Push Action + Evade Check

By Runko, in Mansions of Madness


Evade check:

If an investigator in a monster’s space attempts to move out of the
monster’s space voluntarily or perform any action other than the
attack action or move action, that investigator must resolve an
evade check against the monster in his space. He does so by
following these steps:
Determine Monster:
The investigator must evade only the monster
in his space with the highest awareness—the green value in the
top-right corner of the monster token.
If multiple monsters in his space have the highest awareness,
he chooses one of them.
Resolve Evade Check:
The investigator selects the monster from
the monster drawer. Then he presses “Evade” and resolves the
effect as instructed by the app.
Any effects generated from this selection are part of the
investigator’s evade check.
An evade check may cause an investigator to forfeit his action.
An investigator that moves out of a monster's space involuntarily
does not resolve an evade check.


During the game, investigators, monsters, and tokens can move
about the board.
When an investigator or monster moves a set number of spaces,
it moves one space at a time, moving from one space to an
adjacent space.
An investigator or monster cannot move through walls or
impassable borders unless an effect specifically allows it.
An investigator or monster cannot move through a door that
is blocked by a Barricade unless an effect allows it to move
through walls.
When an investigator, monster, or token is moved to a specific
space, it is removed from the board and placed in the specified
space. It does not move through any spaces between its original
space and its destination.
It moves to the specified space even if doing so would
normally require moving through impassable borders,
walls, or blocked doors.
Voluntary movement is movement generated by an effect that uses
the phrase “may” or “up to.” For example, “you may move 1 space
into the explored area.”
An investigator who attempts to move out of a monster's
space voluntarily must resolve an evade check against the
monster in his space.
Involuntary movement is movement generated by an effect that
does not use the phrase “may” or “up to,” For example, “move
2 spaces away from the Ghost.”
An investigator who moves out of a monster's space
involuntarily does not resolve an evade check.

Push Action:

An investigator can perform the push action to push a monster or
another investigator. He does so by following these steps:
Choose Target & Destination:
The active investigator chooses
an adjacent space and either a monster or another investigator
in his space.
Determine Willingness:
If pushing another investigator, that
investigator chooses to move willingly or to resist the movement.
If the chosen investigator chooses to move willingly, proceed
to step 5 “Resolve Movement.”
Determine Test Difficulty:
If pushing a monster, the test difficulty
is equal to the monster's brawn. If pushing another investigator,
that investigator tests strength (
); the test difficulty is equal to
the test result plus one.
Resolve Test:
The active investigator tests his strength (
If the test result equals or exceeds the test difficulty, proceed
to step 5.
If test result is less than the test difficulty, the active investigator
forfeits this action without finishing its resolution.
Resolve Movement:
The monster or chosen investigator moves
1 space toward the chosen space. Then the active investigator may
move 1 space toward the chosen space.
An investigator can perform this action only if a monster or another
investigator occupies his space.

Scenario: Investigator A and B are in the same space as a Monster
Investigator A makes a Push Action and tries to push Investigator B (he's willing) out of the space containing a Monster.

How many Evade checks are made and by whom?
We have been playing it that there are 2 Evade checks made. 1st when Investigator A declares the Push Action and 2nd (if his Action was not forfeited) when Investigator A decides to follow the willingly pushed Investigator B out of the Monsters space.

Is this correct?

That's a good one. Given the scenario and my understanding of the rules, I would actually only do one evade check for investigator A.

Since the push action is only a single action, he would only have to evade when he initiated the action. The free movement is part of the same action, so in your case you are basically making investigator A evade twice for the same thing. Thematically, don't think of it as "I'm pushing you, then I walk towards you in the direction I pushed you", it's more like "I'm plowing into you and taking you with me in the direction I'm going".

Here is the exact breakdown of my understanding

Step 1: Investigator A declares the Push Action

Step 2: Investigator A performs an Evade check against the Monster, if he fofeits his action, end

Step 3: Investigator B declares he's "willing"

Step 4: Push Action effect says "move 1 space"

Step 5: Evade check rules say if movement is " voluntary " make an Evade check

Step 6: Movement rules say " voluntary " movement is movement generated from effects like "you may move 1 space"

Step 7: Since the movement is not "voluntary" based on the interpretation of the rules, no Evade check is performed.

