose one to become your Follower.

4. When fighting more than one Enemy at once, add the number of Enemies to your Attack Roll.

Dryad (Zulu)

Strength 5 – Craft 2 – Life 4 – Fate 4

Neutral – Forest (any)

1. You do not need to roll the dice in the Forest, unless you wish to. If you chose to roll, you must accept the result.

2. If you defeat another character, you may Panic them. They move away (as their normal Move), in a direction of your choice, but they cannot leave the Region they are in.

4. Whenever you start your turn on a Woods or Forrest space, you may heal 1 Life.

Wight (Dark Elf)

Strength 3 – Craft 4 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Evil – Graveyard

1. You begin the game with 1 Spell.

2. You may drain vitality from your followers. For each follower you discard, you gain 1 Life or draw a Spell.

3. Whenever you defeat another character, instead of the normal effects, you may force them to lose either 1 point of Strength or 1 point of Craft.

4. Whenever you defeat a Spirit, gain 1 Gold.

1. Fallen Knight: Panic is an ability possessed by three of the new Characters in these sets. The ability that allows them to move you around.

2. Artificer: ability 1, I'll add it taking a turn to regain one lost item. You can try and cycle it, but it'll be an edge tactic.

1. Kind of a bummer when you start the game with Fallen Knight, no one took any of those other 3 characters, and you know one of your abilities will do exactly nothing for the entire game.

2. I was just asking. This actually isn't broken. (just compare it with the Leprechaun)

1. May adjust it to prevent other characters from moving you. It's a minor ability, but that makes it more broadly applicable:

"You may choose to ignore any Spells, Items, and Special Abilities used by other Characters, if they would cause you to move."

2. May change it back in that case.

And because I don't say this enough, massive thanks for all your help on this thread dude!

Edited by Slev

1. May adjust it to prevent other characters from moving you. It's a minor ability, but that makes it more broadly applicable:
"You may choose to ignore any Spells, Items, and Special Abilities used by other Characters, if they would cause you to move."

I like it:
You may ignore any effects used by other characters that would move you or affect your movement.

Edited by Bludgeon

2. Your gaze transmogrifies mortals into gold. Discard any of your Followers to gain two Gold.

It's unclear if this is mandatory or optional.

3. Instead of Attacking


Roll 1 dice.

Roll 1 die.



the other player has,

that character has

your Attack Roll.

your attack roll.

dryads are traditionally frail creatures, Strength of 5 doesn't fit

Neutral – Forest (any)

yay, Forest is spelled correctly finally :P

but, there's only one Forest so (any) is pointless here

you may Panic them.

you may panic them.

or Forrest space

or Forest space

2. You may drain vitality from your followers. For each follower you discard, you gain 1 Life

Followers upper case, life lower case

or draw a Spell.

or gain 1 Spell.

instead of the normal effects,

instead of the normal reward

ou may force them to lose either 1 point of Strength or 1 point of Craft.

who makes the decision?

OK, updated texts based on that. The Dryad may need to be something else thematically

Gorgon (Saracen)

Strength 3 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Evil – Desert (any)

1. You do not lose a Life in the Desert.

2. Your gaze transmogrifies mortals into gold. You may discard any of your Followers to gain two Gold each.

3. Instead of attacking another character, you may hypnotise one of their Followers. Roll 1 die. If you roll equal to or less than the number of followers the other character has, you chose one to become your Follower.

4. When fighting more than one Enemy at once, add the number of Enemies to your attack roll.

Dryad (Zulu)

Strength 5 – Craft 2 – Life 4 – Fate 4

Neutral – Forest

1. You do not need to roll the dice in the Forest, unless you wish to. If you chose to roll, you must accept the result.

2. If you defeat another character, you may panic them. They move away (as their normal Move), in a direction of your choice, but they cannot leave the Region they are in.

4. Whenever you start your turn on a Woods or Forest space, you may heal 1 Life.

Wight (Dark Elf)

Strength 3 – Craft 4 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Evil – Graveyard

1. You begin the game with 1 Spell.

2. You may drain vitality from your Followers. For each Follower you discard, you gain 1 life or gain a spell.

3. Whenever you defeat another character, instead of the normal effects, you may force them to lose your choice of either 1 point of Strength or 1 point of Craft.

4. Whenever you defeat a Spirit, gain 1 Gold.

The Dryad may need to be something else thematically

How about a Morlock?

Perhaps a boggart?

Perhaps a boggart?

I'm looking at wiki about that creature and it seems strongly Craft-based too.

Edited by Bludgeon

OK, so we need a theme, but the character seems good otherwise.

In the meantime, three more...

Dualist (Martial Artist)

Strength 3 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Neutral –Village

1. Whenever you roll a 5 or 6 in combat, you win, regardless of attack scores.

2. If your movement would land you on the same space as another character, you may move up to one extra space.

3. When another character lands on your space, you may Demand the Satisfaction and forced them to attack you.

Golem (Space Marine)

Strength 3 – Craft 4 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Neutral – Runes

1. If you are defeated in battle, roll 1 die:

1-3) You lose the battle as normal;

4-6) You do not lose the battle, it is considered a Stand-off instead.

2. You may pay one life before rolling the dice for combat. If you do so, roll an extra die and add it to your total.

3. You gain +1 in combat against Constructs.

Flagellant (Witch Elf)

Strength 2 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 2

Neutral – Ruins

1. If you are defeated or have a stand-off in battle, you may immediately fight that opponent again. This counts as a fresh battle. You may only do this once per turn.

2. If you defeat another character, they lose one life in addition to the normal effects.

3. You may not use Armour .

4. You may use two Weapons .

5. You gain +1 in combat against Harbinger cards.

Edited by Slev

Duellist or duelist

Fair enough, spot the dyslexic!

