FFG Deluxe Storage Box!...please?

By Dr. Nocturne, in Mansions of Madness

Ok, so as a long time MoM player, like many of you, I think we can agree that one of the biggest problems with this and many other games like it is STORAGE.

I have seen some great solutions to this and have tried my hand at fixing my problem as well. While creating your own dividers and such out of foam core or whatever other material you can use, I'd much rather pay for a FFG official MoM storage box .

It's clear that FFG has listened to our comments and criticisms with the first game. We all feared the game was dead but thankfully we were wrong. I hope they see the need now for a real storage solution.

I want to paint my minis, keep my cards sleeved and organized, pieces too. I really don't like the idea of paying $100 (or more for expansions) then simply throwing it all back in the box. Again, I've seen some great and innovative solutions but that takes a lot of time and effort and not to mention usually multiple boxes for every expansion or POD scenarios.

I hope we can gain enough attention with this topic that FFG will consider creating a large box just for organizing and storing our beloved game.

What do you guys think? What are some potential problems or possibilities with this idea?


While it would be nice, how would they account for future expansions before knowing how much extra stuff will eventually be released.

Thats always a problem when making custom storage solutions.

That's what I was thinking as well. Is it too naive to think they could consider all the possible expansions and account for this in the custom box?

How big would this thing be?

That's what I was thinking as well. Is it too naive to think they could consider all the possible expansions and account for this in the custom box?

How big would this thing be?

Hopefully just smaller than 3500 sq ft ... your basic 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Malibu beach house. :P :D :lol:

That's what I was thinking as well. Is it too naive to think they could consider all the possible expansions and account for this in the custom box?

How big would this thing be?

Imagine the shock of fans if they claimed this and then the box was small.... Huh!!! What about all our content!!!!!


I emailed go7gaming and they said this game is toward the top of their list for making an insert.

See I thought the opposite on this one. Everything except the minis fit in this box and I'm using all of 2nd edition and 1st edition tiles. Minis are in a seperate foamed case (since painted). All of the tokens fit easily in a standard Plano box. This was one of my easiest to organize.

I've currently got my tiles, cards, dice, tokens, and medium-large sized based figures in my main MoM 2nd edition box, with the small based minis organized in the MoM 1st edition box. I might be able to cut that down to the Call of the Wild box, but I like having the two core boxes on display when I travel. There's a lot of headroom, though...

I think you could make some pretty innovative storage solutions for this... but again, that core problem of not knowing how many expansions there will be is a problem.

These are all great insights. Love the discussion here. I laugh to myself thinking how big this box actually would have to be. But then again, maybe it could work.

I emailed go7gaming and they said this game is toward the top of their list for making an insert.

That would be awesome to see! Even then, I'm sure you'll need multiple boxes like we are all doing now.


Dust Tactics (1st one) had a decent size box. I wonder if we could cram everything into something like that. I know they have since downsized in their revised edition.

Well feel free to post your guys' solutions on here. Let's keep this possibility alive.

I would strongly consider a FFG 'GIANT' box/crate :)