New Investigators

By Sid Pikes, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

With Mansions of Madness 2nd ed coming with never before seen Investigators, I would love to see a release of them for Arkham Horror.

A print on demand or somthing along that nature that includes Agatha Crane, Carson Sinclair, Father Mateo, and Preston Fairmont.

Arkham nights promos would be another way to get them in Arkham Horror.

We are still seeing expansions for Elder Sign and Eldritch Horror so I'm not so concerned about them being added to those games. It has been a while since Arkham Horror has gotten any form of release.

Just my thoughts since this is the first time NEW investigators have been released in a long while.

I get the feeling the boardgame is 'done' now. It's been what, five years since Miskatonic now?

I think everything is going on the card game now.

But yeah, I'd love to see a new expansion with new characters.

I could see a POD expansion giving us new investigators for AH

With the recent release of new Arkham Horror monster minis, it's not impossible to imagine other items appearing.

The game isn't finished until FFG think they can't sell any more and the reprints are taking place on a regular basis.

I can't see why a new expansion would sell any worse than any of the others.

Arkham Horror and Eldritch Horror target, more or less, the same customer. By releasing a new expansion for AH, FFG could divert some fans from EH. I don't suppose it's something they would do.
But I truly hope I'm wrong.

Hmmm... while I think it's true that many EH players tried AH and many AH players tried EH, I don't think there's a real overlapping of the two audiences. For example, I quit getting expansions for Eldritch (I honestly don't like the direction the game's going), but I'll buy on day 0 an expansion for AH. And I'm sure it's true also the opposite. It's proven by the fact that AH keeps on being reprinted, meaning that people still want this game.

This said, I guess we have to wait to see what happens. If one thing FFG proved us over the year, is that good lines never really dies but are periodically rebooted with the same name, so, possibly, we'll see a new expansion or an AH 3rd edition coming. I don't feel the need for a 3rd edition, so, fingers crossed for the expansion

No 3rd ed please, if it aint broken dont fix.

If anything, yes more expansions.

Boards to cover exciting mythos areas somehow, such as the arctic, under the pyramids etc, travel handled by portals maybe. (I know these have been done in EH but I bought into AH)



AH could be developed further in the way ES was developed: each expansion adds an independent board, with its specific Mythos and encounters. Would people buy this, considering it should possibly cost 60 eur / box? I personally would...

I love AH but I'd happily take a new edition of the game.

There were a number of improvements made in EH that could be applied to AH without losing any of the feel of the game. Fixing the gate/clue distribution, removing the tower of mythos cards etc.

I love AH but I'd happily take a new edition of the game.

There were a number of improvements made in EH that could be applied to AH without losing any of the feel of the game. Fixing the gate/clue distribution, removing the tower of mythos cards etc.

Noden save you if you are using expansions and sleeved cards for that mythos deck.


AH could be developed further in the way ES was developed: each expansion adds an independent board, with its specific Mythos and encounters. Would people buy this, considering it should possibly cost 60 eur / box? I personally would...

Much much much better idea than 3rd ed. I would buy this in a second!!

I love AH but I'd happily take a new edition of the game.

There were a number of improvements made in EH that could be applied to AH without losing any of the feel of the game. Fixing the gate/clue distribution, removing the tower of mythos cards etc.

Noden save you if you are using expansions and sleeved cards for that mythos deck.

I use all expansions sleeved and yes the Mythos deck is huge, but I like it this way.

I don't want a streamlined version of AH.

Using Blackjack discard holders supports the stacks and solves the problem of toppling card piles for the Mythos and Gate decks.

Hmmm... while I think it's true that many EH players tried AH and many AH players tried EH, I don't think there's a real overlapping of the two audiences. For example, I quit getting expansions for Eldritch (I honestly don't like the direction the game's going), but I'll buy on day 0 an expansion for AH. And I'm sure it's true also the opposite. It's proven by the fact that AH keeps on being reprinted, meaning that people still want this game.

This said, I guess we have to wait to see what happens. If one thing FFG proved us over the year, is that good lines never really dies but are periodically rebooted with the same name, so, possibly, we'll see a new expansion or an AH 3rd edition coming. I don't feel the need for a 3rd edition, so, fingers crossed for the expansion

I am the unicorn. I love them both. I DO seem to have EH hit the table more often, but it's mostly because my friends enjoy it more because of the time sink involved in set-up for Arkham.

I'm not a solo player and I am very bad at organizing my components, but I have all the expansion for both games and would play either at the drop of a hat and have created custom characters that span BOTH games (I was apparently hoping I wasn't a unicorn, haha).

Bring on the expansion! I'd rather not have a reboot though because my storage couldn't handle a reboot as I don't think I could ever part with the original. I want to be the mysterious estranged uncle who dies and leaves a treasure trove of arcane knowledge to his great nephew. Filled with the raving scribbles and half-created custom components only found on BGG!

Like a cloth map of Lovecraft Country! (but I never got around to printing/making the encounter decks/items/etc).


will you be following also the AH LCG? (long live unicorns, btw! It's fantastic when games are loved and not hated!)


will you be following also the AH LCG? (long live unicorns, btw! It's fantastic when games are loved and not hated!)

Glad to see the universal love and that I'm not alone with it.

I've been fully involved on each of the Arkham Files games except for Call of Cthulhu LCG. I think Mansions of Madness 1st ed was the only one that I wish got more table time but didn't. Now that 2nd ed cleaned up the set up time it has been seeing more love again. I'm already planning to play as much of Arkham Horror Card game next week at Arkahm Nights, each new write up makes me more excited for it.

Yep, I also play both EH and AH. Different challenges in both, and quite a different feel I reckon.

