By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion

We are still short of our goal of 500 people in support of me bringing back UFS. Please tell everyone in your play groups to e-mail me and let me know you are all interested in keeping the game around and buying product in the future. Everyone who e-mails me will be added to my personal e-mailing list so I can keep everyone updated with the state of the game (literally) and will pass on any news or updates as soon as I get them.

My e-mail is:

[email protected]

My store phone is:


I need everyone to support Jasco Games in this endevor and I will do everything in my power to keep the game alive for you. I have already looked into artists, printers and talked with many people interested in design and playtesting. I just need everyone to stay as devoted to the game as possible until we know where the game is going. I have been writing business plans for the last 4 days straight, even through Christmas, which explains why I am writing this at 4:00am. This is the kind of commitment you will get from me all the time, and I am very passionate about my work. I hope this gives you all some insight, and a reason to hang around until the Summer which seems to be the earliest feasible time I could print a new set. Don't hold me to that, that is all still in speculation. Anyway, e-mail me and let me know you are in support of Jasco Games re-launching UFS.

Thanks and fight on!


email sent, sorry for the delay - you have to remember that it is a holiday season, so be patient.

the thing i find most interesting is that we easily have one of the more active forums/communities of any/all FFG games. At least that is my experience with this site. I'm not saying we have over 1k players or anything, i'm just saying it surprises every now and then to realize FFG couldn't find a way to make a profit from the interested players here...

i understand volume is the most important thing, even though you haven't received 20+ emails from Calgary players, that is what we have, and at least 15 of them buy product (too much product sometimes imo) rampantly. our group has grown since rotation, and we all love the game and would continue to buy product (we also have a pretty decent economy here, and usually have more than enough dough <relatively speaking> to buy it).

no matter what you efforts come to calgary will continue to play ufs in some way shape or form, we have a lot of good guys/girls and the mechanics/characters hold everlasting appeal. thank you for all of your hard work.

- dut

Unfortunately, I am the only person from Tapout who has sent in an email. However, all 12 of our players are still in support of the game and are just too lazy to get on the computer and send an email. Although they knew FFG wasn't going to continue with UFS, our store sold THREE boxes of SCVI2 yesterday. Chubbs and I discussed with many of our players about the possibility of Jasco Games picking up UFS. They were pretty psyched

So Jason, we have 12 total players from Hanover PA who are still in support of the game and want you to relaunch UFS.

You're going to have a lot more people than you think because not everybody has access to email or either just don't feel like emailing.

I know that myself and a few friends are in support of it. It would actually make me want to buy cards again, which I wasn't doing recently, because I wanted to see the direction the game took before dropping a ton on the new mini-block.

I know I sent in an email about another matter, but it did go to there about UFS, so I hope you count it. :)

At piegon games we have 15 players, me and perran have sent emails happy.gif

Well the consensus in michigan is that if you picked up the game than our group would play, which is about 10-20 people. 10 for sure just my playgroup + about another 10 including tag from taylor. Also like shaneth said no access to email or just to lazy(more this). So you could count my email for a solid 15 that buy product (and one individual who has spent the better half of his scholarship on ufs cards). I just can't see you not selling this game when it is your only focus. However I have to say throw that brick and mortar **** out the window(no offense) cause it just isn't going to hurt the game to have a little PR for it.

edit::: Also if you don't mind saying how many people are you at right now anyway?

tannerface said:

However I have to say throw that brick and mortar **** out the window(no offense) cause it just isn't going to hurt the game to have a little PR for it.

I thought they took that stance after they found out pretty much nobody but specialized gaming stores would carry the product.

Homme Chapeau said:

tannerface said:

However I have to say throw that brick and mortar **** out the window(no offense) cause it just isn't going to hurt the game to have a little PR for it.

I thought they took that stance after they found out pretty much nobody but specialized gaming stores would carry the product.

Email sent Fight on everyone!

tannerface said:

Homme Chapeau said:

tannerface said:

However I have to say throw that brick and mortar **** out the window(no offense) cause it just isn't going to hurt the game to have a little PR for it.

I thought they took that stance after they found out pretty much nobody but specialized gaming stores would carry the product.

Did not know that. But I'm just saying get something out there besides word of mouth.

That's what I interpreted from the last Steve SotG.

Email sent! Lets see what pops off.

no playgroup here and iam pretty sure no one in this area gives a crap anymore (besides me) so iam sorry to say that you can write off the south florida playgroup...

Email sent! Looking forward to this game's revival!

I will support UFS where ever it is.

I suspect that UFS was never advertised on the mass market for several reasons. I begin to list them below

1.) FLGS interests. Sell only to them and maintain good standing with them.

2.) Costs negotiating with walmart and others.

3.) Inability to get the above to buy it.

4.) Inability to be able to market anything fairly as a result of the multi-fighting-game-liscence issues...

5.) GW not allowing it in the first place perhaps.. IDK.

got four players left in the STL area, but we are all on board. I'm not sure if any one else sent emails, but I know I did the other day. I really hope this works.

6 from Torrance, CA playgroup. Most of us have emailed.

Just a rough estimate you have around 80 people just from the numbers posted here. If you take that into consideration and look for playgroup numbers instead of individual emails we should easily hit 500 people.

My official e-mail count after 6 days is.... 256 !! I know many of your play groups are sending one message in regards to your entire group but I still need messages from all of you so that you can be contacted once we get things moving!

Here is something interesting- I have gotten responses from these following countries:


New Zealand




Portugal (who has sent me an astounding number of e-mails!)



and of course...


We are slightly over half way there! Keep messaging me and we should hit 500 in about a week!


Did that Singapore group die out? ...

Wow thats awesome on so many different levels.Just uplifting, 250+ players across nearly a dozen countries and 3 continents.

Awaken said:

no playgroup here and iam pretty sure no one in this area gives a crap anymore (besides me) so iam sorry to say that you can write off the south florida playgroup...

vermillian said:

Did that Singapore group die out? ...

I have a cousin who lives there who is MAD into caads...

There were indeed a few players in Singapore, iirc one went by the screen name of Dakkon.

ShadowDragon said:

There were indeed a few players in Singapore, iirc one went by the screen name of Dakkon.

The other one is Frehocc

Frehocc came over to visit me in May 2008. I got him hooked on UFS, in turn he got a bunch of other hooked on it.

Frehocc is still posting on the forums, and Dakkon is still trading.

I've already sent you an e-mail myself of the support of the shop I work at and myself. I have about 20 die hard UFS customers that are dying for someone to pick up UFS and reassure them that they will receive new and fun sets in the future. Several of these individuals buy boxes on a regular basis. I've sold five boxes in the last two weeks. Not five boxes worth of booster, literally five boxes. I've sold over 10 boxes worth of boosters in the last month. We at Battlezone Comics in Las Vegas, Nevada will do our best to support this endeavor. May I suggest offering special cards/prizes for individuals willing to donate to this process? Of course judge the interest of donations before offering to accept them as you wouldn't want to promise results to such individuals with out being able to assure them.

Dyllon Rhea

Las Vegas, NV Scout

Battlezone Comics.