What will you do after February 2017? (License end)

By Gregorius21778, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Dear fellow GM,

as we were made aware in the past the license agreement between GW and FFG will end February 2017. This means the end of distribution of DH as well as RT, OW, DW and all the other 40k-titles (wich us DH-games often used as additional source material). And I am pretty sure it will mean the end of these forums, too.

My question to you, the GM´s is: what will you do? Will you continue on your own? Will you just end the running games and quit it? As you know, I was never to found of the rules and the recent developments, but I was always found of adding material, of discussing scenes and scenarious and of providing input.

Thereby, I would like to know if you continue and in which way..and perhaps where in the web you might be found. The "day X" is still four month in the future, but the wise man prepares in time... and even unorganized mad-scientist-types like me do! ;)

Why should the fact that the games are being discontinued affect if we play them or not? The product is there and it works, I see no reason why I would stop playing it now. My group already has plans for future games in DH 1st, RT and OW, and we will keep playing these games for as long as the interest is there.

Why should the fact that the games are being discontinued affect if we play them or not? (...) we will keep playing these games for as long as the interest is there.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Will you be found at any certain forums or RPG groups? I try to find out where those who will still play it are going to gather in the virtual world :)

I'm fortunate enough to have a stable and long-running gaming group, so the fact that the line is now 'dead' will have no impact on me (other than not needing to worry about buying more books, incorporating new material, etc). I have everything I need, and my DH2 campaign will continue as if nothing happened. Heck; now that I think about it, 3/4 of the systems that I run throughout the year are 'dead' systems.

My question to you, the GM´s is: what will you do? Will you continue on your own? Will you just end the running games and quit it?

Well hopefully by then I'll have completed my collection of WH40KRPG books, I then plan on reading them all and making notes for each individual system collating all the mechanical stuff across the individual lines into a singular document so I don't have to lug around a bunch of books.

After getting through them all and making notes on some of the adventure seeds I like I plan on running a grand campaign across all the lines where each game feeds into the events of the next one.

Yes I'll continue on my own, I've done so as far, why would I end running games?

The only thing it has changed is some friends and I are actively working on updating Deathwatch, Rogue Trader, etc. to Dark Heresy 2nd Edition rules, since we know it won't be done by others.

My group will definitely continue with DH2 and DW. We have built a whole "thing" around the game, with us now venturing into playing 40K using the Jericho Reach and having our DW characters make appearances and so on.

As ThenDoctor is doing, I am looking to pickup up the books I don't have, as the fluff for game (DH, DW, RT, OW, etc) in and around Calixis Sector is outstanding.

If GW or someone else comes up with a new system, we will look at it, as we did when with DH1 back in the day when we wanted to get into "sci-fi" roleplaying.

~ alemander

I'm still running a DH 1 campaign, so being discontinued obviously doesn't effect me ...

Once my current campaign wraps up (my players recently hit Rank 8, and I have plans to run it into mid-Ascension), I'll take a break from WH40KRP and let someone else GM for a while (not sure which game system we'll go with). I would like to try running an Ordo Xenos-based campaign (as opposed to my current Ordo Hereticus campaign) at some point, so after my batteries are re-charged, I'll decide if I want to go with DH2 , adopt another system, or homebrew something.

Edited by Adeptus-B

My question to you, the GM´s is: what will you do? Will you continue on your own? Will you just end the running games and quit it?

Well hopefully by then I'll have completed my collection of WH40KRPG books, I then plan on reading them all and making notes for each individual system collating all the mechanical stuff across the individual lines into a singular document so I don't have to lug around a bunch of books.

After getting through them all and making notes on some of the adventure seeds I like I plan on running a grand campaign across all the lines where each game feeds into the events of the next one.

Yes I'll continue on my own, I've done so as far, why would I end running games?

I should hope you don't quit! I look forward to each post in our PbP campaign (Enelia might be digging herself a bit of a hole just now, but we'll see) :P

As for myself, I still want to someday run a DH1 campaign myself (in fact, almost all of the RPGs I dream of one day playing are out of print . . .). It was more of a pleasant surprise to find that FFG was still making 40k RPGs. I'm more concerned with what happens to this forum, really.

Edited by Servant of Dante

I'm kinda confused at what answers you're expecting here? :)

Whether FFG is doing a line of not, I have the rulebooks, and post-licence will be exactly the same as pre-license. Whether you buy the books or pirate them (a deplorable act, absolutely) you're done with FFG from the completion of that purchase. They haven't done anything for me since that stage. Maybe that's just me?