Step 8: Investigator B moves to the chosen space

Step 9: Investigator A decides he wants to follow Investigator B

Step 10: Push Action effect says "you may move 1 space", movement is considered " voluntary "

Step 11: Investigator A performs an Evade check

Evade check:

If an investigator in a monster’s space attempts to move out of the
monster’s space voluntarily or perform any action other than the
attack action or move action, that investigator must resolve an
evade check against the monster in his space. He does so by
following these steps:
Determine Monster:
The investigator must evade only the monster
in his space with the highest awareness—the green value in the
top-right corner of the monster token.
If multiple monsters in his space have the highest awareness,
he chooses one of them.
Resolve Evade Check:
The investigator selects the monster from
the monster drawer. Then he presses “Evade” and resolves the
effect as instructed by the app.
Any effects generated from this selection are part of the
investigator’s evade check.
An evade check may cause an investigator to forfeit his action.
An investigator that moves out of a monster's space involuntarily
does not resolve an evade check.


During the game, investigators, monsters, and tokens can move
about the board.
When an investigator or monster moves a set number of spaces,
it moves one space at a time, moving from one space to an
adjacent space.
An investigator or monster cannot move through walls or
impassable borders unless an effect specifically allows it.
An investigator or monster cannot move through a door that
is blocked by a Barricade unless an effect allows it to move
through walls.
When an investigator, monster, or token is moved to a specific
space, it is removed from the board and placed in the specified
space. It does not move through any spaces between its original
space and its destination.
It moves to the specified space even if doing so would
normally require moving through impassable borders,
walls, or blocked doors.
Voluntary movement is movement generated by an effect that uses
the phrase “may” or “up to.” For example, “you may move 1 space
into the explored area.”
An investigator who attempts to move out of a monster's
space voluntarily must resolve an evade check against the
monster in his space.
Involuntary movement is movement generated by an effect that
does not use the phrase “may” or “up to,” For example, “move
2 spaces away from the Ghost.”
An investigator who moves out of a monster's space
involuntarily does not resolve an evade check.

Push Action:

An investigator can perform the push action to push a monster or
another investigator. He does so by following these steps:
Choose Target & Destination:
The active investigator chooses
an adjacent space and either a monster or another investigator
in his space.
Determine Willingness:
If pushing another investigator, that
investigator chooses to move willingly or to resist the movement.
If the chosen investigator chooses to move willingly, proceed
to step 5 “Resolve Movement.”
Determine Test Difficulty:
If pushing a monster, the test difficulty
is equal to the monster's brawn. If pushing another investigator,
that investigator tests strength (
); the test difficulty is equal to
the test result plus one.
Resolve Test:
The active investigator tests his strength (
If the test result equals or exceeds the test difficulty, proceed
to step 5.
If test result is less than the test difficulty, the active investigator
forfeits this action without finishing its resolution.
Resolve Movement:
The monster or chosen investigator moves
1 space toward the chosen space. Then the active investigator may
move 1 space toward the chosen space.
An investigator can perform this action only if a monster or another
investigator occupies his space.
Edited by Runko

I can see your logic, and I think this is a situation where we would need official word to be sure, but I'm of the opinion that you would only evade once per action that isn't an attack. The free movement is part of the push action, so I don't think it would have its own evade check.

Another similar situation, exploring. If you have a monster in your space and you choose to explore the next room, you have the option to move into the next room after exploring. By your logic above, would you evade twice, once for the explore, and once for the move?

Best is to send a rules request. But personally I would only do the evade check once for push or explore. Game is hard enough as it is.

Was this answered by FFG?

My answer:
Investigator A (the pusher) makes a single Evade check - when he initiates the Push Action.
Investigator B (the pushed) doesn't make any Evade checks.

I'm curious what will FFG answer.

Was an official answer ever given?