PDF Rules?

By Tinathir, in Star Wars: Destiny

Are PDF rules posted anywhere?

Not yet. Usually out closer to release.

Transcription of said images can be found here: http://swdestinywiki.viluppo.net

I wouldn't expect rules from FFG until at least the event on the 11th.

It will be soon. I can feel it.

Here is a PDF of the rules.

Thanks, but that's just the text of the rules formatted as a PDF. I'm looking for the PDF rules (as in the box).

Here is a PDF of the rules.

Thanks, but that's just the text of the rules formatted as a PDF. I'm looking for the PDF rules (as in the box).

If there are no mistakes/typos in this unofficial PDF... this will be a nice printer-friendly version until we get out claws on the real deal.

Edited by dewbie420

Well, it has some minor typos. But nothing big. The creator of the pdf could fix them without much trouble.

So, on page 17 of the rules PDF is this:

Example: Crime Lord says “You may pay 5 resources to choose a character. That character is defeated after this round ends.”

Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere on the forum, but am I reading that right. 5 resources to defeat any character with any current health, at any time? That sounds OP as all hell. What am I missing? What's the play cost for this card?

So, on page 17 of the rules PDF is this:

Example: Crime Lord says “You may pay 5 resources to choose a character. That character is defeated after this round ends.”

Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere on the forum, but am I reading that right. 5 resources to defeat any character with any current health, at any time? That sounds OP as all hell. What am I missing? What's the play cost for this card?

I've got Crime Lord down as costing 4 resources, but I can't recall where I got that information from. You also need to roll the Special symbol in order to have the chance to trigger that clause. It is Legendary, and ultimately, unless you're deploying it late game to replace another expensive upgrade, it's going to set you back a massive 9 resources minimum to defeat another character. By that point you'd have almost been better off just killing your opponent with regular free damage.

It's a small thing, but I really appreciate FFG using neutral "they" for the player instead of just "he" in this rulebook. They usually do a great job with inclusivity, and this is just more stuff in the right direction.

That being said, I didn't realize before reading this that you didn't have to resolve all dice of the same type at the same time, which I'm sure will open more tactical options, and I love that they included basic multiplayer rules with this set. It will be interesting to see if they release rules for a team version down the road.

Once you spend 4 resources to play Crime Lord upgrade, you then need to get another 5 resources to use it. That's a lot of resources and your opponent can see what your saving for. So disrupt dice and cards will be important to stop the use of Crime Lord. I think this is a super interesting card that creates a game within the game.

I really like it.

Once you spend 4 resources to play Crime Lord upgrade, you then need to get another 5 resources to use it. That's a lot of resources and your opponent can see what your saving for. So disrupt dice and cards will be important to stop the use of Crime Lord. I think this is a super interesting card that creates a game within the game.

I really like it.

Once you spend 4 resources to play Crime Lord upgrade, you then need to get another 5 resources to use it. That's a lot of resources and your opponent can see what your saving for. So disrupt dice and cards will be important to stop the use of Crime Lord. I think this is a super interesting card that creates a game within the game.

I really like it.

It would be fun to pick starting characters that do little more than create resources and fill the deck with expensive upgrades and supports.
Edited by weaponxmerc

Page 22:


•• Any special ability on the die can still be resolved as


•• Any non-special ability on the card that the die is

associated with does not apply to the die.

It's backwards, right?

EDIT: nevermind, it was 4 am and I was thinking about Ace in the hole + Crime Lord "It can't be!" ;)

Edited by Rogue30

Feels good to have the rules in my hands. I just printed the Rules Reference in color at my local library for free. :)