Double Spligs

By Randymd, in Road to Legend

Anybody ever have an agent come out at the same time as the corresponding lieutenant. We had that happen in our last quest. First, the agent Splig came out as part of a major peril. Then we opened the door to the next room, revealing the lieutenant version of Splig.

I thought that if a lieutenant was involved in a quest, you're not supposed to use the agent version of that character. Seems like it's probably a mistake in the app. Am I really supposed to use the figure for one Splig and a cardboard token for the other Splig? That just sounds silly. My solution was to tell the app that the agent version was defeated.

I didn't want to create a time paradox if the two Spligs were to see each other, destroying all of Terrinoth

Seems like the peril effect has no check on whether or not the lieutenant version would appear later in the quest.. :)

Yeah, it seems agents don't follow the traditional rules for not summoning it where the lieutenant is in play or when the campaign is built around it. I once had Lord Merick Farrow agent appearing in a Quest where he shouldn't appear, you know, because he's suppose to be the main boss...

Yeah, it seems agents don't follow the traditional rules for not summoning it where the lieutenant is in play or when the campaign is built around it. I once had Lord Merick Farrow agent appearing in a Quest where he shouldn't appear, you know, because he's suppose to be the main boss...

I hear that they might have been clones....