And now it's official, this game is dead ( link )
End of an era
What a waste. With proper support and expansions, this could have been a truly great game. As is, there's simply not enough content in the box to keep us playing. Leave it to GW to burn you, even when you're not actually buying something directly from them.
I literally ordered this game about an hour ago. Unreal.
At least 1 new quest would have been nice!
I'd bet it's already wrote!!??
Come on FFG print on demand it!
Is this worth picking up as is, or is it a bit pointless without expansions on the way? Always quite fancied the look of it.
Is this worth picking up as is, or is it a bit pointless without expansions on the way? Always quite fancied the look of it.
It's a nice game, and will allow you for several hours of fun with friends. Plus, I imagine we'll see many custom quests created by fans to enjoy it further.
Thanks Julia. I've got the new Arkham Horror card game pre-ordered but I reckon there's space for this in the collection too!
Bummer. I can't say I blame FFG for dumping this IP, as I don't think there's a lot of potential for growth in it. Having said that, I will miss this game and the prospect of future expansions.
Here's to hoping for Runewars: The Adventure Card Game.
Thanks Julia. I've got the new Arkham Horror card game pre-ordered but I reckon there's space for this in the collection too!
Plus, probably, if you keep it sealed, you'll resell it at 400 bucks on ebay in 5 years or so...
Well thanks GW! I supposed I really need to try to pick up Chaos in the old world ASAP now.
I really loved the old WHQ. and the card game let me feel that again with a lot less than Silver tower £ wise. I do have decent but terranoth just is not the same.
Ah well I can go play Shadowrun:Crossfire instead, as we will get no more quests for this.
Here's to hoping for Runewars: The Adventure Card Game.
Yes please, this would be great.
Here's to hoping for Runewars: The Adventure Card Game.
Yeah, I see no reason why WQ:ACG can't some day become RuneQuest ACG! (Though they probably couldn't even get away with the Quest part here...)
The mechanisms are wholly FFG's (mostly borrowed from Space Hulk: Death Angel and the LotR LCG). Just swap in some Terrinoth art, and things should be good!
I could even see two such games being compatible, if FFG didn't retweak the rules too much...'s hoping!
As much as I like Runebound and Descent, the main reason I got WHQ:ACG is precisely because it is a Warhammer game. I would not be interested in playing this same game but with the generic fantasy theme that Terronith is instead. If I wanted to play a Terronith adventure game, I would just play Descent or Runebound. Hopefully enough fan content will be created to keep this one going for a little bit longer.
As much as I like Runebound and Descent, the main reason I got WHQ:ACG is precisely because it is a Warhammer game. I would not be interested in playing this same game but with the generic fantasy theme that Terronith is instead. If I wanted to play a Terronith adventure game, I would just play Descent or Runebound. Hopefully enough fan content will be created to keep this one going for a little bit longer.
Fair enough, where I'm the opposite. I have very little investment in the IP and really enjoy the mechanics of the game. I saw this as a better alternative to Pathfinder ACG.
If this was re-skined for LoTR, I might be interested. But then again, we already have the LotR LCG.
Bummer. I can't say I blame FFG for dumping this IP, ... .
Read the announcement again.
FFG is not dumping anything.
GW is not renewing the licenses!!!
GW is bringing everything into its Age of Sigmar crap and the new way they going for in the 40K schema.
If you are not with them, GW is cutting you loose.
Welcome to the new GW!
Sadly, it is no surprise is one has been paying any decent attention to GW in the last while.
Edited by The HorsemanRead the announcement again.Bummer. I can't say I blame FFG for dumping this IP, ... .
FFG is not dumping anything.
GW is not renewing the licenses!!!
GW is bringing everything into its Age of Sigmar crap and the new way they going for in the 40K schema.
If you are not with them, GW is cutting you loose.
Welcome to the new GW!
Sadly, it is no surprise is one has been paying any decent attention to GW in the last while.
I know weve had some clashes of postings at times in the past
but for this one, well said that man!
