Adepta Sororitas General Discussion

By Servant of Dante, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

+ If it's about the Adepta Sororitas, the Ecclesiarchy, or interactions with the same, it's on topic! +

Although I can't promise to be happy if you start bashing them

This topic is primarily for when I, or anyone else, ends up derailing another user's topic with talk of the Sisters and their friends. Just drop a link in the topic to this page, and continue your discussion here. This way, we don't bother those who do not wish to hear of the Glorious Orders of the Adepta Sororitas, and, more importantly, we don't derail other users' discussions with off-topic conversation.

Alternatively, just post whatever Sisters-related topic is on your mind here. ^_^

The first off-topic discussion I'm hoping to move here started at this post .

Well, I was just joking about the exorcist being in 99 lift balloons. The big firey explosions made me wonder, though...

As for the patterns of Exorcist, I shall consult the archives (In my case that means the 2nd, 3rd, and current codices), but I'd like to have Lynata's input on that one. Unfortunately, she's indisposed at the moment, so I'll just see if I can find anything about what you said.

well better move this here then:

What I think of every time I see that exorcist tank:



They do make Repentia models, I have a full squad, it's just that they are a little too naked. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if one of the sculpts didn't literally have a fleur-de-leis pastie. I mean, come on. That's obviously not consistent with the fluff, and is just feeding the people who want to sexualize Sisters.

They could have done Repentia better, in my opinion, without changing any of the fluff. Oh well.

In my case, it resulted in the rather interesting idea that the Sisters of the Order of the Glorious Reprisal believe that if you have committed a serious offence against the Emperor, you are not worthy to fight in His name, so they stick you in the bowels of a voidship and make you do dangerous work.

They do make Repentia models, I have a full squad, it's just that they are a little too naked. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if one of the sculpts didn't literally have a fleur-de-leis pastie. I mean, come on. That's obviously not consistent with the fluff, and is just feeding the people who want to sexualize Sisters.

On it's own it wouldn't be that bad, as that leaves you with berzerker nuns witch chainsaws (Now there's a grindhouse movie I'd watch!) but did they really needed the sister superior (?) dualwielding whips ?

"You are all naughty, naughty girls! And you can have some to, xenos filth!"

Edited by Robin Graves

I've decided to homebrew my own order of adepta sororitas , just for the h*ll of it really. They are a small remote order but they seem almost to make a point of hunting down space marine chapters that have become corrupted in body and/or spirit. Odly enough it seems the sisters know of this corruption way before any other imperial organisations do.

If you meet the minimum requirements for content, I could have it added to the Tabula Sororitas over on the Bolter & Chainsword.

Ah an argument over Sisters. Excuse me while I get settled in.

Can't say I'm a fan of repentia personally, I just don't seem to like them that much. I personally enjoy the old versions of Seraphim with their exclusive version of the Hit and Run rule to allow them easy withdrawal. Before the new codex their codex specific rule overrides the general rule. Drop them into a hoard, twin handflamers, assault, withdraw before being nuked.

If you meet the minimum requirements for content, I could have it added to the Tabula Sororitas over on the Bolter & Chainsword.

Sweet! Altough that might get an entire site mad at me, depending on how heretical my ideas really are.

I told you once about Alpha Legion SoB's right? (straight from the Robinverse where everyone is alpha legion ;) )

This is my more serious reworking of that idea. So far In my fluff they aren't exactly stated to be working with the AL, but...

Oh yeah for those not in the know of the Alpha legion :

In the Horus Heresy novel "legion" it is revealed that the AL were aproached at the eve of Horus rebellion by a kabal of xenos, who had a plan for the final destruction of chaos. (In short, let chaos win so hard that it burns itself out.) Alpharius somehow reckognizing teh Emperor's plan is to rid the galaxy of chaos decides that "to win is to loose, to loose is to win" and joins with chaos in order to make sure Horus wins and chaos burns itself out. As we all know things went a bit differently and now the AL true loyalty are anyone's guess. My Order of adepta sororitas runs on the idea that the AL are still loyal (in their own weird way) to the Emperor and have a mysterious plan to bring about the final downfall of chaos

And bear in mind, this is without having fully read the SoB codex (Lynata is gonna kill me) so it's still a work in progress. What follows is all the background fluff i got so far:

Comments are welcome (even if they will probably be cries of "heresy!") :)

so here goes:


Sisters serpenta

Founded as the Order Geanesis. (The order of Beginings) on the planet Ouroboros.

Renamed to Order Serpenta after the martyrdom, death and resurrection of St. Alfya.

All battle sisters have a electoo/ tatoo of a serpent on their right forearm and a dagger on their left forearm. The traditional and cimbolic greeting is to hold up up the right arm and cross it with the left arm, dagger over serpent, making a slicing movement across the right one , symbolising the slaying of evil. Done the other way, serpent on dagger, is a secret greeting amongst those of the inner circle.

