Recreating the "Missing" Characters

By Slev, in Talisman Home Brews

I've come up with a hybrid re-make of Chaos Dwarf that I think may be on the right lines:

Neutral, ruins
Special Abilities:
1. You begin the game with an axe from the Purchase Deck.
2. You vengeful attacks always strike true. If you win a battle against other character and choose to take a life, your opponent may not use any ability, Object, Follower, or Spell to prevent that loss of life. Enemies defeated by you may not use their abilities to prevent being killed.
3. Add 1 to your Strength in battle if you are using a Weapon.
4. Whenever you are in the Village or the City, you may discard Cultist and/or Outlaw Trophies for 1 Gold each.

Looking at the Badger/Rat in the morn methinks...

I like your version of chaos dwarf executioner.

Last ability is crap, compare it to bounty hunter. Maybe change it to 3 gold or 1 gold per strength/craft value. Remember than while you get gold, you lose strength/craft increases.

Good call. I'll make it 3.

The fifth and final group of Characters are those from Talisman: Timescape for 2nd edition. These required extensive adjustments and re-theming, some more than others. That said, some of these ended up being quite interesting.

Golem, based on the Space Marine, with updated and adjusted range combat.



Norn, based (loosely) on the Space Pirate.



Fallen Knight, based on the Chainsaw Warrior



Adventurer, based on the Archaeologist



Artificer, based (loosely) on the Astronaut



Cantor, based on the Scientist



Fortune Teller, based on the Astropath



Revenant, based on the Cyborg, with a slight armour reduction, to differentiate from the Golem.



Given the number of Home Brew Timescapes, it is neccessary to re-theme them?

Well, if people home-brewing a 4R Timescape want to re-create the characters for that purpose, more power to them. This project is to re-create the characters for the base game, and thus, yes, it would be necessary.

That said, I find that the re-themed Timescape characters are quite interesting, certainly more so than the 3rd ed characters!

Oh, not arguing that they're interesting. I was just curious, because I wasn't thinking that theme was a part of the base game. I do see your point, thanks.

I actually also have on my drive completly redone most of timescape characters. Might as well share them :)

Mind you, they are made with a total conversion of the timescape (into a fantasy realm of floating sky islands)


Alignment: Neutral / Start: City

Strength 2, Craft 5, Fate 3, Life 4

1. Instead moving normally, you may research . Your turn immediately ends and you gain a full compliment of Spells.

2. Whenever you gain a Spell, you may put it face down on this sheet as research cards . Research cards are not Spells but count towards your Spell limit.

3. Whenever an Object you have or a Spell you cast instructs you to roll a die, you may discard any number of Research Cards and for each one either add or subtract 1 from the roll.


Alignment: Neutral / Start: Sentinel

Strength 2, Craft 4, Fate 2, Life 4

1. You begin the game with two Spells.

2. You may choose which Line to move along in the Cloudscape.

3. When you attack another character, you may choose to make the attack psychic combat. You may not do this when you are attacked by another character.

4. At the start of battle or psychic combat you may summon fog. Roll one die.
1-2: You must fight as normal.
3-6: You may evade.


Alignment: Good / Start: Ruins

Strength 3, Craft 4, Fate 4, Life 4

1. The limit of Objects you can carry is 6.

2. When you draw an Object from the Adventure Deck, you may immediately draw one more card. You can do this only once per round.

3. When you visit the City or Castle, you may give any Magic Objects to the museum. For each Magic Object you discard you gain 2 gold and 1 fate.

4. Whenever you roll a die at Mines, Crypt, Portal of Power, or any Place, you may add or subtract 1 from the result.


Alignment: Evil / Start: Warlock's Cave

Strength 5 Craft 1, Fate 1, Life 6

1. At the end of your turn you may pay 1 Life to immediately take another turn. You may do this only once per round.

2. If you would lose a life, roll a die. On 5 or 6 your hardened body deflects the damage and you do not lose a Life. This can be used with your first ability.

