Joining the adventure in mid of the campaign.

By eljolly, in Road to Legend


Road to legend is a lot of fun. We all tested that.

I started a new run on RtL with 3 heroes. But then another friend of mine wanted to join forces with us when we were already in the third main quest!

The fact is, there is no option on the RtL app that makes you add another hero in the adventure.

That forced us to run a simulation on the app of all the choices we made until the point we were ( with 4 heroes this time ). The only annoying thing was that we lost our equipement and we don't have the same exact ammout of gold.

Not a big problem actually. But do you think there should be a way to add members to the group on RtL?

( maybe by being in town ).

That would be nice. The other option would be to let players manually input the progress of a campaign. It would also help in the event of a corrupted save file or something like that. That would cover your dilemma as well, I think.

It would be nice to add and remove heroes in-between quests.