Magiczny Miecz Translation Project...

By xalapagotica, in Talisman Home Brews

Hello, the game Talisman in its second edition seems to me wonderful. Like many fans, I would like to play together Talisman 2nd Ed and Magiczny Miecz (Magic Sword) with its expansions because they contain different cards and a variety of characters.

So far I have only found the expansion of Jaskinia (The Cave) translated into English. Currently, after searching for a long time, I found the other expansions of Magiczny Miecz and the main game complete, but are in polish.

Therefore I ask please, that if anyone is interested in translating the Magiczny Miecz with its expansions comment on it because I gladly share the game files.

Thanks in advance.

Hello c:

Do you still need help? I am from Poland and I really like Talisman. If You do, write me: [email protected]. I don't check my mail every day but be sure i will respond You soon ;)

You have a new email Elya.


Edited by xalapagotica

Did you see this page? It was an old project of mine, but I never got around to finishing it.

I think I have a few bits translated, but it really is just a poorly thought out knock off of Talisman at the end of the day.

Yes, of course I had seen the page, one of my favorites, congratulations for your work. Only I really would love to play the complete Magiczny Miecz.

I have sent an email to Elya, I wait for the reply from the mail, but I have sent the files for translation. I think I could do the rest of the set up for the game by having the translation.

I really hope we can play soon.

Thanks for your answer.

It's one of those projects that got nowhere as the volume of work seemed overwhelming when you look at the number of cards.

What I should have done, and may still do, is tackle a few cards per day and see where that leads.

Wow I remember these days early in the 90-ties... We skipped classes in winter just to dig into the game. Thousands of hours over the board. It was really something these days and it has pushed our imagination to its borders:) I remember the character "Morlok" who originated from the expansion "Cave" He was really hard to play with, as he lost one life each turn being outside:) The expansion "GrĂ³d" (Burgh) was much more fancy than the "City" today as it offered much more than just "shopping" The idea of two artifacts needed to enter the Castle of the Beast from two opposite directions gave also a little bit more variety to the game...

Today we try to implement some of these mechanics into the Talisman:)