The order Serpenta works closely with Imperial missionaries of the Ecclesiarchy.

Especialy the Friars of Thulsa: Missionaries who are sent to worlds that have lost the light of the Emperor, where they mingle with the populace and incite riots and rouse the populace against heathen rulers, so that when the crusade armies of the imperium reach those benighted worlds, they find the enemy already at war with the faithfull.

St .Alfya

St. Alfya was the 20th Cannoness of the Order Geanesis.

Fighting on Adamstuin, a world besieged by the forces of chaos; Alfya led a counter charge in the enemy held highlands and was seperated from her fellow sisters and imperial guard auxilleries, when she was visited by, what she described as, an "Avatar of the Emperor" . She was granted visons and notions of the true nature of evil and loyalty. When the visons faded, the avatar was gone and she was surrounded by the enemy.

She was captured and dragged to the besieged Aplaz gate of Mälum hive that the sisters were holding against the foe. There she was flayed alive in front of the horrified imperial defenders. Then the miracle happened. To the wonder and horror of all who beheld her: Her flayed form broke free from her bonds and, gripping the raw glistening flesh of her face, she pulled... revealing unblemished skin underneath. The warlord and his chaos warriors were struck paralyzed with awe and confusion. Whole of body once more, Alfia quickly grabbed the sword of the chaos warlord from it's scabbard and with one stroke decaptated him, before laying upon her foes like a whirlwind of doom. It is this act that caused the chaos host to rout and broke the siege of Mälum hive.

St. Alfya has been credited with many powers, including the "Shedding of the skin" resurection, and superhuman speed and martial skill. But also with seemingly impossible knowledge.

On the rebel world of Megiddion, the rebels had retreated into ancient fortifications believed to be built by the astartes of an unspecified legion somewhere prior to, or during, the heresy. The imperial forces were bogged down in a bloody stalemate as the fortress seemed to be wholy impregnable.

St. Alfya displayed knowledge of secret weapon caches, hidden pathways and unknown weapons in the superstructure of the fortress. She led her sisters trough a series of hidden pathways into the center of the enemy stronghold and brought an end to the rebellion. Warmaster Yoannes would later remark that it seemed as if she knew the place as if she had been there before. (In fact she was given that information my marines who had been present when that fortress was built, 10.000 years ago during the heresy.)

St.Alfya has also led her order in several (pre-emptive) strikes against loyalist space marine chapters and other imperial forces. These strikes have so far proved completly devastating as they cought the astartes totally of guard. When called into account about their actions, the sisters Serpenta have always provided evidence of the chapter's hidden corruption: often in the case of mutations or coruption of the geneseed to proof of heresy and sedition or the intent thereof. Asked how the sisters came about the information upon wich they act, St. Alfya simply stated: "The Emperor showed me their sins, he told me their secret. None can hide from Him on earth." (The truth is that the evidence is entirly fabricated, including the planting of corupted geneseed. The true motives for striking against certain chapters remains a secret outside the inner circle.)

St. Alfya is commonly refered to as the "Omega" or "The End" After her quote of ; "The Emperor is the beginning, and I'm the end of heretics." She's also called "The Emperor's executioner".

(Left dubious as to her being an executioner working for the Emperor, or being the one who will execute the Emperor.)

St. Alphya is shown fighting with a power sword , the Yigthian Blade, and what is assumed to be a small pattern of boltgun. However some scholars amongst the mechanicum and munitorum have theorised this to be a (repurpossed) heresy era astartes bolt pistol. (This is true, it has occasionally been noted that some of the sister's wargear and weapons are of an impressive age and consists of paterns and variants not seen since the days of the heresy.)

St.Alfya is commonly depicted holding a serpent in her right hand and a blade in her left hand, about to strike the serpent dead. (The injoke her is that the strike never comes, the blade never falls.)

Well, collaborating with anyone who fought against the Emperor, or even believing that a traitor legion is secretly loyal, is heresy in my book, but all that aside, this is an incredibly interesting idea. That's the first time I've said that about what I would call "Fallen Sisters," since their actions are entirely heretical.

As long as you realize that this kind of thing wouldn't actually happen (I mean, there's no way the rank and file Sisters know about the heresy their leaders commit, like how only the inner circle of the DA know about the fallen. The only way it would work is to corrupt Sisters as they are promoted to Superiors, and kill the large, large portion of Sisters that you attempt to induct to your inner circle that refuse to go along with such heresy. I guess you might manage, but dang.

Still, interesting idea.

So, to sum up, I don't like to think that this would really be possible given the indoctrination all Sisters go through from birth practically, all of it is heresy, although, siting the example of the entire body of the Brides of the Emperor during the Reign of Blood, those Sisters who the higher-ups kept in the dark as to the heresy they where committing might be let off after a though vetting process by the Ordo Hereticus, and then by the Adepta Sororitas. Even for all that, it is interesting.

