Tracking down Innsmouth Horror

By Giant Weasel, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Just had a great weekend of Arkham Horror, even though the key thing I took away from it was: if the Elder Gods are rising, Mrs Weasel and I are absolutely the last people you should call to help out. We got absolutely thrashed every time! When an other world encounter calls for you to fight Great Cthulhu by yourself , and you're a half-insane librarian armed with only a knife, it's never going to end well.

Anyway, I've got a few of the expansions, and I ordered the ones I'm missing this morning. But I can't track down Innsmouth anywhere (in the UK), except second-hand for a small (well, large) fortune. Is it out of print? Likely to be in print again soon? Or does anyone know of a shop still selling it?

Thanks for any help!

The whole line is still in print, so that, sooner or later, the expansion will be available again. So, my suggestion is: wait a little more, and wait for the prices to calm down again

Listed in the upcoming section as awaiting reprint :) so hopefully its in the line for production.

Great to see people buying up masses of this game (like I did this year) even though Eldritch Horror is the one in-vogue


PS: Poster above ^^ Julia.... knows nothing about this game, she just makes it all up, dont listen to her!............... ( seriously shes one of the worlds foremost authorities lol )

I must confess you Alex, that Dreamlands expansion coming for EH is quite a temptation

I must confess you Alex, that Dreamlands expansion coming for EH is quite a temptation

Must resist!!!!!

Edited by alexbobspoons

I must confess you Alex, that Dreamlands expansion coming for EH is quite a temptation

Do not tell me how good it is, you know it will lead to me buying the whole of Eldritch Horror..... which may well happen at some point...

Must resist!!!!!

Rolls 10D20. 10 '1'... was it to roll high or low? :D

Edited by Julia

I must confess you Alex, that Dreamlands expansion coming for EH is quite a temptation

Do not tell me how good it is, you know it will lead to me buying the whole of Eldritch Horror..... which may well happen at some point...

Must resist!!!!!

Rolls 10D20. 10 '1'... was it to roll high or low? :D

Stop it!!!!


Ooh, good stuff. Thanks. I'll hang on then!

Already got Eldritch and all it's expansions. And Elder Sign, and all its expansions! And Arkham card game on pre-order...

I need more shelves...

Ooh, good stuff. Thanks. I'll hang on then!

Already got Eldritch and all it's expansions. And Elder Sign, and all its expansions! And Arkham card game on pre-order...

I need more shelves...

No worries. It's when you say "I need a bigger manor" that you should be worried... :P

Happy you're enjoying these lines!

Now you mention it... *eyes the East Wing disapprovingly*