Well, the forum software has a limit on how many images you can put into one post, so I'm going to split the original post, and create TWO posts here, to showcase the cards as they're finished.

Thanks to Bludgeon, we're almost done here too!


Finished characters part 1 is here .

Alternative version of part 1 (without the re-skinning) is here. (to do!)

Finished characters part 2 is here . (needs one piece of art)

Finished characters part 3 is here .

Edited by Slev


Finished characters part 1 is here .

Alternative version of part 1 (without the re-skinning) is here. (to do!)

Finished characters part 2 is here . (needs one piece of art)

Finished characters part 3 is here .

Edited by Slev

OK, I've been working on the last three, so here are all the outstanding rules items.

I think I've sorted out the character background on the Dryad. I've ideas to slightly re-them the Squire/herals so I can use some better art options. And included are the re-jigged Revenant, and the replacement for Cantor in the form of the Arncanist.

Hopefully I can track down the final four pieces of art over the weekend!

Arcanist (Scientist)

Strength 2 – Craft 5 – Life 4 – Fate 4

Neutral – Village

1. After you roll a die to resolve the effects of a Spell, you may add 1 to the score, or subtract 1 from the score.

2. Each time you discard a Spell, gain a new Spell.

3. If you defeat another Character, you may recruit one of their followers, in addition to the normal effects of winning the battle.

4. If you are equipped with a Magic Object or Magic Weapon, you may add +1 Craft in Psychic Combat.

Duellist (Martial Artist)

Strength 3 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Neutral –Village

1. Whenever you roll a 5 or 6 in combat, you win, regardless of Attack Scores.

2. If your Movement would land you on the same space as another character, you may move up to one extra space.

3. When another Character lands on your space, you may Demand the Satisfaction and forced them to Attack you.

Flagellant (Witch Elf)

Strength 2 – Craft 3 – Life 4 – Fate 2

Neutral – Ruins

1. If you are defeated or have a stand-off in battle, you may immediately fight that opponent again. This counts as a fresh battle. You may only do this once per turn.

2. If you defeat another character, they lose one life in addition to the normal effects.

3. You may not use Armour.

4. You may use two Weapons.

5. You gain +1 in combat against Harbinger cards.

Golem (Space Marine)

Strength 3 – Craft 4 – Life 4 – Fate 3

Neutral – Runes

1. If you are defeated in battle, roll 1 die:

1-3) You lose the battle as normal;

4-6) You do not lose the battle, it is considered a Stand-off instead.

2. You may pay one Life before rolling the dice for Combat. If you do so, roll an extra die and add it to your total.

3. You gain +1 in Combat against Constructs.

Revenant (Cyborg)

Strength 5 – Craft 1 – Life 4 – Fate 1

Evil – Ruins

1. After you roll the die for your move, you may add 1 to the score.

2. If you are defeated in battle, roll one die:

1-4) you lose the battle as normal;

5-6) you do not lose the battle, it is counted as a stand-off instead.

3. If you are defeated or have a stand-off in battle, you may spend 1 Life to immediately fight that opponent again. This counts as a fresh battle.

4. You are unaffected by Pestilence, the Siren, and the Leper. You are also unaffected by special abilities of Herald of Disease, and Horseman of Disease.

Squire (Herald)

Strength 2 – Craft 4 – Life 4 – Fate 4

Neutral – Castle

1. Instead of Attacking another character, you may demoralise one of their Followers, who will leave to the discard pile.

2. Instead of Attacking another character, if you have no Followers, you may recruit one of their Followers, who will then join you and your cause.

3. Each turn at The Castle, you may heal up to one Life for free.

4. You are not affected by the Patrol or City Patrol Cards.

So, how are things going here? Any further on with the missing artwork or the next project?

Combination of illness, craziness at work, and re-mortgaging the house have done a number on my life. Hopefully back to this in a few days. I want it finished before Christmas!

Meanwhile, if anyone has any feedback on that last batch of abilities I posted, I'd be glad to hear it ;)

Back in the saddle with this after Real Life™ got in the way for a bit.

Due to the new Digital updates, I'm dropping the Duellist (Martial Artist) and Gorgon (Saracen) from this project. Typical that they'd pick ones I had art for :P

The two updated characters may turn up in another project, they may not.

I’m also, due to apparent demand, going to be looking to put out some of the “non-fitting” characters (Samurai, Witch Doctor, Dark Elf, Zulu) with the original theme. That’ll take a little more time on the art front, but won’t slow the main project.

Since there’s been no feedback on those last six characters, I’m going to put those together, likely tonight, and can then dedicate my time to hunting down the missing art.

Edited by Slev

Updated all the characters. Five of them still need graphics.

Will now be hunting down the graphics and alt-graphics.

I'll then be putting together a dropbox file for this lot!

Done a lot of work here, since my trip to see Rogue One has been postponed. Just need one more image for the original recreations, then I can get the variants done. I'll then need to jig everything around, but the back of this project is now broken.

That said, if anyone wants to hunt down Creative Commons character arts for Samurai, Witch Doctor, Dark Elf, & Zulu, I'll not complain!

Edited by Slev

Community Character Pack 1 - Latecommers

These re-work and re-theme the Missing 2nd edition Characters, I'd expect teh digital edition to eventually re-make these themselves.
Some of these where re-themed to take out the non-european theme characters. I'll be de-skinning these back shortly as an option.













Edited by Slev

Community Character Pack 2 - Reborn Characters

These re-work and re-theme the Missing 3rd edition Characters, and the two French magazine characters for 2nd edition. I'd not expect the digital version to go here.






Edited by Slev