Runewars book?

By noteclado, in Runewars

Hi everyone

Did you know if there is an official book or another source of information about Terrinoth story?

I own Runewars, Battlelore and Runebound and its universe seems very interesting like LOTR


There is none in the moment, but it is highly anticipated

Designer Frank Brooks talked in a recently released interview of a "lore book" that should be coming with Runewars: the miniature game. Details still unknown, but if you pair this with Chris Petersen's talk at GenCon, it's almost sure something's in the work :)

I anticipate a miniature lore book in the RuneWars miniatures game box that details the circumstances surrounding the Daqan and undead forces as they battle during the core set of that game. I further anticipate a larger world book that covers all of Terrinoth to be released later next year, based on what Christian Petersen said at GenCon about the Android world book being very well-received and that they look forward to doing future world books for other IPs.