Hello, I've been looking for alternatives to "Vampire: The Masquerade" and "Requiem" and I was pointed to Warhammer Fantasy roleplay and I remember reading "Night's Dark Masters" which the book then starts to discourage Vampire PCs like one get's the blood kiss then one would be forced to make a new character "no matter how they want to play a Vampire" as I remember reading and the book also mentions that Vampires do not make good parties due to their "inherit selfishness, megalomania, etc" which I think we encountered some big problems to how the book/game is written and especially, why make a Vampire book but turning around saying "nope they're NPCs only"?
So does this mean that Warhammer Fantasy Role play is out of the question when it comes to Vampire PCs just like Ravenloft/D&D? If that's the case then I'm running out of options here unless the rules need to be changed/altered to make Vampires playable in this game.