Talked to Steve Today about UFS Rights

By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion

Please do not post under this topic. I just put it here so that it will be easier to find. Post any comments under Reviving the dead - or UFS on life support

I Talked to Steve today, and over the next 4 weeks we will be arranging the possibilities of Jasco Games taking over the UFS game rights. I will need all of the support from you that I can get for this and the biggest thing I can stress is, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT UFS! The game will not have any new sets until all of this process is complete, so if we indeed are able to come to an agreement, which seems feasible, please wait for us to get everything up and running again and look back for UFS occasionally. The forums will be up for the next 2 to 3 months according to Steve, so we need a place to relocate to until new arrangements are made.

Call me or message me if you have any questions or ideas to help the process.

[email protected]



Steve has assured me that he will fully support the UFS Pro Tour Circuit! So we will be getting the remainder of Promo Cards and other cool stuff to give out over this seasons run of events!

I just browsed the forums and I



my pants

Jasco Games taking over UFS? It'd be interesting seeing a small Lubbock hobby shop have its logo on such a great game! :D

Although I'm looking forward to its potential, the biggest concern I have is future card design. Will Hata help out? Will all the designers be us, the fellow players doing so for free? Will it be a set team?

It's a huge concern, but this is indeed great news. How will Capcom and Namco feel about all of this, I wonder?

MarcoPulleaux said:

It's a huge concern, but this is indeed great news. How will Capcom and Namco feel about all of this, I wonder?

Why do you think it will take 4 weeks to hammer out the possible details?

This is an exciting prospect for us still in love with UFS. As of right now, I think we should just cool our heels and let Jasco Games do what he can. its the first big step in a huge possibility. I encourage all to join us at the Google group UFS Relaunch

Group joined.

Let us know what we can do.

I sent you an important email.
Jasco Games Please respond when you have the time.

I have done my best to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. I will discuss more about the Canadian Nationals shortly. Does anyone know how much it costs to reserve space at GenCon? I will see if we can bum space from FFG if they are willing for this years worlds.

Keep writing me! We need all of your support.


jasco games said:

Does anyone know how much it costs to reserve space at GenCon?

Depends on how you want to do it.

If you want to have a private room similar to what a number of compaines do, I have no idea how that works.

However, if you're wanting table space in the card hall similar to how UFS was set up this year (2009), that can be done for free, so long as you follow the process.

Go to:

Click on the EO/GM header. Select the "Event Submission Form"

Essentially next month (January) Event Submission will open up. You then go and fill out the various forums, and submit them for each event you are running over the weekend. Players are then obligated to get tickets for the event / turn in generic tickets. You in turn hand over those tickets to the Gencon folks after your event has run. There's a bunch of paperwork involved on both the front end and back end.

Hope that helps.

I'll be there for sure.

Gen Con event submission is next month - I am so not ready. <cry>

dwolf52000 said:

Gen Con event submission is next month - I am so not ready. <cry>

It's amazing what you can come up with in short time. We have more notice for this (Gencon Event Reg) then I did two years ago when I had to book the World Championships for the Raw Deal PC.

You'll be fine.

Personal Suggestion:

Book many tournaments:

Standard (5 pointed star only)
Legacy (Everything and the kitchen sink)
Standard Teams
Legacy Teams

+ some fun events - Perhaps a 3+4 star watermark, or a 4 star only, or a No Block cards legacy event, or a 6x10, or Highlander, or... The list goes on.
Those will generally be "throw away" tournaments that you book for a 2 hour slot.

Oh - if you want to do a Wandering Master event similar to what was done this past year - I bought all the chits off FFG for the Wandering Master event we did at C4 back in October. That being said - I have a large enough amount of chits to be able to do wandering master again this year, and hopefully give away the remainder of the chits. The only catch is that they've all got the 2009 date, so people who have kept their chits from last year, might be able to "cheat" the system. At the same time - these tournaments should be for fun (Unless someone actually owns the licence, and then it's a completely different story) so if someone really needs to cheat that badly...

I expect that the # of people attending will be down from the 86. The realist in me says "Unless the game is actively in print, you won't get more then 32 players per event". Based on 32 players, you need 6 rounds of swiss, you could probably get by with less like 4, and then cut to a top 16.

*Before people start saying "That's too big of a top cut, and too few swiss rounds" Gencon bases the individual ticket price for the event base on "length of time before a player is eliminated." Once you go to "cuts" players are officially eliminated, thereby allowing you to reduce the length of your event, and reduce the ticket price to enter. If you announce it as one way up front, but then change it due to turn out at the show, it won't change the ticket price.

For Raw Deal we tried to keep the entry fee for each event to about $2 per tournament so it was as cheap as possible.

The more events that you run, the more "game hours" you have. The more game hours, and the larger the player base, the more GM passes that you get comped.

Expect that unless you get a godly size of an event, only one person will be able to have their hotel room comped. (They give 25% of a hotel room cost, because they expect GMs to huddle up 4 to a room). To maximize the hotel comp, especially if you're planning on Staying Wednesday into Thursday, ensure you book an event at like 11am Thursday morning. Make it a throw away event so even if there's no attendance, you still had a reason to stay overnight.

If you don't book your first event until after 2pm on Thursday you won't qualify for hotel reimbursement, because they figure you can just magically teleport there on Thursday.

For real, I seriously hope we have a gencon event still...

Thanks Antigoth, that is all great information. I will see what we can do and hopefully we can have a great event next GenCon.