+++++ Private Journal Entries of Thomas "Eli" Ellesworth III <I.IV> +++++ <Bounty on Terms with Cathedral of Light>

By Senior Cardinal Ignato, in Fan Fiction

We are in luck this year my friends, the Year of the Rouge Trader is just beginning as we settle into a new year, I welcome editors and despise praise unless it is just plain Obscuro-Mateys. The Ship sets sail in 2010 and it was a resolution of resolution to finally bring an auto-quill to the pad. Thank you to all the anonymous editors who make underground writing fun again, and again and again... Truly, Ambition knows no bounds. Once upon a time there was a Navigator who could not read nor write yet new the stars like the back of his hands... Senior Cardinal Ignato will try to expound upon the wary tales of a would be Rouge Trader in this nape of the Imperium. Tighten the hatches, who is the mod here again, I apologize in advance for anything more stupid than this to come, a galactic mulligan if you will.





It would seem this world is ruled by the War of Man, the war of Man against nature. A war without guns, with guns, a war with no peace, yet without a sound, a war without propaganda, yet following the strict bylaws of politic. A world where the very star that hardly warms the Polar Tundra regions is such as a dying Iho-Stick, just the filter burning against the crimson cherry of the rolled synth-aid. 8 Crowns a pack these days, as smoking or with anything that can burn on the small planet I was born anything to do with Fire is far against Imperial procedure. Apparently even this small useless deathworld has some greater use in the One that knows all, sees nothing, hears just about what is needed, dines on faith and excretes waste that turns to gold, or so I am told. Welcome to my planet, My name is “Eli”, there is a longer Archaic name, but that is another story all together. It started five hundred years ago and haunts me at the ripe age of 163. <sounds of coughing, vox transmission halted as device was frozen ><ADEPTUS MECHANICUS file 832984u2-1976-<DAWKINS><SCROLL><DAWKINS><FEED><DAWKINS><SYNTAX ERROR><FREEZE><FREEZE><-10 C><T.O.D. UNDETERMINED><REBOOT AUTO-QUILL>........