Coreset Rumor

By Dwnhmcntryboy, in CoC General Discussion

Hey guys. This is mainly for the older players. Was talking to a gent on the old forums and he claims to have spoken extensivly with FFG at the "Tourney to not be Named" and says that FFG expressed that the core set is nothing but reprints of older cards and the errated cards.

Personally I'm torn. Yes I do want all the erratas to be reprinted with their proper texts. On the other hand I want to see the core set introduce new cards.

One of the Topics of discussion has been format after Core. If they are reprinting cards that need to be, then I assume that there will be no splitting of formats, officially, since alot of those reprints combo really well with the sets they were released with. Also if they are not printing new cards for Core then it will be harder to separate the old and new.

IMO Core should be the launching point with all new cards that Asylum packs can help augment if you were to split the formats. Since this is rumored to not be the case I can't see a split comming. This is of course without seeing what is in Core.

Am I way off base with this assumption? Do I make any sense? lol!!

if it is 100% reprints (not counting storys) then i assume there will be a format change. since all the cards they want to stick around will be reprinted, so all the old will stuff can be considered 'classic format' but id image you could still play your black border version of the reprint.

i sure hope there are a few new cards in the set, because im fine with my black border versions and i have a good enough memory to know what cards in my deck are errata. i think i can easily remember that AE cthulhu is no longer loyal so im not gonna buy 3 coresets when i already have 2 copies with the word 'loyal' printed on it.

Well I'm of the opinion that FFG wouldn't change the format simply because they would be alienating loyal fans who have spent a nice chunk of change over the years getting the rares they needed. By forcing everyone to use the cards with the new backs their core fan base might not want to bother with the game anymore. Even if they did change the format, they probably wouldn't phase out all of the old sets at once. It would most likely be a gradual process that would take some time, perhaps once every 3-4 LCG packs come out.

Reprinting older cards just allows their new cards to be included in the expansions. Core sets should be simplistic cards, and reprints of more sought-after older cards (like Cthulhu) anyway.

Of course a split is coming. It is the ONLY way to realistically explain the decision to shift to white borders.


Zwiffle said:

Well I'm of the opinion that FFG wouldn't change the format simply because they would be alienating loyal fans who have spent a nice chunk of change over the years getting the rares they needed. By forcing everyone to use the cards with the new backs their core fan base might not want to bother with the game anymore. Even if they did change the format, they probably wouldn't phase out all of the old sets at once. It would most likely be a gradual process that would take some time, perhaps once every 3-4 LCG packs come out.


Wow, you do not know FFG at all. That exact thing was just done to the AGOT playerbase in the November State of the Game announcement, just after the October State of the Game informed us that it would not happen.

I'm certain that it's going to happen here as well. It remains to be seen, however, if FFG has learned anything from how it handled the announcement for AGOT. Judginging by the lack of announcement one way or the other during the big FFG sale, I'm thinking not.

Regardless, I am looking forward to the release of the Core set, don't get me wrong about that.

If the core set is all reprints, I am done buyin any more C.O.C. products from FFG. I among others have already dumped thousands into this game (and the company) and it's obivous they have no consideration of their loyal supports which means there buisness models come from pure ignorance. The LCG idea is a good one but so far it is being poorly executed.

Zwiffle said:

Well I'm of the opinion that FFG wouldn't change the format simply because they would be alienating loyal fans who have spent a nice chunk of change over the years getting the rares they needed. By forcing everyone to use the cards with the new backs their core fan base might not want to bother with the game anymore. Even if they did change the format, they probably wouldn't phase out all of the old sets at once. It would most likely be a gradual process that would take some time, perhaps once every 3-4 LCG packs come out.

Reprinting older cards just allows their new cards to be included in the expansions. Core sets should be simplistic cards, and reprints of more sought-after older cards (like Cthulhu) anyway.

That is exactly what Game of Thrones players were saying right before the rug got pulled out from under them. Many of them had to face a harsh reality: the loyal fans who spent all the money didn't generate enough revenue for the game to remain viable. Now, the way FFG basically told them their old cards were no longer useful in any competitive sense was very sad. And the sudden rotation of two sets of cards was inexplicable to me.