I'd be dubious that you would be able to come up with a plausable way for this corruption, for corruption it is, to start.

Just my thoughts, thanks for sharing.

Yes I'm gonna (have to) scrap the inner circle. To dark angel to btw. I like to think of the sisters as still (believing themselves to) be the good guys gals who are now involved in a secret war playing on a very direct Emperor-vs chaos level and the imperium is at large expendable to a degree. Those snake and dagger symbols are now to acknowldge when they meet with hidden (AL?) operatives. Operatives who could be disguised as Ecclesiarchy members, accolytes and even inquisitors.

Also keep in mind, none of them have technically forsaken the Emperor. ;) They are still loyal, albeit a bit more "unconventional".

They now also have their own themse song : :D

Yes I'm gonna (have to) scrap the inner circle. To dark angel to btw. I like to think of the sisters as still (believing themselves to) be the good guys gals who are now involved in a secret war playing on a very direct Emperor-vs chaos level and the imperium is at large expendable to a degree. Those snake and dagger symbols are now to acknowldge when they meet with hidden (AL?) operatives. Operatives who could be disguised as Ecclesiarchy members, accolytes and even inquisitors.

Also keep in mind, none of them have technically forsaken the Emperor. ;) They are still loyal, albeit a bit more "unconventional".

They now also have their own themse song : :D

Ah, so the Alpha Legion is just tricking them into committing heresy. OK. Well, I feel bad for the Sisters. Regardless of what you say, purging innocent Astartes chapters is heresy, albeit unwitting heresy, since they where given what seemed like real evidence by what looked like an Inquisitor (if I am reading what you said correctly).

So they meet with these informants who are actually AL in disguise, who give them "proof" that a loyal astartes chapter is heretical, then the Sisters do the right thing and purge the Space Marines (although they should really talk to like the Prioress of the nearest Convent (Prioris or Sanctorum) first.

There is no innocence, only varying degrees of guilt, and these Sisters are a lot more guilty than they think they are.

Canonically, I can almost buy the AL tricking the order into thinking that these SMs are Heretics, and at the same time,convincing the Sisters not to check with anyone else before acting, but you're not going to convince me that their actions are not heretical, regardless of whether they are being duped.

They still need to be purged. :P

I found the bit Tanhauser was quoting about Ecclesiarch Thor I. He had the quote basically spot on. It's in the 2E SoB codex, page 36, in the first paragraph of the grey "Holy Relics" box. It seems to be more a comment on the authenticity of all the supposed bones of Sebastian Thor, rather than a statement questioning whether he was human.

I will say it is a different look on an Adepta Sororitas. I could see how a minor order like the Order Serpenta , could have been lead astray by the Alpha Legion. Unfortantly that means that their fall from his Grace has been slow and very subtle. When the purge comes it going to be a surprise to the Order

I will say it is a different look on an Adepta Sororitas. I could see how a minor order like the Order Serpenta , could have been lead astray by the Alpha Legion. Unfortantly that means that their fall from his Grace has been slow and very subtle. When the purge comes it going to be a surprise to the Order

Don't worry about that! :D They will be forwarned. They will be prepared. They will be... waiting . ;)


But really, HERRESY!

I will say it is a different look on an Adepta Sororitas. I could see how a minor order like the Order Serpenta , could have been lead astray by the Alpha Legion. Unfortantly that means that their fall from his Grace has been slow and very subtle. When the purge comes it going to be a surprise to the Order

Don't worry about that! :D They will be forwarned. They will be prepared. They will be... waiting . ;)

That should be a interesting purge, SOB backed by Alpha Legion vrs SOB backed by Inquistoral Stormtroopers and other Imperial assets.

I will say it is a different look on an Adepta Sororitas. I could see how a minor order like the Order Serpenta , could have been lead astray by the Alpha Legion. Unfortantly that means that their fall from his Grace has been slow and very subtle. When the purge comes it going to be a surprise to the Order

Don't worry about that! :D They will be forwarned. They will be prepared. They will be... waiting . ;)

That should be a interesting purge, SOB backed by Alpha Legion vrs SOB backed by Inquistoral Stormtroopers and other Imperial assets.

And the grey knights standing on the sidelines going: "Yes! more blood to concecrate our armor!" :D

I'm gonna write up some characters for the sisters next. Biggest dificulty is gonna be keeping the snake puns out of it.

Edited by Robin Graves

I do hope you make Sister Plissken ;)

I do hope you make Sister Plissken ;)

That might actually work... :) I was actually going for a "Red Viper" game of thrones reference, turns out there is a species of viper called Russell's viper ( ) and Snake Plissken was played by Kurt Russell, soooo...

