What do you think the Oculus Ignis does?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

In Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, Forgotten Gods p. 55, there's a tech priest who is looking for a device called the oculus ignis.

There's no other references in the other lines as to what the device is, and the only thing I've got so far is that it means roughly "the eye of fire"

So what do you think it should do?

No lyn, dante, or weasels, i don't plan on using it for you guys.

If you're feeling mean, have it be a corrupted cybernetic eye that provides access to the pyromancy psychic discipline, at the expense of on-going corruption and insanity increases. If you feel really mean, have a character acquire it thinking it a normal implant...

This particular piece of tech's schematics were only overly corrupted beyond use like 2 centuries ago, so I think they'd know if it was innately bad.

But the idea of an Inferno Pistol Cybernetic Eye is pretty good.

The tech priest in question is just searching for one to examine. The one they are looking for could always be corrupted.

Lho stick lighter :-D

What if 'eye' was in the 'eye of the storm' sense... perhaps a force-field generator which creates swirling swathes of flame around the user but also protects them from the heat.

Ooo, that's neat too, and also a simple enough piece of technology to lose the specs to.

A spherical device containing the soul of a daemon of Khorne. It is normally part of a bigger machine/weapon, acting as its infernal power source.

Alternatively, it could be a cybernetic eye that detects psychic disturbances. Any psychic influence is depicted to the user as an alternating weak yellow-redish color that flows from 1 color to the other, almost like a flame. Hence Eye of Fire.

Again alternatively, perhaps there are multiple eyes and they are the entrances and exits of somekind of local planetary teleportation network. Each eye sits on a pedestal and has the size of a man's skull. Once activated, it becomes engulfed in flames and shows the immediate exit through the flames. Moving around the sphere, and thus changing the angle from the user towards it, shows the different active exits.

Edited by Gridash

Well......fire, ultimately, is an electrochemical process.

So, theoretically, a sufficiently advanced piece of luminen tech should let you manipulate it, just as easily as a pyromancer (a friend actually did this - crudely - about 10 years ago as part of a university research project; you can move, distort and extinguish a bunsen flame with a sufficiently strong electromagnet).

A cybernetic implant which essentially provides pyromancy powers would be quite cool. Inquisitor - way back when - had a nice rule for generic archaotech, which was to give them the equivalent effect to psychic powers, but using Sg (now Int), rather than Wp, for the purposes of the tests to power them (probably with straight damage or fatigue from feedback replacing Perils of the Warp).