I didn't realize there was such a solid group in Las Vegas, wow. It's refreshing to hear.
Yeah it's pretty crazy how fast the community grew here haha. We've already went through a box of Shadowar and Soul Calibur starters in two weeks. We get at LEAST 4-7 new players a month. I do my best to show off how cool it is to the frequent and non-frequent customers as well as taunt all the M:TG players to man up and play a big boy's game
. Even our M:TG Judge plays now rockin' a Paul deck!
Antigoth said:
ShadowDragon said:
There were indeed a few players in Singapore, iirc one went by the screen name of Dakkon.
The other one is Frehocc
Frehocc came over to visit me in May 2008. I got him hooked on UFS, in turn he got a bunch of other hooked on it.
Frehocc is still posting on the forums, and Dakkon is still trading.
Email Sent. Getting the remaining play group to email now.
Thanks for the information Dani.
Email sent and a license idea I hope you take a look at. Yes I'm pigeonholed into this theme, because I'm a fan boy of the series. But if anyone has ever seen Ryuki or Dragon Knight then a battle royal deathmatch type of show seems to fit into UFS perfectly.
HamanKahn said:
Email Sent. Getting the remaining play group to email now.
Thanks for the information Dani.
You're welcome, figured you'd want to know.
As for anyone else, I do suggest running through your list of UFS contacts and making sure everyone knows what's going on since not everyone reads the forums and some stopped reading as soon as they saw the SotG so they may not know about this effort to revive the game.
Well over the pond in Colchester, we have a healthy play group. there's at least me, Joe, Dan, Paul, Jonathan, Jonny, Ricky, Stephen, and I'm sure even Ben and Kyle would get back into the game if it started again. That's at least 8 - 10 to start with, we've had at least 25 players in the past. I know I've mailed, and I know some people haven't so I'll see what I can do to change that.
Good Luck!
Personal feud deleted. Please take it outside, gents.
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow someone moderated the forums XD
Hayamachop said:
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow someone moderated the forums XD
First time for everything.
So is Jasco picking up UFS or not?
I've emailed already and sent messages to my playgroup to do the same. Here's hoping this works!
email sent hope everything goes well
a bit late but i sent the e-mail. i like say, got a message to remind me to do so
Email sent, in hoping UFS shall live again and hopefully keep the ball rolling!
Looks like there is alot of ppl who still havent email and or just not started to...im going to get the rest of my playgroup to email you as well we have a good 6 players who i dont think have yet
Lets keep it going guys i really think we can make it!
So whats the official count up to now?
I need UFS to continue, I represent a group of 5 die hard fans in central NJ. We found the game just last year to replace a decade dead ccg we were playing, so when we transition its for the long haul.
I wouldn't make the same mistake again, if someone picks up UFS I will buy directly from them to support the game.
I haven't forgot about you! Please be patient and we will have an update for you as soon as we have everything figured out here on our end, and are free to release information that has been discussed with FFG.
Keep fighting and I hope to bring everyone good news when the time comes!
Email sent, like quite a few in our playgroup I've heard, although I'm a bit late.
Wishing the best of luck to you guys, from the playgroup in Portugal =).
Fight on!
Paplatos said:
Wishing the best of luck to you guys, from the playgroup in Portugal =).
Fight on!
Yeah, everyone here in Portugal is hoping that Jasco saves UFS! We started our community one year and a half ago, and our playgroup in Lisbon has been growing since, as well as the other scattered players that appeared out of nowhere across the country.
We love the game, so please don't let it die.
Of course it takes long.. especially if Steve is trying to pull his last string to turn UFS into an LCG... it'd be great since FFG had announced that all their LCG Battlepacks going forward will have 3 copies of every card printed for that expansion. So, if UFS gets it's relaunch as an LCG then the BPs for them would have 4 copies of each card?!
*crosses fingers*
Final Round <Steve Horvath + James Hata vs FFG + economics>
P.S. The next challenger in line is Jasco Games should Steve/Hata pair get KOed.
hey im a big fan in the game i just started a year ago i dont what this game to stop ples let it run ples
First time visitor to this section of the forum. I have recently been thinking I would love to get into UFS again. I played on the very onset of it when I think it was made by a company called sabertooth games. I even got afew of the free test packs or whatever they used to promote the game. However I can't rationalize playing a CCG anymore. I have also been looking into FFGs LCG model, and while none of those games really appeal to me I would actually love to see UFS be put under that kinda revamp.