3. You are slow to trust. You can have no more than one Follower.


Alignment: Neutral / Start: Village

Strength: 4, Craft: 3, Fate: 2, Life: 4

1. You begin the game with Sword and Healing Herbs.

2. You may add 1 to your attack score in battle or psychic combat if you use a Weapon.

3. You cannot discard or ditch a Weapon unless you want to. Other character cannot take a Weapon from you by any means.

Have you ever made your conversion public or shared it, would be really interested in having a look at this take on the timescape. Thematically sounds like it would be an amazing fit

Have you ever made your conversion public or shared it, would be really interested in having a look at this take on the timescape. Thematically sounds like it would be an amazing fit

I'm creating it with cooperation of several other people. The project is far from completed as of now.

Tinkering away on arts over here, slowly hunting down Creative Commons stuff.

I'm still in need of some bits, if anyoen happens upon anything they deem suitable:

Awakened Familiar (was Badger Kin/Skaven, I had an idea here)








Fortune Teller



Have you ever made your conversion public or shared it, would be really interested in having a look at this take on the timescape. Thematically sounds like it would be an amazing fit

I'm creating it with cooperation of several other people. The project is far from completed as of now.

This sounds REALLY interesting an expansion.

That dis, your rebuilds have given me some tweak ideas...

Hybrid solution to the "Skaven problem":

Awakened Familiar


Neutral, ruins

Special Abilities:

1. You may use two Weapons at the same time in battle. If you do, subtract 1 from your attack roll.

2. When you encounter a Place, you may ignore it and teleport to any other space in any Region with a Place on it, and encounter that Place instead.

3. When you end your turn on a space with any Objects or Places, you may banish them to the discard pile.

4. When you land on the Ruins, you may draw treat instructions to draw Adventure Cards as if the number(s) are one higher.

5. If an Event, Place, Spell of Special Ability would ever cause you to move, you may spend one Fate to ignore it.

May not be exactly there, but almost at least.

Based on Bludgeon's notes, I'll be adding one ability to the Adventurer, since mine is slightly underpowered:
The limit of Objects you can carry is 6.

I get the feeling this thread has gotten a little messy. We have to organize the material somehow...

Slev could just update as normal, but then EDIT the first post with current versions of everything.

That's what I'm considering doing.

for the moment:

Completed build:

01 Gnome

02 Satyr*

03 Pilgrim*

04 Centaur*

05 Inquistor*

06 Executioner*

07 Awakened Familiar*

Build to be worked on:

01 Hobgoblin

02 Hunter

03 Pugilist*

04 Orc*

05 Guardsman*

06 Pixie

07 Duellist*

08 Gorgon*

09 Dryad*

10 wight*

11 Squire*

12 Revenant*

13 Flagellant*

14 Kobold*

15 Fortune Teller*

16 Golem*

17 Norn*

18 Fallen Knight*

19 Adventurer*

20 Artificer*

21 Cantor*

I'll be putting together a folder of finished cards.

Maybe a sendspace link with all the material so I can download it, work on it, then post my proposals.

I'd forgotten that I'd added a "Konami" character page with my take on the Cyborg.


To view it just tap in the Konami Code on this page...


More for me to mull over.

Where did you get the art dude?

It's from D&D I think. A warforged something or other. Back when I wasn't too picky about what art to use, but I must have got a bit older in the mean time :)


These are the characters that still need work. I will remove images from this post as we complete characters. An edited first post will contain the finished characters.

Pugilist-Front-Face.png Watchman-Front-Face.png Duellist-Front-Face%20art%20-%20halycon4 Gorgon--Front-Face%20art%20-%20artgutier Dryad-Front-Face.png Wight-Front-Face%20art%20-%20toramarusam Squire-Front-Face.png Revenant-Front-Face.png Flagellant-Front-Face.png Fortune-Teller-Front-Face.png Golem-Front-Face.png Fallen-Knight-Front-Face%20art%20-%20hal Artificer-Front-Face_1.png Cantor-Front-Face.png

Edited by Slev

OK, thread updated with compiled list of outstanding characters. I'll hopefully update the finished characters tonight.