Turning search items to gold in town

By RB79BALL, in Road to Legend

In the base campaign, players can sell their search items for gold while they are in town. However, I don't see the add gold option in the town menu in RtL. Am I missing something or this is simply not a feature in this mode?

In RTL, you do not get gold for Search items. You get gold awarded for searching during a quest, and for your overall success of the quest.

If you are lucky try draw the treasure chest, but unlucky that you cannot use the item you draw, its kind of a drag that your not able to sell that. Would be nice with a function that could take this into account.

What do you guys do? We've tried to sell items equal to the price and then just keep track of our items ourself.

If you are playing RTL (the digital app), you are most definitely NOT suppose to be playing with the Treasure Chest card. It, as well as any Secret Passage, and Nothing cards should be removed prior to playing the game.

See RTL rules, page 3, point 3:

––When preparing the Search deck, remove the “Nothing,” “Treasure Chest,” and the “Secret Room” (if any) cards, and return them to the game box. Shuffle this deck.
Edited by any2cards