I'd be happy to see a 3rd Edition of Arkham, though I expect it wouldn't be done unless there was a chance to seriously increase sales of the line. Things I'd love to see in it:

  • Revamped rulebooks with new design. Make the game easier to learn and the game flow much more smoothly/quickly for new players (largely the same rules, but lots more streamlining and clarity)
  • Reference sheets for the game turn and at-a-glance cheat sheets
  • A new Arkham map -- refreshed art and possibly improvements to the Terror Track/Sky/Outskirts, but largely the same format so that it fits with the other expansions
  • Rules for campaign play and possible "world" hooks with Eldritch Horror
  • Alternate victory conditions - some twists on the way to play the game (Mysteries, Scenarios)

Guess I can dream, can't I? :rolleyes:

No harm in dreaming. Just get a silver key, and everything's possible

I love AH but I'd happily take a new edition of the game.

There were a number of improvements made in EH that could be applied to AH without losing any of the feel of the game. Fixing the gate/clue distribution, removing the tower of mythos cards etc.

Noden save you if you are using expansions and sleeved cards for that mythos deck.

Ha! I was cursing sleeves just last night when drawing mythos and Other World cards, expansions included. So slippery...

Also, personally I'd love more AH expansions. I'd also be interested in hearing about a third edition but they'd have to do it carefully.

Would love to see the new investigators included in AH. With the Investigators of Arkham book coming out I think that having all of them playable in the various games would be great and would get more people invested in the reoccurring characters of FFG's version of the mythos.

Listen, apart from the fact we all look through nostalgic glasses to our 10 year old games...

It is pretty obvious that games are better developped, have better graphics, better rules or support etc...

Of course not every change is always considered "better", but it is pretty obvious we will have a newer version of AH one day.

And of course there will be people that will be displeased, just like they were with Descent2, Mansions of Madness2, Battle Lore2 etc, but mostly these products are/were successes.

I think this game industry is ALWAYS on the move, despite of all the treasures we had in the past.

Who could have thought that Descent2 the Road to Legend App would have ... TRIPPLED the sales of a 4 year old game?

Who imagined a year ago Mansions of Madness2 would be one of the hottest games of the last 6 months according to a few retailers I know?

I also see that 2 new trends contribute to recent successes. Solo playable and App supported games. Of course both mechanics reinforce each other (along with a co op trend which already happened a few years ago).

AH - NO doubt - has lived this long thanks to its co op status AND solo capability. These mechanics were pretty NEW back then. So any new version should include these mechanics as well.

Also I don't consider AH or EH or ANY other Lovecraft FFG a replacement for one or the other. They are quite different games, from dice roll to LCG to world or city and mansion mechanics. So there WILL be a new AH boardgame.

My hope is that it will be App based - like the recent success rates show.

And NO, sotware supported board games live as long as ANY other boardgame. My old Avalon Hill hybrid games can be played as good or even better than they were in 1981 on Apple2 or Atari400's ...It is called Emulation mode on systems that are 10000 times faster and the endless resources called the internet.

The Road to Legendary and MoM2 are PERFECT illustrations how a new AH could get better and have MORE involvement and simply put out better game play (and thusMORE sessions)...

Edited by BenBos1302

I personally prefer my gave to have no App integration and love rocking Arkham Horror.

I think people confuse "better developed" with "more marketed, more hyped, improved graphics/art, recently released".

The base mechanics for AH were designed in 1987 and before and I haven't really played anything that has quite such a unique "balance".

Not sure what word to use, so I went for balance, but basically I love how there is no static "Win" condition. It depends on what happens during the outcome the game. This is somewhat done in Elder Sign, but not nearly to the same effect.

With other games, my brain inevitably calculates the "Best Possible Move" given the variables available, which becomes more clear as the mechanics become known.

I found with AH, there is no "Best Possible Move", there is only a half-baked plan and you have to try make it work whilst being ready to adjust on the fly if something crazy comes out.

There are definite weaknesses in the game that have emerged over time, and this mechanic can also result in quick wins or crushing defeats.

But I have found that I prefer this to the opposite.

That's just my 2 cents.

I think people confuse "better developed" with "more marketed, more hyped, improved graphics/art, recently released".

This is a great point. For many players, it's the cult of the new. Then, ads and marketing have improved a lot over the years. Then of course, there's also a lot more experience in game design so that newly designed games can suffer less from errors from the past (e.g: NPC in Mansions of Madness. 1st edition had a different token per NPC, which caused the game to overbloat, and it was a waste of resources. 2nd edition has general person tokens that represent this or that NPC).

As for the dynamics proper of AH: they are good. Incredibly good. And this is said after 361 AH games played & 4 years of my life dedicated to analyzing the math, the stat, and the structure of all the games I test (around 110 projects at the moment). There are few thing around that have the depth and the elegance in design Arkham Horror still has.

IF I had to redesign this game, I'd change minimal things for a better balance of some elements (like creating a decent version of Nyarlathotep, or burning Atlach), but I'd never change the structure of the game. It works like a clockwork mechanism on so many levels

Edited by Julia

I would also love a new Arkham Horror expansion with more investigators, more heralds, and more ancient ones.

Just sharing downloadable files with Agatha Crane, Carson Sinclair, Father Mateo and Preston Fairmont would be awesome and turn me in to even more loyal customer. They did it in the past, releasing Dark Pharaoh.

Or maybe a POD with 8 investigators from EH09 and 2 or 4 Ancient Ones. AO's that are present in other Arkham Horror Files titles but not in Arkham Horror itselft include:

Cnidathqua, Er'nrawr, Iod, Kassogtha, Rlim-Shaikorth, Ubbo-Sathla, UmĂ´rdhoth

(If you know about others, I would be happy to learn about them)

Edited by tsuma534