Currently, if you park a squadron next to another squadron on top of an obstacle, it appears they are touching token to token, and the obstacle underneath can't be seen. Thus, there is no obstruction.
This bit is a null-issue mostwhat, - The Rulebook states that they are still considered "Obstructed", even though they are "In contact", even if the obstacle underneath can't be seen...
Yes, that's why I haven't bothered before.
But then we got this:
Obstructed Q: While a ship is overlapping an obstacle and the attacking hull zone’s traced line of sight does not pass over a visible portion of that obstacle, or another obstacle or ship, is that attack obstructed?
A: No.
And then I started thinking about the squadrons, which really should have a 4-5 pixel semi-opaque ring around the base, rather than the current all-black base,