UFS LCG... who's in? FFG.. please look!

By GraveLord, in UFS General Discussion

Halbard100 said:

I'll say this, after looking at some of the other LCG's tutorials, I just don't want them the change the gaming system. All the other LCGs seem to have some token resource thing, which I really don't like. As long as they don't tamper with the game structure at all, and I doubt they will or should, I'd be fine with it :)

No, you're misunderstanding things. LCG instead of CCG. Everything else is the same. Instead of variable chances of pulling X card(s) you're guaranteed Y amounts of it per "pack". The game will play the same.

I'm behind Jasco Games if FFG does not want to make UFS into an LCG, but I'd prefer that FFG does it.

I disagree with what you said. UFS can still remain as "UFS" and still be an LCG. Nothing needs to change and the negative view towards UFS will not be as bad as you make it out to be. If FFG had brought it up to us before and ask our oppinion of it instead of ignoring our thoughts on the matter, then it would have been a much smoother transition into a LCG then it would be for them to do it now cause rumours of the game dying has already reached the ears of interested players and regular players alike at this point.

It's still a plausible task if FFG is willing to put more effort into it. Despite their said efforts to promote the game, compare to Sabertooth Games, they did far too little. Good effort, in my opinion, will include a TV commercial at the least. All it takes was a CG animated clip of Ryu vs Nightmare (or the like) to turn all heads towards UFS... that's just an example. It this point, all they need to do to keep the current players is to announce that they've changed their mind on cancelling the game and sale it as an LCG instead. Then market the game as an LCG card game with ShadoWar as it's next set. On the meantime, also start working on a storyline with a protagonist(hero) who resembles other famous characters such as Ryu, Kyo, Goku or Kazuya just to name a few.

The most important thing right now to make any of this "UFS LCG" dream come true is to show FFG our support and our will to play on.

Steve, if you're reading this, please think about it. If a player like myself who've played this game ever since it's launch is willing to stay and support this game's system, then what do you think of the 1,000 players and ex-players who're standing by with their fingers crossed? Just imagine how much UFS will sell if it was marketed as an LCG... a collectible card game without the gamble.. without the complaints of not getting what they paid for.. without the complaints of having no luck with boxes/packs.

Oops.. realized afterwards that a player was still logged in on my pc. The post above is mine.

Do you know why the sets were always organized as Street Fighter, and another set was Soul Calibur? Beause the two liscences were not ALLOWED to be martketted together. That's why. A comercial like you suggested would never be possible.

Also, commercials are very expensive. To produce.it, and also to buy the space...

Halberd: The way CoC and A Game of Thrones has played has been the same since its creation as a CCG... it becoming an LCG has nothing to do with its game play... same with Warhammer. Why on Gods earth would you think UFS would have to change its game system if it switched to an LCG?

CCG vs. LCG is just a matter of how the product is delivered. It changes nothing about its game play (well... it KIND of does... more on that later if one is truly interested...)

ah.. never thought about it that way but what difference if it make if FFG had rights to use it? I'm not sure of exactly what restrictions were with those contracts but a TV commercial would pay off if done right.

After thinking about this, and finding out from my local hobby store from informed LCG players just WHAT LCG stood for (yea, i'm still a nOOB), i have to say that i'm very much on board for FFG making UFS into an LCG (man, that is a LOT of acronyms); even if it means only promoting UFS as ShadoWar.

I'm IN!

I think players benefit from this in a HUGE way:

1st, most of us aren't financially and independently wealthy. An LCG means that we could own the Starter Sets (and every card therein) for a very affordable amount. The later-released expansion sets would only then add to the flavor of the game, and would still be very much affordable for the average/casual gamer.

2nd, LCG's, i think, are more affordable to produce?

This looks like it could be a win-win situation for all involved.

That said...

I'm still very much in support of Jasco Games, should FFG choose to pass on this idea.

I think when Tekken 6 came out, FFG could have pulled a Yugi-oh and put some promos in the video game. Promotion I think is what hurt this game the most as it could only be spread by word of mouth.

Ninjazanus said:

I think when Tekken 6 came out, FFG could have pulled a Yugi-oh and put some promos in the video game. Promotion I think is what hurt this game the most as it could only be spread by word of mouth.

From the information that had been provided to me, I was surprised to hear that they weren't.

Right back in Gencon 08 I interviewed Horvath and he'd mentioned that there was the possibility of timing a release with a video game product and having the possibility of some kind of cross advertisement... perhaps that was to be the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning MMO and the warhammer set that was turned in to the demo deck (as was rumoured elsewhere... I can't remember if that was even ever confirmed... lol) and put in the collectors sets of the WAR:MMO. Or perhaps he was referring to Tekken 6. I can't tell, and we probably won't ever be able to tell.