What a waste. With proper support and expansions, this could have been a truly great game. As is, there's simply not enough content in the box to keep us playing. Leave it to GW to burn you, even when you're not actually buying something directly from them.
Arkham LCG would probably have killed it anyway. Still sad to see it go.
Edited by Robin GravesAs much as I like Runebound and Descent, the main reason I got WHQ:ACG is precisely because it is a Warhammer game. I would not be interested in playing this same game but with the generic fantasy theme that Terronith is instead. If I wanted to play a Terronith adventure game, I would just play Descent or Runebound. Hopefully enough fan content will be created to keep this one going for a little bit longer.

Many of us have already foreseen this conclusion (while still hoping for a sort of "miracle") so I am not so surprised. However I am not so happy to see gamers claiming the game didn't need a proper expansion and it is fine as it is (eventually with some fan content).
GW has fooled me enough with uncompleted games or dropping good concepts after making me buying the content before, and I would prefer FGG to not alienate fans as GW did.
My only (tiny) hope now is that, whatever future concept FFG will create based on the experience with WQACG, it would be somehow compatible with WQACG itself. It wouldn't be so strange to me to see my trollslayer exploring dungeons with a Daqar knight and fighting (generic) undead and daemon monsters from terrinoth universe.
My only (tiny) hope now is that, whatever future concept FFG will create based on the experience with WQACG, it would be somehow compatible with WQACG itself. It wouldn't be so strange to me to see my trollslayer exploring dungeons with a Daqar knight and fighting (generic) undead and daemon monsters from terrinoth universe.
Not a bad idea at all.
"The Fantasy Flight Adventure Cardgame System Presents...."
My only (tiny) hope now is that, whatever future concept FFG will create based on the experience with WQACG, it would be somehow compatible with WQACG itself. It wouldn't be so strange to me to see my trollslayer exploring dungeons with a Daqar knight and fighting (generic) undead and daemon monsters from terrinoth universe.
Not a bad idea at all.
"The Fantasy Flight Adventure Cardgame System Presents...."
That would be a neat trick.
Here's to hoping for Runewars: The Adventure Card Game.
Yeah, I see no reason why WQ:ACG can't some day become RuneQuest ACG! (Though they probably couldn't even get away with the Quest part here...)
The mechanisms are wholly FFG's (mostly borrowed from Space Hulk: Death Angel and the LotR LCG). Just swap in some Terrinoth art, and things should be good!
I could even see two such games being compatible, if FFG didn't retweak the rules too much...'s hoping!
I am hoping that they go this way. While I do enjoy the Warhammer universe, this would be a good way to expand more with the characters from Descent / Runebound. Maybe they can flesh out some of the generic villains from Runebound.
If it is compatible or substantially similar to what this was, then I would pick it up for sure.
I think most of us knew that GW and FFG were parting ways for some time now. When WHQ:ACG was released, it was obvious that FFG had planned to release a regular stream of expansions via card packs much like their LCG lines. This game was designed from the start to be expanded with new scenarios and characters being released on a regular basis. Which is why the core set feels so basic. But at the time of release, we all were OK with this as we assumed that there would be more content in the next few months. When this didn't happen without even a peep from FFG, I think we all knew what the writing on the all was. As we all know, FFG is always quick to release expansion content for their games (and sometimes announce them before the core product is even out...the Dunwich expansion for the AH LCG is a recent example of this). So when we didn't get any info about expansions for WHQ:ACG, we knew something was up. And we have known now for a better part of the year. Plus, the release by GW of their own WHQ board game sort of put the nail in the coffin for this anyway. While it was surprising that FFG released the two character packs, I think that many of us knew that these were salvaged from an intended expansion that was aborted. While I am disappointed that WHQ:ACG was never given the chance to live up to it's potential, and it was clear that this was going to be a great game system with a continuous stream of new content, I am grateful for the fact that it means I have less distraction from playing games like Descent and Runebound now.
Edited by OtakuonHere's to hoping for Runewars: The Adventure Card Game.
I would love that so much!