Question about retreating from combat

By Tokogaru, in StarCraft

Hi all,

I recently bought Starcraft: The Board Game, albeit a few of the pieces came broken we decided to give the game a try anyway. A number of the people I play with also played starcraft pc games, and we found the retreating when all the front line units have been destroyed, and only assisting units remained rules to be very odd.

Namely the Zerg player had a sizable force built up and went to attack our terran player.

The terran played had 1 BC, 2 Wraiths as well as a firebat on the territory. Rather then sending in a larger attack force the zerg player sent in a single guardian, and selected his guardian to attack the firebat. From what I recall the firebat had sufficient strength (due to the assistance of the bc and wraiths), but since the guardian had no assisting ground units it didn't do anything, where as the guardian destroyed the firebat.

This lead to a retreat (units remained, but all defending units are assisting), and from what I could tell from the rules the terran player just retreated with a bc, and 2 wraiths from...... a guardian..... who can't even attack air units. Then the guardian destroyed the terran players base.

Everyone at the table, except of course the zerg player who had leveraged the rules in his favour, were appalled that such a large air force would retreat from an attacking anti-ground unit. It just didn't make sense, and then other players have begun to use this strategy against any unit that can't attack air.

I just wanted to make sure that we had understood the rules properly, since as it stands purely ground units have just become unused in our games once the air force rolls out.

You are making a mistake in the rules; you are mixing up Assist units and Supporting units.

An Assist unit is one that has the word Assist in their combat values instead of numbers. A complete list includes Queens, Defilers, Science Vessels, High Templars, and Arbiters.

If all of the defenders remaining units are the types above, then he must retreat.

A Supporting unit is any unit that is not a Front Line unit.

So in this case, all of the Terran player's units were Supporting , but they were not all Assist .

So according to the rules, the attacker must retreat if the defender still has live non- Assist units left. So the Guardian should have retreated.

Well then that makes much more sense, I could definatly see a player retreat out one of the listed units if the combat oriented units were taken out.

Thank you for clarifying that point of confusion for us, we had thought that the units assigned as supporting units were "assiting" the front-line, which is where the point of confusion stemed as to the reatreat situation.

This clarification will certainly restore balance in our game, as people were afraid to build weak low end units only to see them get torn up and have their large powerful units run with their tails behind their legs.