Watch what happens to Game of Thrones: it is a precursor to what will happen here.

To put it another way: if you like playing casual, nothing has changed for you.

If you like playing at the competitive/ regional/ worlds level: expect some very bad news in the near future (or whenever they get around to releasing the Organized Play Program). LCG Only Format: It happened to Game of Thrones, it will happen to Call of Cthulhu. Any other expectation is unreasonable, based on all of the evidence.

We haven't hit rock bottom yet, Loyal Fans. Hang on tight, because the ride may get bumpy! For those of you who survive: I'll see you on the upswing.

Even if it is 100% reprints, I'm okay with it. I got out of the game and would love to jump back in with some familiar faces. After all, this is the point to this whole thing is to bring in new folks and bring back betrayers like myself.

Also, Magic The Gathering does this every 2 years and it doesn't kill anything. Think of it as "The greatest hits of utility cards" and I think we'll get the point.

Does this forum have a timeout on posting? It is the second long message I lose and I am not happy.

None is unhappy with reprints (they could avoided the "pay for plastic junk and cards you already have but get only 10 stories" cheapshot to players which supported them until now, but it is not the biggest of FFG's sins).

The real troubles are:

1) Cycling, Highlandering or plain stop supporting vintage would have all old players have just wasted their efforts.

2) Nate has shown a suprisingly deep lack of understanding on the game so far (a few examples: "Conspiracy will change the metas, their strenght is subtle but is there", yeah right, I yet have to see a deck were Conpiracies aren't wasted slots; the ritual bannings, made to kill jump tech, which left it unscathed AND removed some credible threats to that deck -andd a few other decktypes to boot-). I fear a Nate only game will have poor quality.

Rant: even timeout on posting? Jolly good, the new forums are bad.

Pandafarmer said:

Even if it is 100% reprints, I'm okay with it. I got out of the game and would love to jump back in with some familiar faces. After all, this is the point to this whole thing is to bring in new folks and bring back betrayers like myself.

Also, Magic The Gathering does this every 2 years and it doesn't kill anything. Think of it as "The greatest hits of utility cards" and I think we'll get the point.

The big problem is the lack of info from FFG. The player need to know. If FFG was going to do like M:tG what is the harm in letting the players know? As I said in the OP I too would like to see reprints, BUT, I would also hope that Core Set would release new cards. Sadly this is looking to not be the case. Also M:tG made sence in rotating out because of the sheer amount of Cards they had. From Beta to Iceage was what... 15 sets of cards people could use? CoC is nowhere near those numbers so a rotation,without notice, would be a huge shock.

OK, so I've been ranting new board hate since its inception. But I have to detract from the tone of this thread. To me it looks like a bunch of rehash laced with undeserved nastiness. So the core won't have new non-story cards. I'm sorry, but that is the oldest news in the world. So AGOT had a reversal regarding set rotation. My sincerer condolences. Really. Truely. Sounds a shame. To say that proves anything cthulhu is hyperbole. To hate on FFG for selling their older cthulhu product at huge discount is unreasonable. Buy the stuff or don't buy the stuff. Know that the future of their tournament playability is...unknowable. Major difference between the two games (well, two differences): there are 75 bajillion thrones cards and under 1.4k of cthulhu, and thrones has already seen rotation. To claim this is a bad time for cthulhu is just ridiculous. Two APs in 6 weeks was unheard of until AP 5 and 6. The core set is pretty much available. And here's a new one (or two). The catalog just got mailed out; and cthulhu is on page 9, a nice spread too. We didn't make the last three catalogs. And here we are. "compatible with all previous releases." ps. I very much doubt all the errattaed cards get reprinted. Makes no sense. More likely, those cards that are reprinted that were errataed (how the frig do you spell that non word anyway?) will be corrected. And though the boards, I must concede, are faster, they are still TOTALLY unlikeable. So much for returning to total "rah rah."