I meant like an official source...
How is Fantasy Flight's product page not an official source?
I honestly don't know what to say.
I meant like an official source...
How is Fantasy Flight's product page not an official source?
I honestly don't know what to say.
No but we have know that for a while. Not like you need it though. Just grab any dice bag, or other container you have in the house. I'm buying a goblet at the Halloween store when it opens. Easier and more appropriate I think.
In all my time fighting against Lovecraftian nightmares I never thought of hitting up the halloween store to accessorize my board game! I'm headed there this week for sure. Good idea.
I honestly don't know what to say.How is Fantasy Flight's product page not an official source?I meant like an official source...
I meant like an official source...
Considering it's the company that makes the game I call that official. But sure.
How about the rule book itself or still not official enough ?
I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
No, I really did not. That post read to me like you were saying you wanted something more official than what he posted, not that you were conceding the point.
I meant like an official source...
Considering it's the company that makes the game I call that official. But sure.
How about the rule book itself or still not official enough ?
Finally, I've been looking for proof that set numbers only appear on the back of location cards. Thanks for posting that image.
I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
It was rather obvious you did concede.
No, I really did not. That post read to me like you were saying you wanted something more official than what he posted, not that you were conceding the point.I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
Nor did I.
I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
It was rather obvious you did concede.
I feel like some of us are using the English language completely different than others...
I feel like some of us are using the English language completely different than others...I meant like an official source...
Did you guys really not see I was conceding the point here? After Toq cited FFG?
Sorry if it came across any other way. I'm out.
It was rather obvious you did concede.
What do you mean?
Some people's sarcasm detectors need a tune-up.