The core book states that the Logis Implant talent is:
The character’s logis processors work with preternatural speed, filtering sensory input and allowing the character to analyse and anticipate the actions of those around him. By using the character’s Reaction for the Round, the character may make a Tech-Use Test to make use of this Talent. The character gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests until the end of his next turn. The character must pass a Toughness Test when he uses this Talent or gain a level of Fatigue.
Am I missing something or is this the worst talent ever?
You have to spend your reaction and succeed two rolls to get +10 for one action. If you fail the toughness roll, not only does the -10 from fatigue cancel your bonus, the penalty lasts longer than one turn. If you fail the Tech-Use test, do you still have to make the Toughness roll? If so, you can end up immediately giving yourself -10 from fatigue and still have spent your reaction.