Alright, so I know that when you take Signature Wargear (Master) you can upgrade or replace the existing normal Signature Wargear, but what about when you gain access to higher Craftsmanship levels? If you have a Common Craftsmanship Signature Wargear and you reach Respected, and an Exceptional version of it is still under 20 Requisition, can you turn it in? Or, for a perhaps more commonly-occurring example, if you've got a Master Signature that you bought when you were Respected, and you reach Distinguished, can you turn it into a Master-Craftsmanship item, if it's still under the 40 limit?
If so, are said upgrades free? Or do you, for one mission, have to pay the cost in Req for the upgrade amount? Like if you've got an Exceptional Heavy Bolter, and you reach Distinguished, do you have to pay 10 Req the first time you take your shiny new Master-Crafted HB out for a spin?