Again cross promotion would/is tough. There's timing issues, and then there is also marketting liscencing issues... If you start cross promoting with Tekken 6, Capcom gets upset, and vice versa. Now we're making sets to time them with release of the video games, and no longer to be timed with the normal ebb and flow of the game's needs (like when the set can be done by / out of the printers by / demand for another set, etc...).

THat isn't nessecarly true. I saw something happen that was similar to this is in heroclix. Most of the time the cross promotion element in one product can be seen as leeway to negotiate with another party only if it goes well. The example of this is the D.C. giants collector set. Marvel had giants out for a couple of years but there were no D.C. ones. Wizkids could show that there was a demand for D.C. giant figures. When the product was finally produced they sold out of D.C giants. I've seen heroclix be shipped with City of Villians collectors editions. Marvel and D.C. didn't get mad. The same happened for all their Indy characters they released. THing is if you offer x to party A and never offer x to party B. You have to be up front about your services.

Perhaps it was the matter of the contract saying that you weren't ever going to offer X with Y and the contract being unrewrittable.

Besides I thought DC and Marvel were owned by the same group now, or am I crazy?

And the Collector's Edition was a promotional item, wasn't it? Or am I crazy again...

NoteL UFS had no problem shipping SC promos with prize support, even if there hadn't been a SC set in a bit (for instance). that's not a product being 'sold'.

darklogos said:

THat isn't nessecarly true. I saw something happen that was similar to this is in heroclix. Most of the time the cross promotion element in one product can be seen as leeway to negotiate with another party only if it goes well. The example of this is the D.C. giants collector set. Marvel had giants out for a couple of years but there were no D.C. ones. Wizkids could show that there was a demand for D.C. giant figures. When the product was finally produced they sold out of D.C giants. I've seen heroclix be shipped with City of Villians collectors editions. Marvel and D.C. didn't get mad. The same happened for all their Indy characters they released. THing is if you offer x to party A and never offer x to party B. You have to be up front about your services.

Eh... Correct me if I'm wrong but...

You never got an Indy character in a Marvel Booster

You never got a Marvel Character in a DC Booster

You're talking apples and oranges. The Indy Clix , while yes you had Top Cow licences mixed with 2000 AD, that was also probably part of the selling feature to the contract. "You don't have enough IP to be able to release your own set, so you've got to be lumped in with the rest of the indy titles."

From what I remember, Indy Clix was also the worst selling Hero Clix booster set, proving that point.

Antigoth said:

You never got an Indy character in a Marvel Booster

You never got a Marvel Character in a DC Booster

That would have been an epic distribution mistake, however.

While I would love to see UFS continue, I find it hard to wrap my mind around how it would work as a living card game. The format is interesting, but seems very limiting. Less cards would be released at any given time, leaving deck construction with quite a few less options, and if you're looking to get multiples of certain cards, well then you need to buy a second copy of the set (and with a core set that could get expensive).

Then there are people like me who like to play theme decks. I typically will build my decks based around cards that are designed with characters in mind (such as Headstrong with Alex, or Flaming Shoryuken with Ken) or cards that will go with the character's abilities (Grappler with R. Mika, for example).

This is my only concern with a LCG format. Would I be able to play the way I have been, or would my options be eliminated until a number of sets have been released an purchased, which if I need to buy multiple sets, could be at considerable cost to me?

Also, before anyone spells out the cost of booster packs, I understand they can be costly if you get duplicates of cards you don't want to use, but that was the beauty of UFS, there were no cards I didn't find something to do with in the long run. Of course, that's just me. Many people might not want to build extra decks simply because they have the cards available, but I had fun with it anyway.

However, if anyone would like to set me straight, I'm willing to hear it! =)

EDIT: Ack, re-read the first page and saw something I didn't before. I can't say I'm a fan of dropping the fighting game licenses. That was a BIG part of what drew me to UFS. There was definitely a novelty to it. But I also refer back to my previous statement. I enjoy themed decks. It's very hard for me to get into something I can't relate to in some fashion, be that videogame fandom (Street Fighter, DarkStalkers, Samurai Shodown), literature fandom (Call of Cthulhu CCG, haven't played the LCG yet, don't have the money for a whole new set of cards) or the like. I realize that's likely a character flaw on my part, but I can't see myself as the only person who thinks this way.

Actually, Rockman, the way i see it, should UFS continue on with FFG as an LCG (way too many acronyms), and should it continue on only by ShadoWar name only, then i think it would be easier to build themed decks. I think it would also be a lot easier to tie in Story lines for each character, and each expansion could therefore be a twist to new story arcs.

I'm also going to suggest this to Jason of Jasco Games on the google groups. If you're not already a member, i totally suggest you become one:


Happy New Year!