If I was going to GM pre-license, then I'll be GMing post-license too, I'm not really sure why there's an issue here. As far as I can see, this is just confirmation that no new products will be coming, and none of us should really have expected new products anyway. Wanted them? Absolutely! But not expected them, no.

I'm kinda confused at what answers you're expecting here? :)


Hi WorldSmith,

I try to gauge how many people that use the forum will stick to the game and if they are going to gather in a different forum / community ( as I kinda guess that the GM-sections of the games will be gone together with the license).

Thereby I hope for answers along the lines " yes, I will stick to it and may be found internet-wise HERE or THERE " . I always liked to have an eye on the GM-forums to be able to join the creative process in one topic or the other. And I guess I will miss that. So, I clumsly and awkwardly, try to gauge where (if anywhere) fans of the 40k-RPG games might gather -after- "day X", so I can lurk in the corners of THOSE place anew to raise my head if somebody is asking for ideas again. :)

EDIT: I admit to show completely selfish and parasite-like behaviour here. ;)

Edited by Gregorius21778

I'm more concerned with what happens to this forum, really.

I'd assume they'll be put into the archives.

Thereby I hope for answers along the lines " yes, I will stick to it and may be found internet-wise HERE or THERE "

If I go anywhere I'm going to try and stick around r/40krpg, but I think the archives will be active enough. I don't really want to join another forum if I don't have to.

There's the 40kRPG Reddit . There's also Roll For Heresy , which is quickly becoming a new favourite of mine, and I would actually prefer to become the new forums as oppose to the Reddit thread itself.

I see no selfish or parasite-like behaviour there at all. Your candour is just... Very strange. As is how you're putting the question forward. :)

Edited by TheWorldSmith

If I go anywhere I'm going to try and stick around r/40krpg, but I think the archives will be active enough. I don't really want to join another forum if I don't have to.

I'm going to be honest here, I didn't actually realize FFG had forum archives accessible until recently. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I think activity on these forums is going to drop to near non-existence once our beloved forums get stuffed away.

If in 20016 I can run and play AD&D - then, I think, I will not have any problem with WH40K RPG in 2017, 2018, 2019 etc, etc :P

But if the forums actuivity will drop - it will be sad.

If in 20016 I can run and play AD&D - then, I think, I will not have any problem with WH40K RPG in 2017, 2018, 2019 etc, etc :P

But if the forums actuivity will drop - it will be sad.

If you're alive in 20016 there are other things to discuss.

WHFR 3e has been 'Dead' for a long time now and I still run a routine game of it and have been for quite a while.

Not going to lie though, when I saw the horrendous price gouging going on for the Hero's Call supplement ($1,100) I was sorely tempted to sell my complete collection.

I figure since it is all in fantastic condition (everything sleeved and sorted from day 1 and about a half dozen extra dice sets) I might be able to make a mint selling this when I do decide to cut ties.

If I go anywhere I'm going to try and stick around r/40krpg, but I think the archives will be active enough. I don't really want to join another forum if I don't have to.

I'm going to be honest here, I didn't actually realize FFG had forum archives accessible until recently. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I think activity on these forums is going to drop to near non-existence once our beloved forums get stuffed away.

Hmm good point. I've done my best to fix that now.

Thank you, ThenDoctor!

When the end of February 2017 comes I shall then turn myself into the Phantom of the DH2nd archives :lol:

If you're alive in 20016 there are other things to discuss.

Elementary time travel, what to discuss at all? ;)

If you're alive in 20016 there are other things to discuss.

Elementary time travel, what to discuss at all? ;)

Anyone have the number for the Ordo Chronos lying around?

Well my group will be around and still playing but then again I still Run myself TSR Top Secret/SI which has not seen a supplement since '92. And I have it running in the current day.

Old Gamers, we never let old systems die

How about we (re)start our own 40k rpg thread(s) in one of the off-topic sections of the forum?

Well my group will be around and still playing but then again I still Run myself TSR Top Secret/SI which has not seen a supplement since '92. And I have it running in the current day.

Old Gamers, we never let old systems die

Yes! Chainmail for the win! ;)

Well my group will be around and still playing but then again I still Run myself TSR Top Secret/SI which has not seen a supplement since '92. And I have it running in the current day.

Old Gamers, we never let old systems die

Heh. Every time I start thinking that the WH40KRP system is too clunky, I remind myself that I used to play Top Secret . Makes everything seem much better by comparison...