Just like an alpha legion plan... It all comes together! :D

Okay more heresy* comming at you! Hope you like it.

* actualy I have kept it down. The AL isn't even mentioned. But if you read between the lines, you'll find these sister have their own way of doing things:

Xanata, XXI Cannones of the Order Serpenta.

Sister Xanata became cannoness of the Order Serpenta after St. Alfya became a living saint.

She is an unbelievably cunning woman with a sharp analytical mind and an unfatomable talent for strategy and diplomacy. At her behest, the first sisters Praecips where formed.

A superb orator, she can incite whole populations into action, and any one who has heard her sermons finds it hard not be swayed by her fierce rethoric. Upon the imperial mining world of Petrus the sisters were locked in fierce combat with the Word bearers. The chaos space marines were few in number but they had with them swarms of fanatical cultists. The embattled sisters were slowly being driven back towards the central mining compound when Xanata made her speech to the cowering miners and their families. When the Word bearers and their cultists broke trough the defensive lines surrounding the compound they were assaulted by a small army of zealots, brandishing mining tools with the fury of rabid flagelants. Miners whipped up into a frenzy of devotion ran straight into the mobs of cultists with demolition charges strapped to their backs. Massive detonations blasted chaos marines, vehicles and dreadnoughts apart. Fewer than one in hundred survived the fighting but the sisters serpanta proved victorious.

" Magna imperator!"

Sister Ruselli , The Viper" , "The Red"

A battle sister famous for her skills in close combat and quick reflexes, earning her the nickname: "The viper." While defending an imperial world from the necrons, she partialy dodged a blast from a gauss flayer. Instead of killing her the beam stripped away her armor and the top layer of her skin (several cells deep) leaving her face and part of her torso partailly flayed. Fighting trough the intense pain she dispatched the necrons and only then allowed her wounds to be treated. No synthskin was available in the field hospital but the sisters hospitaler made do with a local variant: a plyable clear combi-plastic coating that sterilsed the tissue and prevented infection. Initially intended as a stopgap measure untill new skin could be grafted on her flesh. But Ruselli refused the grafts and preferes to keep her raw flesh exposed under the clear plastic as a reference to the miracle of St. Alfya. This earned her the new nickname "The Red". The fearsome visage of her face striking shock and awe in foes and allies alike.


Sister Colubrae, "The angel of absolution", "Our lady of sorrow."

Sister Colubrae is a truly ancient woman, her skin like wrinkled parchment, discoloured by the longlasting effects of xenos poisons and venom. One of the first sisters Praecips She has acted as a sister hospitaler with several imperial guard regiments during her long life. Her speciality in anistetics and soothing balms earned her her nickname from gratefull guardsmen.

Sister Colubrae was also an expert in the production and aplication of combat drugs. She was serving with the Anguis XVI th , when the dark eldar overran the guard base at Fort Nightingale. While outside the baricaded doors of the hospital wing a few brave guardsmen gave their life in defense of their wounded brothers, sister Colubrae worked frantically, on a solution of her own: A vicious cocktail of Slaught and other combat stimms, metabolism enhancers and pain supressors was injected into each of the wounded.

When the dark eldar broke in the medical ward they were beset upon by a ragtag band of walking wounded, oblivious to pain and pushed beyond rage by the combat drugs in their veins. A hideous fight errupted in that place of healing. Kabalite warriors fired envenomed rounds into frothing guardsmen to little effect. Patients howling in chemicaly enduced bloodlust rained blows with broken arms on the heads of the vile xenos. A wych disembowled a guardsman, but was then strangled by that same man with his own entrails before he collapsed from his wounds. Sister Colubrae herself fought like a woman possesed and took many stabs and shots of envenoumed blades and munitions. Gritting her teeth against the toxic elexirs coursing trough her body she herself slew the last of the dark eldar who had made it into the hospital wing.

"Believe in Him, and he shall take away the pain and fill your tired limbs with purpose."

The sisters Praecips (from praecipuum: boon or benefit)

While a minor order The sisters Serpenta consist mostly of battle sisters and act accordingly like an order Militant. Besides prayer and combat training, sisters who show aptitude in such matters are trained further in such diverse fields as medicae, encryption and translation, information gathering, and other skills. Some of these specialist sisters remain with the order serpenta, but most of them are sent out as missionaries and liasons with other imperial institutions. Sisters trained in the art of healing are sent to work as sisters Hospitaler with imperial guard regiments. Sisters with a knack for decoding serve in a smilar capacity as do the sisters of the order Dialogus, while others watch over the noble houses as do the orders Famulous. These are called the sisters Praecips. They are few in number but they carry the influence of the order Serpenta far and wide into the imperium. And should the order be destroyed, then it would be a very hard task indeed to track down and weed out each sister Praecips.

Edited by Robin Graves

I'm putting off reading this for now. I'm sorry.