Sorry to veer off-topic a little bit, but I found the card...Just not in template form:
Yeah. It looks awesome.
Sorry to veer off-topic a little bit, but I found the card...Just not in template form:
Yeah. It looks awesome.
nazoenigma said:
Sorry to veer off-topic a little bit, but I found the card...Just not in template form:
Yeah. It looks awesome.
Oooh I want it... How did you get the template going though? I smell a comeback..
See, that's the problem. I can't find the template.
The only think I can come up with doing is making a template, so...let me get back to you one that
retched said:
nazoenigma said:
Sorry to veer off-topic a little bit, but I found the card...Just not in template form:
Yeah. It looks awesome.
Oooh I want it... How did you get the template going though? I smell a comeback..
Love the look and layout of this card. Where can one get this template? One of the ideas my playgroup is kickin' around is to have a Thuggin' and Buggin' League, where you play yourself with the Current format. This looks awesome!
That also sounds pretty badass. How do you make yourself as a card?
And I'm trying to make a template as we speak. I just now got a mouse, so it should be a little better. All I have is paint, so when I'm done and I upload it, would somebody make it better?
EDIT: Okay...So...I can't make it. I'm not even sure how. I just wish I could find one online...
If anyone wants to try, I'd appreciate it. I'm still going to try though.
At least we now know what Paul was looking at in Financial Troubles...
Nyobari said:
At least we now know what Paul was looking at in Financial Troubles...
Best. comment. of. the. day.
i salute your genius *awesome*
Antigoth, I would like to be a part of your continuation if you would allow me to be. My e-mail is and get at me.
Ender Dragon said:
If you want me as a designer for the continuation, I'd love to do it.
My e-mail is
TripsEX said:
Antigoth, I would like to be a part of your continuation if you would allow me to be. My e-mail is and get at me.
I'll be honest - I'm not going to turn away anyone who wants to help. You're in dude.
Biggest thing that people can do - if you want to keep playing it - tell people that you're still in.
Nazoenigma - Awesome. Thanks dude... I think I'm going to start a thread about this.
Merry ******* Christmas, FFG. You should just sell the ******* game.
No problem. I'd hate to see this game die.
I have ideas that I'm designing cards for now, incedentally.
I figure I'm gonna do some new Tekken characters, Street Fighter 4 (Because my group really wants to see them) and Probably Arcana Hearts.
I would like to know what others would like to see though.
(I personally would vote for Mortal Kombat, but no one but me seems to like it)(
i am soooooo sad!! i love this game. and now im being told it is dead!! there has to be another way to get it back! this is ******* bull!!! **** it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well. i guess ill see all u ufs players around. time for me to stick with gay ass yugioh!
Hello everyone.
As you all know by now, UFS has been canceled. I was unaware of this and have put in many many hours of work to this point to help FFG with their game, which I also love. At this point it is hard for me to say if we will still be doing a pro tour. Please leave me your insight. I will let you vote on either continuing the pro tour this year, or holding one last major event in each country. I personally thought that UFS was in the best condition it had ever been in. I was shocked to find out that it will be discontinued, but as you are aware, I am a very determined fighter for the game. so...
Can we bring it back to life? I was already interested in using my own money to print UFS Pro Tour only promo cards. Now it looks like I might have to pick up the license and rights to UFS all together. I am going to talk to Steve tomorrow the 22nd and see if this is feasible. He said we have 1,000 players. That is a better start than 0, which is what the game had when it was launched. Would you be for Jasco Games being the official publisher and organizer of UFS in the future? It would be the only game we are focused on and I would make vital changes to the distribution and management of the game. This is all theoretical, but if I have your support and even half of you are willing to contact me and let me know that you will help me and help the game, I will do everything in my power to revive it.Here is what I need:
E-mail me at and feel free to call me at 806-252-3404 (at reasonable hours)
In the message tell me 1- if you still want a pro tour and will attend, and 2- if you would help me revive UFS under our name?
Only you the players can decide if the game can continue, so I am leaving it up to you to contact every player you know to let me know that there is interest in this game enough for me to invest more than any one person ever should into a game.
This is my final call, If this does not work then I appreciate everything you have done to support me and to support the Universal Fighting System. It was great playing with all of you and I hope we meet again!
I will tally every message I get in support of Jasco Games getting the rights to UFS. 500 is my goal. I will let you know where we stand in a week, and please post your message in the next 2 weeks. PLEASE NO MULTIPLE MESSAGES! This will not help, it will just give me false numbers to go off of.
jasco games said:
Not to nitpick, but he said "significantly less than 1000 players."
That doesn't strike me as a positive number.
Antigoth- I would also like to be a part of this continuation, I know I was the troll and all, but I really did love UFS and would love to help.
As for continuing, I'm trying to set up legacy tournaments in the ATL region, just for a little bit. Then I figure the players will just get bored, but for now I have a few people on board.
Antigoth- I would also like to be a part of this continuation, I know I was the troll and all, but I really did love UFS and would love to help. My email is
As for continuing, I'm trying to set up legacy tournaments in the ATL region, just for a little bit. Then I figure the players will just get bored, but for now I have a few people on board.
