It was a bit sad reading this yesterday. I have thoroughly enjoyed the fruits of this partnership over the years. Dark Heresy became my favorite RPG a few years ago and I have spent more than I probably should have on the fantastic quality 40k products FFG has released. I wonder FFG's strong focus on Star Wars products is part of the reason for this parting of ways. I'm not complaining if so, I love Star Wars too. Anyway, I have some questions regarding this news:
Will the 40k and Warhammer fantasy RPGs still be available digitally (ex. once the break up becomes facebook official in February?
Are the rights to the games FFG has made for GW fully controlled by FFG or will GW be able to have another company continue development and production of those titles?
Mostly unrelated but I just remembered this. Relic made it onto an episode of NBC's Dateline that I saw a couple of months back. It is being played at the end of the episode if you want to see it.