These are things I changed or manipulated in another direction that you may wish to consider
Chapter 2
Wolfgang and his daughter, after being proven innocent, fear that the cultists still out there may wish to harm them still or get revenge. They end up going with the players to Altdorf for protection and to distance themselves from home for a while. Build on this relationship, and maybe even have a romantic spark with one of the players and Wolfgang's daughter. They will end up attending the final prayer service and the urgency to protect them can be played on.
Keep Adele alive till the final battle
Chapter 3
Have it be Adele that gives the players clues with the 'snoops' letter.
Good reasons for having Mauer as the Black Cowl:
- Play up his hatred for witch hunters, use Adele in the final fight against him. Even though she attacked the players in chapter 2, they have a common goal of killing the Black Cowl. She can be used as a punching bag if things are going too bad for the players and Mauer targets Adele when the players need to hang on.
- Mauer was tracking them through magic the entire time, being aware of where the case holding the bell clapper was at all times. When they hand over the case and the bell clapper to him, he insists on paying them, giving each of them a pouch of coins. Some of these coins are marked so he can continue to track them just as he was able to track the case. Give the players an opportunity to spot marked coins as the last day unfolds.
- This also helps make it more believable that everything takes place just after the players arrive, because Mauer knew they were coming and prepared accordingly. He even uses his influence to get the day of the prayer meeting finalized as he knows they are about to arrive.
- The confrontation with Adele can be used in two different ways, either tragic, as she dies trying to stop him, or Mauer uses Traitorous Flesh on her, in his attempt to kill her and he sets her free of her corruption. If she lives, she comes to peace with her past and has a chance for a new life.
Have the "Death to the PC's" ambush part take place just as they catch up to Frederick Grosz on the docks: