arkham horror, Innsmouth horror or dunwich horror

By Epitaphe, in Reference Materials


I had a question reguarding this franchise.

I would really like to start playing this game but the orginal game Arkham Horror box has been out of stock for a while and i live in France where none of the shops in my region have any stock.

While browsing the online catalogue it seems that the 2 othe box i listed in the tittle contain a board game for another town as well as monsters etc etc.

Can they be used in stand alone to play the game or is the possession of Arkham Horror needed to play properly?

Also another question, has there been any mention of a re-edition of Arkham Horror?

Reguards and happy holiday season

No, you need the base game to play.

I think the game we play now is Re-Edition of classic 1987 game? No?

In any case, basic Arkham Horror set is required to play any of the expansion.


Try Amazon. The French site doesn't have it stocked, but the site does. No idea on shipping issues though.

I bought this for my 9 year old at Christmas and he loves it.

Good luck


I got mine (Base Game) on Ebay and for a great price too. The box had been opened but the pieces were all still packaged and I paid like $30 for it because of that.

Thanks for the answers. i managed to find a shop in France that still had the core game.

It s really a fun game.

We will be trying out king in yellow, curse of the dark pharaon, and dunwich after we assimilate the core rules.

Ps : glad to see this post has been fixed, i registed during the timeframe where the new account were broken and count post or view post.