In all honesty folks, a little part of me died today. Any of you guys who have met me (Alex Marco), or have even just seen me around, you know that i'm a guy with huge sense of humor and a big fan of joking around. All that aside, for once im gonna get serious on these boards. I started playing the game right after World Warriors had been released and i have to say it has been the best ride of my life. I had played a handful of TCGs/CCGs before starting UFS and all of them held a constant, they weren't enjoyable to play. I bounced from Pokemon to Yu-Gi-Oh to Duel Masters to VS System, and i never REALLY found myself enjoying them. That's when i found UFS and my outlook towards card games changed. Sure i was drawn to the idea of becoming a world champion and being made into a card, but the reason i stayed with UFS for as long as i did, through the bad times and the good, was because of the people i got to meet. I have never been apart of anything in my life beforehand that was more enjoyable; i loved being a member of the UFS community. UFS became more than just a card game for me, it was a way to make friends and travel and live life to the fullest. I never made it to the "big time" and my only "major win" came at a regional this past year but looking back i wouldn't change a minute of it. I saw in this thread that there was gonna be some second guessing of FFG's actions so im gonna do some of that now. I dont want to come off as harsh, im still really stricken by this news, but all i want to do right now is express my opinion.
Where FFG succeeded:
I can't continue on without expressing my opinion on things that i think FFG did to improve this game. The first is them actually purchasing the game from STG and giving UFS a chance at a longer life. It's easy to forget that without FFG we would have lost UFS years ago. I also must applaud them for keeping on people from the previous regime of STG, such as Steve Horvath. FFG also made a wise choice by hiring James Hata to be the lead desinger of UFS in 2008, honestly i really thought the game had a fighting chance to match up with the other big CCGs after this happened. Sadly though this ends the good things i have to say about the UFS/FFG relationship.
What FFG could have done better:
Im not gonna say that FFG failed anywhere with UFS because i think such judgement is rather harsh and even unfair. There were plenty of well-established games out there that UFS had to compete with and FFG did try to make them a contender. Had FFG had more capitol and resources in their hands they may have had a better shot at pushing UFS over the top. But now to get back on topic. I kept this opinion to myself for a long time but its time to share it; i had hoped when the game fell into the hands of FFG they would REMOVE the set rotation system and instead had a much larger and constantly changing ban list (much like Yu-Gi-Oh, which is also the only think i like about Yu-Gi-Oh). The problem with rotation in my eyes was it drastically decreased the size of the card pool players could make decks from. Keeping the game fresh always seemed to FFG's primary priority, but i believe having set rotation was a step in the wrong direction. Next is one i know everyone will agree on: prize support. The prize support system under FFG was, in a word, AWFUL. Local tournaments were almost not worth playing in at times due to the fact that a month's prize kit was severely lacking. And even at major events, like Nationals and Worlds, prizes weren't anything to get excited about. I mean an uncut sheet or an art print is a cool collectible, but it doesn't make for very exciting prize support. Lastly, the accessibility to power cards was poor under FFG's banner, and STG's at times too. Power cards often were few and far between in boxes, i refer to going through a box and only finding ONE Ka Technique or ONE Chain Throw. The biggest example of this, in my eyes, was the PotM event. In a way many players were punished because their financial standing prevented them from getting even a single copy of arguably the best power card ever printed.
Where I go from here:
The game may be belly-up, but that doesn't mean im gonna stop playing it. It was mentioned earlier that a dead game means cheaper product. Granted that product does now have a finite amount since its not being made anymore, but still i am drawn by the idea of being able to get cards for dirt cheap now. Im gonna try to keep the game alive in my area and i GREATLY encourage everyone else out there to do the same. And who knows, maybe a Christmas miracle will happen and another company will pick up the game. For anyone who wants to keep in touch with me ill be posting my contact info below, don't hesitate to me a line in the future.
Alex Marco
I also have a Facebook under the name Alex Marco (FYI its NOT the one with the pic of the Joker as the profile pic.)
Stay classy friends and let the Universal fighting continue....
Told ya so.
Told ya so that UFS was dying. The clues were there.
Told ya so that CCGs were just extra green in the pocket for FFG.
Now if we can only get another company to pick up UFS and make it into a real winner with real handling and real ambition.
Where to go from here? Work on my MMA and play video games like everyone else.
Final Fantasy 8 is on the PlayStation Network. I think a No-Lvl game will consume some time...
Antigoth said:
I've known the game was in trouble for quite some time. I was always trying to focus people on being productive, and using all the negative energy positively. I even admitted the doomsayers were right
Hiding behind sarcasm only to come back and say "Yeah I was right the whole time" isn't very respectable.
Your oneupsmanship is easily read, sir.
The fight is never over.
Just gonna say I have absolutely no problems with another company picking UFS back up.
TRYING to revive the game is better than not, so any company picking it up is better than none, especially given that these last few sets can server as inspiration for how to design the cards, since THAT part was overall well resounded and liked, just clearly FFG must've messed up on other parts that could be improved.
Anyone want to buy my cards cheap?
Well, what can I say?
I'm sad this morning, but not really that shocked - the game has been struggling for a while now, and sometimes the tough decisions need to be made. I remember when I was at STG and we had to cancel WarCry, the discussions we had were long, deep and meaningful, and I don't doubt the same has been had for UFS.
Whilst FFG have had a tough time getting UFS off the ground, the at least tried - had they not bought UFS from GW then the game would have died a long time ago, and we wouldn't have got the, in my opinion, best sets of cards that have been produced. Which leads me to my main thanks: To James Hata.
You Sir, have done wonders for this game - the sets you've produced for UFS were quite simply the best sets we've seen - the current (and final) block of cards, from SW/SCIV onwards is the best environment I've played in, and so credit to your - I hope you go onto bigger and better things.
I intend to still be a part of this game, in whatever way it keep going. Antigoth - you've got my contact details already, keep me posted as things develop okay?